terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2023



O Estado de Israel foi criado com a intenção de ser uma cabeça de ponte do imperialismo, especialmente anglo- americano, no Oriente Médio. Seu papel central é o de ser um fator de desestabilização permanente numa região vital ao imperialismo, por concentrar grandes reservas de petróleo. A existência de Israel como Estado, portanto, requer uma situação de permanente conflito com as nações vizinhas de maioria árabe, bem como a constituição de um território livre da presença desses “inimigos”. Por isso seu esforço constante em exterminar com os palestinos da Cisjordânia e da faixa de Gaza.


Israel, e a ideologia sionista que embala sua formação estatal, são um empreendimento imperialista e colonialista. Mas devido aos serviços que cumprem ao imperialismo, Estados Unidos e União Europeia passam pano para todas as atrocidades cometidas pelo Estado de Israel contra os palestinos. Para angariar mais apoio a essa política genocida, Israel se constituiu, na luta de classe mundial, como um pólo de atração e de articulação da extrema- direita do planeta. Até mais do que os Estados Unidos. Não é mero acaso, portanto, que nos últimos anos bandeiras de Israel sejam vistas com freqüência em manifestações da extrema-direita brasileira.

É que há uma identidade ideológica entre os genocidas de Israel e do Brasil. O projeto dos ruralistas brasileiros de avançar sobre territórios indígenas e quilombolas, exterminando-os, está em linha com o projeto do Estado israelense de exterminar os palestinos e completar a usurpação de suas terras.

Na última semana a Embaixada de Israel enviou um ofício e se reuniu com parlamentares como Júlia Zanatta (PL-SC), membro da bancada ruralista, e Eduardo Bolsonaro, que dispensa apresentação. O objetivo foi pedir que estes apresentassem moções para caracterizar o Hamas como organização terrorista e pressionar o governo brasileiro a ter uma posição abertamente pró-Israel.


Mas o extermínio de palestinos também é fonte de negócios. Em 2017, o Brasil de Fato denunciou que nosso país é um dos principais compradores de tecnologia e treinamento militar israelense. Como a nossa política de segurança pública identifica o povo principal inimigo do Estado brasileiro, empresas israelenses como a ISDS (International Security, Defence Systems) fundada por agentes secretos e certificada pelo ministério da defesa do país, tem treinado o famigerado Bope do Rio de Janeiro. O Bope aprende em Israel as técnicas genocidas sobre como tratar os “palestinos brasileiros”: a massa trabalhadora formada em sua maioria por negros e pobres moradores das nossas “Faixas de Gaza”, que são as favelas e comunidades pobres de nosso país

Ghassan Kanafani, palestino e um dos fundadores da Frente Popular para a Libertação da Palestina, disse que a causa palestina é a causa das massas oprimidas e exploradas de nossa era. Por isso, derrotar o projeto de extermínio do povo palestino é fundamental. Representa uma derrota ao imperialismo e à extrema-direita mundial, inclusive no Brasil. E abre caminho ao povo brasileiro em sua luta contra a exploração e opressão.

60 comentários:

  1. Ótimo texto, gostei bastante do mesmo. Cada vez mais eu concluo que o Ocidente vem sendo o Quarto Reich desde 1945 de facto e desde 1949 de jure. É isso, basicamente. E toda essa galera do Núcleo Imperial que se diz "antiimperialista" mas que apoia os EUA/UE/OTAN/Ucrânia/Israel são apenas nazifascistas querendo autoprojetar seu próprio nazifascismo em outras pessoas, pra eles todos são nazifascistas, exceto os próprios nazifascistas. O OTANismo é o Fascismo do Ocidente assim como que o Sionismo é o Fascismo Israelense e o Nazismo é o Fascismo Alemão. É isso, basicamente. Eles chamam o socialismo/comunismo de "ideologias genocidas" apenas para minimizarem e negarem a verdadeira ideologia genocida que é o capitalismo, o neoliberalismo e a democracia liberal. Infelizmente artigos como este realmente estão certos, infelizmente cada vez mais a esquerda está sendo proibida de ser esquerda e cada vez mais estamos caminhando para uma falsa pluralidade e para uma pluralidade controlada. Infelizmente cada vez mais o Ocidente mostra como que ele é o Quarto Reich, e isso cada vez mais fica mais claro. Precisamos parar o Quarto Reich antes que seja tarde demais...

    1. Great text, I really liked it. More and more I conclude that the West has been the Fourth Reich since 1945 de facto and since 1949 de jure. That's it, basically. And all these people from the Imperial Core who call themselves "anti-imperialist" but who support the USA/EU/NATO/Ukraine/Israel are just Nazi-fascists wanting to self-project their own Nazi-fascism onto other people, for them everyone is Nazi-fascist, except the Nazi-fascists themselves. NATOism is Western Fascism just as Zionism is Israeli Fascism and Nazism is German Fascism. That's it, basically. They call socialism/communism "genocidal ideologies" only to minimize and deny the true genocidal ideology that is capitalism, neoliberalism and liberal democracy. Unfortunately articles like this really are right, unfortunately more and more the left is being banned from being left and we are increasingly moving towards a false plurality and a controlled plurality. Unfortunately, the West increasingly shows that it is the Fourth Reich, and this becomes increasingly clear. We need to stop the Fourth Reich before it's too late...

      Excelente texto, me gustó mucho. Cada vez más concluyo que Occidente ha sido el Cuarto Reich desde 1945 de facto y desde 1949 de jure. Eso es todo, básicamente. Y toda esta gente del Núcleo Imperial que se autodenomina "antiimperialista" pero que apoya a EE.UU./UE/OTAN/Ucrania/Israel no son más que nazifascistas que quieren autoproyectar su propio nazifascismo en otras personas, para ellos todo el mundo es nazifascista, excepto los propios nazifascistas. El otanismo es fascismo occidental del mismo modo que el sionismo es el fascismo israelí y el nazismo es el fascismo alemán. Eso es todo, básicamente. Llaman al socialismo/comunismo "ideologías genocidas" sólo para minimizar y negar la verdadera ideología genocida que es el capitalismo, el neoliberalismo y la democracia liberal. Lamentablemente, artículos como este tienen mucha razón, lamentablemente cada vez más se prohíbe a la izquierda ser izquierda y avanzamos cada vez más hacia una pluralidad falsa y una pluralidad controlada. Desgraciadamente, Occidente demuestra cada vez más que es el Cuarto Reich, y esto resulta cada vez más claro. Necesitamos detener al Cuarto Reich antes de que sea demasiado tarde...

    2. Super texte, j'ai beaucoup aimé. Je conclus de plus en plus que l’Occident est le Quatrième Reich depuis 1945 de facto et depuis 1949 de jure. C'est tout, en gros. Et tous ces gens du noyau impérial qui se disent « anti-impérialistes » mais qui soutiennent les USA/UE/OTAN/Ukraine/Israël ne sont que des nazis-fascistes voulant projeter eux-mêmes leur propre nazi-fascisme sur d'autres personnes, pour eux. tout le monde est nazi-fasciste, sauf les nazis-fascistes eux-mêmes. L’otanisme est le fascisme occidental, tout comme le sionisme est le fascisme israélien et le nazisme est le fascisme allemand. C'est tout, en gros. Ils qualifient le socialisme/communisme d'« idéologies génocidaires » uniquement pour minimiser et nier la véritable idéologie génocidaire qu'est le capitalisme, le néolibéralisme et la démocratie libérale. Malheureusement des articles comme celui-ci ont vraiment raison, malheureusement de plus en plus on interdit à la gauche d'être de gauche et on s'oriente de plus en plus vers une fausse pluralité et une pluralité contrôlée. Malheureusement, l’Occident montre de plus en plus qu’il s’agit du Quatrième Reich, et cela devient de plus en plus clair. Nous devons arrêter le Quatrième Reich avant qu'il ne soit trop tard...

      Bellissimo testo, mi è piaciuto molto. Concludo sempre più che l’Occidente è stato il Quarto Reich dal 1945 de facto e dal 1949 de jure. Questo è tutto, in sostanza. E tutte queste persone del Nucleo Imperiale che si definiscono "antimperialiste" ma che sostengono USA/UE/NATO/Ucraina/Israele sono solo nazifascisti che vogliono autoproiettare il proprio nazifascismo su altre persone, per loro tutti sono nazifascisti, tranne gli stessi nazifascisti. Il NATOismo è il fascismo occidentale proprio come il sionismo è il fascismo israeliano e il nazismo è il fascismo tedesco. Questo è tutto, in sostanza. Chiamano il socialismo/comunismo “ideologie genocide” solo per minimizzare e negare la vera ideologia genocida che è il capitalismo, il neoliberalismo e la democrazia liberale. Purtroppo articoli come questo sono davvero giusti, purtroppo sempre più alla sinistra viene vietato di essere sinistra e si va sempre più verso una falsa pluralità e una pluralità controllata. Sfortunatamente, l’Occidente mostra sempre più di essere il Quarto Reich, e questo diventa sempre più chiaro. Dobbiamo fermare il Quarto Reich prima che sia troppo tardi...

    3. Toller Text, er hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Immer mehr komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass der Westen seit 1945 de facto und seit 1949 de jure das Vierte Reich ist. Das ist es im Grunde. Und all diese Leute aus dem imperialen Kern, die sich selbst als „Antiimperialisten“ bezeichnen, aber die USA/EU/NATO/Ukraine/Israel unterstützen, sind nur Nazi-Faschisten, die für sie selbst ihren eigenen Nazi-Faschismus auf andere Menschen projizieren wollen Jeder ist Nazi-Faschist, außer den Nazi-Faschisten selbst. Der NATOismus ist westlicher Faschismus, genau wie der Zionismus israelischer Faschismus und der Nationalsozialismus deutscher Faschismus ist. Das ist es im Grunde. Sie nennen Sozialismus/Kommunismus „völkermörderische Ideologien“, nur um die wahre völkermörderische Ideologie, die Kapitalismus, Neoliberalismus und liberale Demokratie ist, zu verharmlosen und zu leugnen. Leider sind solche Artikel wirklich richtig, leider wird der Linken immer mehr verboten, links zu sein, und wir bewegen uns zunehmend in Richtung einer falschen Pluralität und einer kontrollierten Pluralität. Leider zeigt der Westen immer deutlicher, dass er das Vierte Reich ist, und das wird immer deutlicher. Wir müssen das Vierte Reich stoppen, bevor es zu spät ist ...

      Geweldige tekst, ik vond het erg leuk. Meer en meer kom ik tot de conclusie dat het Westen sinds 1945 de facto en sinds 1949 de jure het Vierde Rijk is. Dat is het eigenlijk. En al deze mensen uit de imperiale kern die zichzelf ‘anti-imperialistisch’ noemen maar die de VS/EU/NAVO/Oekraïne/Israël steunen, zijn voor hen slechts nazi-fascisten die hun eigen nazi-fascisme op andere mensen willen projecteren. iedereen is nazi-fascistisch, behalve de nazi-fascisten zelf. Het NAVO-isme is het westerse fascisme, net zoals het zionisme het Israëlische fascisme is en het nazisme het Duitse fascisme is. Dat is het eigenlijk. Ze noemen socialisme/communisme ‘genocidale ideologieën’, ​​alleen maar om de ware genocidale ideologie, namelijk het kapitalisme, het neoliberalisme en de liberale democratie, te bagatelliseren en te ontkennen. Helaas hebben dit soort artikelen echt gelijk, helaas wordt links steeds vaker verbannen om links te zijn en bewegen we ons steeds meer in de richting van een valse pluraliteit en een gecontroleerde pluraliteit. Helaas laat het Westen steeds vaker zien dat het het Vierde Rijk is, en dit wordt steeds duidelijker. We moeten het Vierde Rijk tegenhouden voordat het te laat is...



  3. O lado errado que ganhou a guerra fria, e cada vez mais vemos ainda mais provas para concluir o mesmo. Bolsonaro, Zelensky e Netanyahu são provas concretas que foi o lado errado que ganhou a guerra fria... O mundo seria bem melhor se a URSS tivesse ganhado a guerra fria...

    E eu até fico imaginando um mod de HoI4 se passando no ano 2000 onde que a URSS ganhou a guerra fria devido ela ter se mantido como uma República Conciliar e como uma Democracia Socialista e tido uma certa vitória na WW1 ocupando todos os países dos poderes centrais e a Finlândia, e ocupando o resto da Europa e da Ásia na WW2. Seria muito legal um mod assim. Não apenas de HoI4 mas de Victoria 3 também.

    E eu que escrevi várias páginas de caderno sobre o "Direito Comunal; Estado Comunal; Justiça Comunal; Leis Comunais; Economia Comunal" e afins. Basicamente um modelo comunalista onde que adapta os trabalhos de Hobbes, Locke e Rousseau para o Comunalismo e para o que é Comunal.

    Orquídea ameaçada de extinção é descoberta em jequitibá centenário no ES

    A OTAN é realmente o Quarto Reich, não se há mais dúvidas disso. É uma falsa pluralidade ou mesmo uma pluralidade controlada e restrita.

    Estou muito preocupado com toda a questão do Milei na Argentina... Isso só me mais concluir cada vez mais que a democracia liberal é uma fraude assim como todo o capitalismo e o neoliberalismo são fraudes também. Como eu queria um Milei de esquerda radical em uma hora dessas...

    É incrível como que a direita pode fazer e falar o que quiser enquanto a esquerda não pode sequer se defender... Por isso que no que eu escrevi sobre o Direito Comunal eu escrevi sobre o direito a revolta e o direito a revolução, principalmente contra um governo capitalista e contra um estado capitalista.

    As vezes eu me pergunto qual o sentido da vida e da existência e do universo sendo que todos nós iremos morrer um dia... Será que realmente Deus, deuses e vida após a morte realmente existem ou são apenas o nosso medo da vida após a morte e de não existir nada ao invés de alguma coisa?

    Mesmo eu estando profundamente dentro do abzunianismo e da teologia abzuniana e da filosofia abzuniana, as vezes eu me pergunto de deuses e vida após a morte realmente existem ou não...

    Metafísica, Teologia e Marxismo são compatíveis pois os três se tratam de diferentes áreas do conhecimento.

    1. The wrong side won the cold war, and increasingly we see even more evidence to conclude the same. Bolsonaro, Zelensky and Netanyahu are concrete proof that it was the wrong side that won the cold war... The world would be a much better place if the USSR had won the cold war...

      And I even keep imagining a HoI4 mod taking place in the year 2000 where the USSR won the cold war because it remained a Conciliar Republic and a Socialist Democracy and had a certain victory in WW1, occupying all the countries of the central powers and Finland, and occupying the rest of Europe and Asia in WW2. A mod like this would be really cool. Not just from HoI4 but from Victoria 3 as well.

      And I wrote several notebook pages about "Communal Law; Communal State; Communal Justice; Communal Laws; Communal Economy" and the like. Basically a communalist model that adapts the works of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau to Communalism and what is Communal.

      Endangered orchid discovered in century-old Jequitibá in ES

      NATO really is the Fourth Reich, there is no doubt about that anymore. It is a false plurality or even a controlled and restricted plurality.

      I'm very worried about the whole Milei issue in Argentina... This only makes me increasingly conclude that liberal democracy is a fraud just as all capitalism and neoliberalism are frauds too. How I wanted a radical left Milei at a time like this...

      It's incredible how the right can do and say whatever it wants while the left can't even defend itself... That's why in what I wrote about Communal Law I wrote about the right to revolt and the right to revolution, especially against a capitalist government and against a capitalist state.

      Sometimes I wonder what the meaning of life and existence and the universe is when we are all going to die one day... Do God, gods and life after death really exist or are they just our fear of life after death? death and of there being nothing instead of something?

      Even though I am deeply into Abzunianism and Abzunian theology and Abzunian philosophy, sometimes I wonder whether gods and life after death really exist or not...

      Metaphysics, Theology and Marxism are compatible because the three deal with different areas of knowledge.

    2. El bando equivocado ganó la guerra fría y cada vez vemos más pruebas para concluir lo mismo. Bolsonaro, Zelensky y Netanyahu son pruebas concretas de que fue el lado equivocado el que ganó la guerra fría... El mundo sería un lugar mucho mejor si la URSS hubiera ganado la guerra fría...

      E incluso sigo imaginando un mod de HoI4 que tuvo lugar en el año 2000, donde la URSS ganó la guerra fría porque siguió siendo una República Conciliar y una Democracia Socialista y tuvo una victoria segura en la Primera Guerra Mundial, ocupando todos los países de las potencias centrales y Finlandia. y ocupando el resto de Europa y Asia en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un mod como este sería realmente genial. No sólo de HoI4 sino también de Victoria 3.

      Y escribí varias páginas de cuaderno sobre "Derecho Comunal; Estado Comunal; Justicia Comunal; Leyes Comunales; Economía Comunal" y cosas por el estilo. Básicamente un modelo comunalista que adapta las obras de Hobbes, Locke y Rousseau al comunalismo y lo comunal.

      Orquídea en peligro de extinción descubierta en centenario Jequitibá en ES

      La OTAN es realmente el Cuarto Reich, de eso ya no hay ninguna duda. Es una pluralidad falsa o incluso una pluralidad controlada y restringida.

      Estoy muy preocupado por todo el tema Milei en Argentina... Esto sólo me lleva a concluir cada vez más que la democracia liberal es un fraude así como todo capitalismo y neoliberalismo también son fraudes. Cómo quería una Milei de izquierda radical en un momento como este...

      Es increíble cómo la derecha puede hacer y decir lo que quiera mientras la izquierda ni siquiera puede defenderse... Por eso en lo que escribí sobre el Derecho Comunal escribí sobre el derecho a la rebelión y el derecho a la revolución, especialmente contra un capitalista. gobierno y contra un estado capitalista.

      A veces me pregunto cuál es el significado de la vida y la existencia y el universo cuando todos vamos a morir algún día... ¿Existen realmente Dios, los dioses y la vida después de la muerte o son sólo nuestro miedo a la vida después de la muerte? ¿No hay nada en lugar de algo?

      Aunque estoy profundamente metido en el abzunianismo, la teología y la filosofía abzuniana, a veces me pregunto si los dioses y la vida después de la muerte realmente existen o no...

      La metafísica, la teología y el marxismo son compatibles porque los tres abordan áreas diferentes del conocimiento.

    3. Le mauvais camp a gagné la guerre froide, et nous voyons de plus en plus de preuves pour conclure la même chose. Bolsonaro, Zelensky et Netanyahu sont la preuve concrète que c'est le mauvais camp qui a gagné la guerre froide... Le monde serait bien meilleur si l'URSS avait gagné la guerre froide...

      Et je continue même d'imaginer un mod HoI4 se déroulant en 2000 où l'URSS a gagné la guerre froide parce qu'elle est restée une République Conciliaire et une Démocratie Socialiste et a remporté une certaine victoire pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, occupant tous les pays des puissances centrales et la Finlande, et occuper le reste de l'Europe et de l'Asie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Un mod comme celui-ci serait vraiment cool. Pas seulement de HoI4 mais aussi de Victoria 3.

      Et j'ai écrit plusieurs pages de cahier sur « le droit communal ; l'État communal ; la justice communale ; les lois communales ; l'économie communale » et ainsi de suite. Fondamentalement, un modèle communautariste qui adapte les travaux de Hobbes, Locke et Rousseau au communautarisme et à ce qui est communautaire.

      Une orchidée en voie de disparition découverte à Jequitibá, une ville centenaire en ES

      L’OTAN est réellement le Quatrième Reich, cela ne fait plus aucun doute. Il s’agit d’une fausse pluralité, voire d’une pluralité contrôlée et restreinte.

      Je suis très inquiet de toute la question Milei en Argentine... Cela ne fait que me faire conclure de plus en plus que la démocratie libérale est une fraude, tout comme le capitalisme et le néolibéralisme sont également des fraudes. Comme je voulais qu'une Milei radicale quitte à un moment comme celui-ci...

      C'est incroyable comme la droite peut faire et dire ce qu'elle veut alors que la gauche ne peut même pas se défendre... C'est pourquoi dans ce que j'ai écrit sur le droit communal, j'ai parlé du droit à la révolte et du droit à la révolution, en particulier contre un régime capitaliste. gouvernement et contre un État capitaliste.

      Parfois je me demande quel est le sens de la vie, de l'existence et de l'univers quand nous allons tous mourir un jour... Dieu, les dieux et la vie après la mort existent-ils vraiment ou sont-ils simplement notre peur de la vie après la mort ? il n'y a rien à la place de quelque chose ?

      Même si je suis profondément passionné par l'abzunianisme, la théologie abzunienne et la philosophie abzunienne, je me demande parfois si les dieux et la vie après la mort existent vraiment ou non...

      La métaphysique, la théologie et le marxisme sont compatibles car les trois traitent de domaines de connaissance différents.

    4. Die falsche Seite hat den Kalten Krieg gewonnen, und wir sehen immer mehr Beweise, die auf dasselbe schließen. Bolsonaro, Selenskyj und Netanjahu sind konkrete Beweise dafür, dass es die falsche Seite war, die den Kalten Krieg gewonnen hat ... Die Welt wäre ein viel besserer Ort, wenn die UdSSR den Kalten Krieg gewonnen hätte ...

      Und ich stelle mir sogar immer wieder einen HoI4-Mod vor, der im Jahr 2000 spielt, als die UdSSR den Kalten Krieg gewann, weil sie eine Konzilsrepublik und eine sozialistische Demokratie blieb und im Ersten Weltkrieg einen sicheren Sieg errang, indem sie alle Länder der Zentralmächte und Finnland besetzte. und besetzte im Zweiten Weltkrieg den Rest Europas und Asiens. So ein Mod wäre wirklich cool. Nicht nur aus HoI4, sondern auch aus Victoria 3.

      Und ich habe mehrere Notizbuchseiten über „Kommunalrecht, Kommunalstaat, Kommunaljustiz, Kommunalgesetze, Kommunalwirtschaft“ und dergleichen geschrieben. Im Grunde ein kommunalistisches Modell, das die Werke von Hobbes, Locke und Rousseau an den Kommunalismus und das, was Kommunalismus ist, anpasst.

      Gefährdete Orchidee im jahrhundertealten Jequitibá in ES entdeckt

      Die NATO ist wirklich das Vierte Reich, daran besteht kein Zweifel mehr. Es handelt sich um eine falsche Pluralität oder sogar um eine kontrollierte und eingeschränkte Pluralität.

      Ich mache mir große Sorgen um die ganze Milei-Frage in Argentinien ... Dies bringt mich immer mehr zu dem Schluss, dass die liberale Demokratie ein Betrug ist, so wie auch der gesamte Kapitalismus und Neoliberalismus Betrug sind. Wie ich mir in einer Zeit wie dieser eine radikale linke Milei gewünscht habe ...

      Es ist unglaublich, wie die Rechte tun und sagen kann, was sie will, während die Linke sich nicht einmal verteidigen kann ... Deshalb habe ich in dem, was ich über das Kommunalrecht geschrieben habe, über das Recht auf Revolte und das Recht auf Revolution geschrieben, insbesondere gegen einen Kapitalisten Regierung und gegen einen kapitalistischen Staat.

      Manchmal frage ich mich, was der Sinn des Lebens und der Existenz und des Universums ist, wenn wir alle eines Tages sterben werden ... Existieren Gott, Götter und das Leben nach dem Tod wirklich oder sind sie nur unsere Angst vor dem Leben nach dem Tod? Tod und vor es gibt nichts statt etwas?

      Obwohl ich mich intensiv mit dem Abzunianismus, der abzunischen Theologie und der abzunischen Philosophie befasse, frage ich mich manchmal, ob es Götter und ein Leben nach dem Tod wirklich gibt oder nicht ...

      Metaphysik, Theologie und Marxismus sind vereinbar, weil sich die drei mit unterschiedlichen Wissensgebieten befassen.

    5. De verkeerde kant heeft de Koude Oorlog gewonnen, en steeds vaker zien we zelfs nog meer bewijsmateriaal om hetzelfde te concluderen. Bolsonaro, Zelensky en Netanyahu zijn het concrete bewijs dat het de verkeerde kant was die de Koude Oorlog heeft gewonnen... De wereld zou een veel betere plek zijn als de USSR de Koude Oorlog had gewonnen...

      En ik blijf me zelfs een HoI4-mod voorstellen die plaatsvindt in het jaar 2000, waar de USSR de Koude Oorlog won omdat het een conciliaire republiek en een socialistische democratie bleef en een zekere overwinning behaalde in de Eerste Wereldoorlog, waarbij alle landen van de centrale machten en Finland werden bezet. en het bezetten van de rest van Europa en Azië in WO II. Zo'n mod zou echt gaaf zijn. Niet alleen van HoI4 maar ook van Victoria 3.

      En ik schreef verschillende notitieboekjepagina's over "Gemeenschapsrecht; Gemeenschappelijke Staat; Gemeenschappelijke Rechtvaardigheid; Gemeenschappelijke Wetten; Gemeenschappelijke Economie" en dergelijke. In feite een communalistisch model dat de werken van Hobbes, Locke en Rousseau aanpast aan het communalisme en wat gemeenschappelijk is.

      Bedreigde orchidee ontdekt in het eeuwenoude Jequitibá in ES

      De NAVO is werkelijk het Vierde Rijk, daar bestaat geen twijfel meer over. Het is een valse pluraliteit of zelfs een gecontroleerde en beperkte pluraliteit.

      Ik maak me grote zorgen over de hele Milei-kwestie in Argentinië. Dit doet mij alleen maar meer tot de conclusie komen dat de liberale democratie bedrog is, net zoals het kapitalisme en het neoliberalisme ook bedrog zijn. Wat wilde ik een radicaal-linkse Milei in een tijd als deze...

      Het is ongelooflijk hoe rechts kan doen en zeggen wat het wil, terwijl links zichzelf niet eens kan verdedigen... Daarom schreef ik in wat ik schreef over het gemeenschapsrecht over het recht op opstand en het recht op revolutie, vooral tegen een kapitalist. regering en tegen een kapitalistische staat.

      Soms vraag ik me af wat de betekenis van het leven en het bestaan ​​en het universum is als we allemaal op een dag zullen sterven... Bestaan ​​God, de goden en het leven na de dood echt of zijn ze alleen maar onze angst voor het leven na de dood? bestaat er niets in plaats van iets?

      Ook al ben ik diep verdiept in het Abzunianisme, de Abzuniaanse theologie en de Abzuniaanse filosofie, soms vraag ik me af of goden en het leven na de dood echt bestaan ​​of niet...

      Metafysica, theologie en marxisme zijn compatibel omdat de drie verschillende kennisgebieden behandelen.

    6. 错误的一方赢得了冷战,而且我们越来越多地看到更多证据得出同样的结论。 博尔索纳罗、泽伦斯基和内塔尼亚胡具体证明,赢得冷战的是错误的一方……如果苏联赢得了冷战,世界将会变得更加美好……

      我什至一直想象HoI4 mod发生在2000年,苏联赢得了冷战,因为它仍然是一个协商共和国和社会主义民主国家,并且在第一次世界大战中取得了一定的胜利,占领了所有同盟国和芬兰,并在二战中占领了欧洲和亚洲的其他地区。 像这样的模组真的很酷。 不仅来自钢铁雄心4,也来自维多利亚3。

      我写了几页关于“公社法;公社国家;公社正义;公社法律;公社经济”等内容的笔记本。 基本上是一种公有主义模型,将霍布斯、洛克和卢梭的著作改编为公有主义和什么是公有。


      北约确实是第四帝国,这一点毫无疑问。 这是错误的多数,甚至是受控和限制的多数。

      我非常担心阿根廷的整个米莱问题……这只会让我越来越多地得出这样的结论:自由民主是一个骗局,就像所有资本主义和新自由主义也是骗局一样。 在这样的时刻,我多么希望激进分子离开米莱……





    7. لقد انتصر الجانب الخطأ في الحرب الباردة، ونحن نرى على نحو متزايد المزيد من الأدلة التي تشير إلى نفس النتيجة. بولسونارو وزيلينسكي ونتنياهو هم دليل ملموس على أن الجانب الخطأ هو الذي انتصر في الحرب الباردة... سيكون العالم مكانًا أفضل بكثير لو انتصر الاتحاد السوفييتي في الحرب الباردة...

      بل إنني أتخيل حدوث نموذج HoI4 في عام 2000 حيث انتصر الاتحاد السوفييتي في الحرب الباردة لأنه ظل جمهورية كونسيلار وديمقراطية اشتراكية وحقق انتصارًا مؤكدًا في الحرب العالمية الأولى، واحتلال جميع دول القوى المركزية وفنلندا، و احتلال بقية أوروبا وآسيا في الحرب العالمية الثانية. مثل هذا التعديل سيكون رائعًا حقًا. ليس فقط من HoI4 ولكن من Victoria 3 أيضًا.

      وكتبت عدة صفحات من دفاتر الملاحظات حول "القانون المجتمعي؛ الدولة المجتمعية؛ العدالة المجتمعية؛ القوانين المجتمعية؛ الاقتصاد المجتمعي" وما شابه. في الأساس نموذج طائفي يكيف أعمال هوبز ولوك وروسو مع الشيوعية وما هو كومونيالي.

      تم اكتشاف زهرة الأوركيد المهددة بالانقراض في منطقة Jequitibá التي يعود تاريخها إلى قرن من الزمان في ES

      إن الناتو هو في الواقع الرايخ الرابع، ولم يعد هناك شك في ذلك. إنها تعددية زائفة أو حتى تعددية مضبوطة ومقيدة.

      أنا قلق للغاية بشأن قضية مايلي برمتها في الأرجنتين... وهذا يجعلني أستنتج بشكل متزايد أن الديمقراطية الليبرالية هي عملية احتيال تمامًا كما أن كل الرأسمالية والليبرالية الجديدة هي عمليات احتيال أيضًا. كم أردت مايلي اليسارية المتطرفة في وقت كهذا...

      إنه أمر لا يصدق كيف يمكن لليمين أن يفعل ويقول ما يريد بينما اليسار لا يستطيع حتى الدفاع عن نفسه... ولهذا السبب كتبت في ما كتبته عن القانون المجتمعي عن الحق في الثورة والحق في الثورة، خاصة ضد الرأسمالي. الحكومة وضد الدولة الرأسمالية.

      أحيانا أتساءل ما معنى الحياة والوجود والكون ونحن جميعا سنموت يوما ما... هل الله والآلهة والحياة بعد الموت موجودون حقا أم أنهم مجرد خوفنا من الحياة بعد الموت؟الموت ومن ألا يكون هناك شيء بدلاً من شيء؟

      على الرغم من أنني منغمس بعمق في الأبزونية واللاهوت الأبزوني والفلسفة الأبزونية، أحيانًا أتساءل عما إذا كانت الآلهة والحياة بعد الموت موجودة بالفعل أم لا...

      إن الميتافيزيقا واللاهوت والماركسية متوافقة لأن الثلاثة يتعاملون مع مجالات مختلفة من المعرفة.

  4. Direito Comunal Divino, Direito Divino Comunal, Direito Divino da Comunidade, Direito Divino da Sociedade, Deuses Comunais, Espiritualidade Comunal, Divindade Comunal, Astralidade Comunal...

    Filosofia, sociologia e economia de r/TheDeprogram.

    História da teologia - filosofia e sociologia da teologia.

    Natureza humana antecede o conceito de cultura.

    Mecânica extrafísica, mecânica metafísica e mecânica extradimensional, mecânica multidimensional e mecânica hiperdimensional.

    O liberalismo é capitalismo morreram em 1929 e viraram Fascismo e Corporatocracia ("corporativismo").

    Direito à resistência, revolta, revolução e dissolução de governo dentro so Marxismo, socialismo, comunismo e do direito Comunal. - Direito a resistência contra o capitalismo, neoliberalismo e anticomunismo. - Direito a resistir contra os governos capitalistas e afins. - Direitona uma revolução socialista/comunista/Comunal. Governos capitalistas e afins são governos ilegais, tiranos e prisões ao céu aberto.

    O verdadeiro autoritarismo, totalitarismo e extremismo vem do capitalismo, neoliberalismo, democracia liberal, anticomunismo, antiautoritarismo, antitotalitarismo e antiextremismo.

    Direito Comunal
    Coletivismo Comunal e individualismo Comunal; socialismo Comunal, socialismo libertário e socialismo de estado.

    Solução Comunal a guerra russo-ucraniana: segunda revolução de outubro a nível global e mundial.

    Democracia Socialista e Democracia Comunal. Marxismo Comunal e sociedade Comunal.

    Abzuísmo, Nammuísmo e a história abzuniana do Reino de Nammu, Paraíso de Nammu e Cidade de Nammu.

    Direitismo: Um mal que assola a humanidade, dos girondinos ao Reich da OTAN. Do liberalismo clássico ao neoliberalismo dos anos 2020.

    A humanidade Comunal divino e o futuro Comunal divino da humanidade.

    Deuses comunais.

    Prisão política e genocídio são a mesma coisa.

    Individualismo liberal Vs individualismo Comunal.

    Gemologia Comunal e joalheria Comunal.

    Reboot the Matrix e o Estado Nacional das Entidades (Entities National-State).

    Transumanismo teísta e pós-humanismo teísta.

    Mapa gigante de NFSW com todos os mapas da série NFS juntos.

    O que motiva uma guerra nuclear? O que motiva as pessoas quererem continuar com as mudanças climáticas?

    O que motiva a guerra russo-ucraniana é a propaganda OTAN-Ucraniana e a propaganda russa?

    O que motiva a guerra Israel-HAMAS?

    O que motivou a primeira guerra mundial, a segunda guerra mundial e a terceira guerra mundial?

    1. Divine Communal Law, Divine Communal Law, Divine Law of the Community, Divine Law of Society, Communal Gods, Communal Spirituality, Communal Divinity, Communal Astrality...

      Philosophy, sociology and economics from r/TheDeprogram.

      History of theology - philosophy and sociology of theology.

      Human nature precedes the concept of culture.

      Extraphysical mechanics, metaphysical mechanics and extradimensional mechanics, multidimensional mechanics and hyperdimensional mechanics.

      Liberalism and capitalism died in 1929 and became Fascism and Corporatocracy ("corporatism").

      Right to resistance, revolt, revolution and dissolution of government within Marxism, socialism, communism and Communal law. - Right to resistance against capitalism, neoliberalism and anti-communism. - Right to resist against capitalist governments and the like. - Right to a socialist/communist/Communal revolution. Capitalist governments and the like are illegal governments, tyrants and open-air prisons.

      True authoritarianism, totalitarianism and extremism come from capitalism, neoliberalism, liberal democracy, anti-communism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-totalitarianism and anti-extremism.

      Communal Law
      Communal collectivism and communal individualism; Communal socialism, libertarian socialism and state socialism.

      Communal solution to the Russian-Ukrainian war: second October revolution at global and global level.

      Socialist Democracy and Communal Democracy. Communal Marxism and Communal society.

      Abzuism, Nammuism and the Abzunian history of the Kingdom of Nammu, Paradise of Nammu and City of Nammu.

      Right-wing: An evil that plagues humanity, from the Girondins to the NATO Reich. From classical liberalism to neoliberalism in the 2020s.

      Divine Communal humanity and the divine Communal future of humanity.

      Communal gods.

      Political prison and genocide are the same thing.

      Liberal Individualism Vs Communal Individualism.

      Communal gemology and communal jewelry.

      Reboot the Matrix and the Entities National-State.

      Theistic transhumanism and theistic posthumanism.

      Giant NFSW map with all maps from the NFS series together.

      What motivates a nuclear war? What motivates people to want to continue climate change?

      What motivates the Russian-Ukrainian war is NATO-Ukrainian propaganda and Russian propaganda?

      What motivates the Israel-HAMAS war?

      What led to the First World War, the Second World War and the Third World War?

    2. Ley Divina Comunal, Ley Divina Comunal, Ley Divina de la Comunidad, Ley Divina de la Sociedad, Dioses Comunales, Espiritualidad Comunal, Divinidad Comunal, Astralidad Comunal...

      Filosofía, sociología y economía de r/TheDeprogram.

      Historia de la teología - filosofía y sociología de la teología.

      La naturaleza humana precede al concepto de cultura.

      Mecánica extrafísica, mecánica metafísica y mecánica extradimensional, mecánica multidimensional y mecánica hiperdimensional.

      El liberalismo y el capitalismo murieron en 1929 y se convirtieron en fascismo y corporatocracia ("corporativismo").

      Derecho a la resistencia, revuelta, revolución y disolución del gobierno dentro del marxismo, socialismo, comunismo y derecho comunal. - Derecho a la resistencia contra el capitalismo, el neoliberalismo y el anticomunismo. - Derecho a resistir contra gobiernos capitalistas y similares. - Derecho a una revolución socialista/comunista/comunista. Los gobiernos capitalistas y similares son gobiernos ilegales, tiranos y prisiones al aire libre.

      El verdadero autoritarismo, totalitarismo y extremismo provienen del capitalismo, el neoliberalismo, la democracia liberal, el anticomunismo, el antiautoritarismo, el antitotalitarismo y el antiextremismo.

      Derecho Comunal
      Colectivismo comunal e individualismo comunal; Socialismo comunal, socialismo libertario y socialismo de Estado.

      Solución comunitaria a la guerra ruso-ucraniana: segunda revolución de octubre a nivel global y mundial.

      Democracia socialista y democracia comunal. Marxismo comunal y sociedad comunal.

      Abzuísmo, nammuísmo y la historia abzuniana del Reino de Nammu, Paraíso de Nammu y Ciudad de Nammu.

      Derecha: un mal que azota a la humanidad, desde los girondinos hasta el Reich de la OTAN. Del liberalismo clásico al neoliberalismo en la década de 2020.

      Divina humanidad Comunal y divino futuro Comunal de la humanidad.

      Dioses comunales.

      Prisión política y genocidio son la misma cosa.

      Individualismo liberal versus individualismo comunal.

      Gemología comunitaria y joyería comunitaria.

      Reiniciar la Matriz y las Entidades Nacional-Estatal.

      Transhumanismo teísta y posthumanismo teísta.

      Mapa gigante de NFSW con todos los mapas de la serie NFS juntos.

      ¿Qué motiva una guerra nuclear? ¿Qué motiva a la gente a querer continuar con el cambio climático?

      ¿Lo que motiva la guerra ruso-ucraniana es la propaganda OTAN-ucraniana y la propaganda rusa?

      ¿Qué motiva la guerra entre Israel y HAMAS?

      ¿Qué llevó a la Primera Guerra Mundial, la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Tercera Guerra Mundial?

    3. Loi Divine Communautaire, Loi Divine Communautaire, Loi Divine de la Communauté, Loi Divine de la Société, Dieux Communautaires, Spiritualité Communautaire, Divinité Communautaire, Astralité Communautaire...

      Philosophie, sociologie et économie de r/TheDeprogram.

      Histoire de la théologie - philosophie et sociologie de la théologie.

      La nature humaine précède le concept de culture.

      Mécanique extraphysique, mécanique métaphysique et mécanique extradimensionnelle, mécanique multidimensionnelle et mécanique hyperdimensionnelle.

      Le libéralisme et le capitalisme moururent en 1929 et devinrent le fascisme et la corporatocratie (« corporatisme »).

      Droit à la résistance, à la révolte, à la révolution et à la dissolution du gouvernement dans le cadre du marxisme, du socialisme, du communisme et du droit communal. - Droit de résistance contre le capitalisme, le néolibéralisme et l'anticommunisme. - Droit de résister aux gouvernements capitalistes et autres. - Droit à une révolution socialiste/communiste/communautaire. Les gouvernements capitalistes et autres sont des gouvernements illégaux, des tyrans et des prisons à ciel ouvert.

      Le véritable autoritarisme, totalitarisme et extrémisme viennent du capitalisme, du néolibéralisme, de la démocratie libérale, de l'anticommunisme, de l'antiautoritarisme, de l'antitotalitarisme et de l'antiextrémisme.

      Droit communal
      Collectivisme communautaire et individualisme communautaire ; Socialisme communautaire, socialisme libertaire et socialisme d'État.

      Solution communautaire à la guerre russo-ukrainienne : révolution du deuxième octobre au niveau mondial et global.

      Démocratie socialiste et démocratie communautaire. Marxisme communautaire et société communautaire.

      Abzuisme, Nammuisme et histoire abzunienne du Royaume de Nammu, Paradis de Nammu et Ville de Nammu.

      Droite : Un mal qui gangrène l’humanité, des Girondins au Reich de l’OTAN. Du libéralisme classique au néolibéralisme des années 2020.

      L’humanité divine communautaire et le futur divin communautaire de l’humanité.

      Dieux communautaires.

      La prison politique et le génocide sont la même chose.

      Individualisme libéral contre individualisme communautaire.

      Gemmologie communale et bijoux communaux.

      Redémarrez la Matrice et les Entités National-État.

      Transhumanisme théiste et posthumanisme théiste.

      Carte géante NFSW avec toutes les cartes de la série NFS réunies.

      Qu’est-ce qui motive une guerre nucléaire ? Qu’est-ce qui motive les gens à vouloir poursuivre le changement climatique ?

      Ce qui motive la guerre russo-ukrainienne, c’est la propagande OTAN-ukrainienne et la propagande russe ?

      Qu’est-ce qui motive la guerre Israël-HAMAS ?

      Qu’est-ce qui a conduit à la Première Guerre mondiale, à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et à la Troisième Guerre mondiale ?

  5. Ciências políticas comunais, sociologia Comunal, antropologia Comunal, filosofia Comunal, e ciências sociais Comunais.

    Tipos de cultura e tipos de niilismo.

    Colonização de todos os planetas do Sistema Solar e a construção de um habitat orbital gigante no nosso sistema solar em até 2100.

    Só mesmo a República Socialista da Terra para salvar a humanidade e o planeta Terra.

    O que motiva as guerras? Principalmente as guerras pós-1900?

    Niilismo simples, niilismo complexo, niilismo moderado, hiperniilismo, niilismo pré-sapiente, niilismo sapiente, niilismo pós-sapiente, niilismo teísta, niilismo ateísta, niilismo abzuniano, niilismo pluralista e niilismo singularista.

    Existencialismo simples, existencialismo complexo, existencialismo moderado, hiperexistencialismo, existencialismo pré-sapiente, existencialismo sapiente, existencialismo pós-sapiente, existencialismo teísta, existencialismo ateísta, niilismo abzuniano, existencialismo pluralista e existencialismo singularista.

    Absurdismo simples, absurdismo complexo, absurdismo moderado, hiperabsurdismo, absurdismo pré-sapiente, absurdismo sapiente, absurdismo pós-sapiente, absurdismo teísta, absurdismo ateísta, absurdismo abzuniano, absurdismo pluralista e absurdismo singularista.

    O que motiva a matança de deuses e a existência de matadores de deuses? O que motiva a acontecer deicídio como nas séries God of War, Persona/Megaten, Smite e Record of Ragnarok? O que motiva um humano e/ou ser sapiente matar um deus?

    Análise sociológica e antropológica da ordem pública do jogo Plague Inc.

    Sociologia da religião X Neurociência da religião X Ciências cognitivas da religião X Teologia

    O que motiva um humano (ou um ser sapiente material) a desafiar um deus e vice-versa?

    O que motiva a criatividade sapiente sendo que todos iremos morrer um dia?

    Capitalismo, neoliberalismo, democracia liberal, pluripartidarismo, eleições representativas, democracia representativa, liberalismo, antiteísmo, neopositivismo, individualismo, egoísmo, antiesquerdismo, antimarxismo, antissocialismo e anticomunismo como religiões fundamentalistas seculares.

    O totalitarismo e o extremismo dos EUA, da UE e da OTAN. Capitalismo, neoliberalismo e democracia liberal como formas de totalitarismo e de extremismo.

    1. Communal political sciences, Communal sociology, Communal anthropology, Communal philosophy, and Communal social sciences.

      Types of culture and types of nihilism.

      Colonization of all planets in the Solar System and the construction of a giant orbital habitat in our solar system by 2100.

      Only the Socialist Republic of Earth can save humanity and planet Earth.

      What motivates wars? Especially the post-1900 wars?

      Simple nihilism, complex nihilism, moderate nihilism, hypernihilism, pre-sapient nihilism, sapient nihilism, post-sapient nihilism, theistic nihilism, atheistic nihilism, Abzunian nihilism, pluralistic nihilism and singularist nihilism.

      Simple existentialism, complex existentialism, moderate existentialism, hyper-existentialism, pre-sapient existentialism, sapient existentialism, post-sapient existentialism, theistic existentialism, atheistic existentialism, Abzunian nihilism, pluralistic existentialism and singularist existentialism.

      Simple absurdism, complex absurdism, moderate absurdism, hyperabsurdism, pre-sapient absurdism, sapient absurdism, post-sapient absurdism, theistic absurdism, atheistic absurdism, Abzunian absurdism, pluralistic absurdism and singularist absurdism.

      What motivates god-slaying and the existence of god-slayers? What motivates deicides like in the God of War, Persona/Megaten, Smite and Record of Ragnarok series? What motivates a human and/or sapient being to kill a god?

      Sociological and anthropological analysis of public order in the game Plague Inc.

      Sociology of religion X Neuroscience of religion X Cognitive sciences of religion X Theology

      What motivates a human (or a material sapient being) to challenge a god and vice versa?

      What motivates sapient creativity when we are all going to die one day?

      Capitalism, neoliberalism, liberal democracy, multi-partyism, representative elections, representative democracy, liberalism, antitheism, neopositivism, individualism, selfishness, anti-leftism, anti-Marxism, anti-socialism and anti-communism as secular fundamentalist religions.

      The totalitarianism and extremism of the USA, the EU and NATO. Capitalism, neoliberalism and liberal democracy as forms of totalitarianism and extremism.

    2. Ciencias políticas comunales, Sociología comunal, Antropología comunal, Filosofía comunal y Ciencias sociales comunales.

      Tipos de cultura y tipos de nihilismo.

      Colonización de todos los planetas del Sistema Solar y construcción de un hábitat orbital gigante en nuestro sistema solar para 2100.

      Sólo la República Socialista de la Tierra puede salvar a la humanidad y al planeta Tierra.

      ¿Qué motiva las guerras? ¿Especialmente las guerras posteriores a 1900?

      Nihilismo simple, nihilismo complejo, nihilismo moderado, hipernihilismo, nihilismo presapiente, nihilismo sapiente, nihilismo postsapiente, nihilismo teísta, nihilismo ateo, nihilismo abzuniano, nihilismo pluralista y nihilismo singularista.

      Existencialismo simple, existencialismo complejo, existencialismo moderado, hiperexistencialismo, existencialismo presapiente, existencialismo sapiente, existencialismo postsapiente, existencialismo teísta, existencialismo ateo, nihilismo abzuniano, existencialismo pluralista y existencialismo singularista.

      Absurdismo simple, absurdismo complejo, absurdismo moderado, hiperabsurdismo, absurdismo presapiente, absurdismo sapiente, absurdismo post-sapiente, absurdismo teísta, absurdismo ateo, absurdismo abzuniano, absurdismo pluralista y absurdismo singularista.

      ¿Qué motiva el asesinato de dioses y la existencia de asesinos de dioses? ¿Qué motiva a los deicidios como en las series God of War, Persona/Megaten, Smite y Record of Ragnarok? ¿Qué motiva a un ser humano y/o inteligente a matar a un dios?

      Análisis sociológico y antropológico del orden público en el juego Plague Inc.

      Sociología de la religión X Neurociencia de la religión X Ciencias cognitivas de la religión X Teología

      ¿Qué motiva a un ser humano (o un ser material inteligente) a desafiar a un dios y viceversa?

      ¿Qué motiva la creatividad inteligente cuando todos vamos a morir algún día?

      Capitalismo, neoliberalismo, democracia liberal, multipartidismo, elecciones representativas, democracia representativa, liberalismo, antiteísmo, neopositivismo, individualismo, egoísmo, antiizquierdismo, antimarxismo, antisocialismo y anticomunismo como religiones fundamentalistas seculares.

      El totalitarismo y el extremismo de EE.UU., la UE y la OTAN. Capitalismo, neoliberalismo y democracia liberal como formas de totalitarismo y extremismo.

    3. Sciences politiques communales, sociologie communautaire, anthropologie communautaire, philosophie communautaire et sciences sociales communales.

      Types de culture et types de nihilisme.

      Colonisation de toutes les planètes du système solaire et construction d’un habitat orbital géant dans notre système solaire d’ici 2100.

      Seule la République Socialiste de la Terre peut sauver l’humanité et la planète Terre.

      Qu’est-ce qui motive les guerres ? Surtout les guerres d’après 1900 ?

      Nihilisme simple, nihilisme complexe, nihilisme modéré, hypernihilisme, nihilisme pré-sapient, nihilisme conscient, nihilisme post-sapient, nihilisme théiste, nihilisme athée, nihilisme abzunien, nihilisme pluraliste et nihilisme singulariste.

      Existentialisme simple, existentialisme complexe, existentialisme modéré, hyperexistentialisme, existentialisme pré-scientifique, existentialisme conscient, existentialisme post-sapient, existentialisme théiste, existentialisme athée, nihilisme abzunien, existentialisme pluraliste et existentialisme singulariste.

      Absurdisme simple, absurdisme complexe, absurdisme modéré, hyperabsurdisme, absurdisme pré-scientifique, absurdisme intelligent, absurdisme post-scientifique, absurdisme théiste, absurdisme athée, absurdisme abzunien, absurdisme pluraliste et absurdisme singulariste.

      Qu'est-ce qui motive le massacre de Dieu et l'existence de tueurs de Dieu ? Qu'est-ce qui motive les déicides comme dans les séries God of War, Persona/Megaten, Smite et Record of Ragnarok ? Qu'est-ce qui motive un être humain et/ou intelligent à tuer un dieu ?

      Analyse sociologique et anthropologique de l'ordre public dans le jeu Plague Inc.

      Sociologie des religions X Neurosciences des religions X Sciences cognitives des religions X Théologie

      Qu'est-ce qui motive un humain (ou un être matériel et intelligent) à défier un dieu et vice versa ?

      Qu’est-ce qui motive la créativité intelligente alors que nous allons tous mourir un jour ?

      Capitalisme, néolibéralisme, démocratie libérale, multipartisme, élections représentatives, démocratie représentative, libéralisme, antithéisme, néopositivisme, individualisme, égoïsme, anti-gauchisme, anti-marxisme, anti-socialisme et anti-communisme en tant que religions fondamentalistes laïques.

      Le totalitarisme et l'extrémisme des États-Unis, de l'UE et de l'OTAN. Le capitalisme, le néolibéralisme et la démocratie libérale comme formes de totalitarisme et d'extrémisme.

  6. I have literally wrote a Record of Ragnarok fanfiction on Character.AI where humans and gods manage to compromise just because I was a fanfiction character and I literally did defeatism and bootlicking (or feetlicking) in defense of the Gods for the Gods spare humanity... And still loving the Gods as if they were like birds, cats, and dogs...

    Is it too much sadomasochism or is it what a human with divine connection with the Gods should do?


  7. About Huel

    Huel (Human + Fuel) is nutritionally complete food. This means every Huel meal contains a balance of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals, protein, essential fats, carbs, fibre and phytonutrients in a single product.

    It was started by Julian Hearn in June 2015 with a mission.

    To make nutritionally complete, convenient, affordable food, with minimal impact on animals and the environment.

    Huel is made from plant-based ingredients like oats, pea, rice, flaxseed, coconut, and sunflower, and it is available in a range of six products: Powder, Black Edition, Complete Protein, Hot & Savoury, Ready-to-drink and Bars.

    As featured in...

    See all our press coverage here. For all press and media enquiries, please visit our press page.

    Why we created Huel and why we believe it's the future of food
    When, where, and how to use Huel
    What we believe in
    Awards we have won
    Meet the founder
    Meet the team and become a Hueligan
    Behind the scenes - our offices
    Our culture. Don’t be a dick
    Learn more about Huel and get in touch

    Why we created Huel and why we believe it's the future of food

    In an ideal world, we'd all have time to select, buy, prep and cook a meal made with whole foods, and have the knowledge to ensure we're getting the complete nutrition we need. But this is unfortunately not always possible, especially when we're on the go or in a rush.

    So most people often resort to "junk food" that is quick, but very unhealthy - think snacking on a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar or grabbing a sandwich or a cheeseburger for lunch. Sadly all this food is optimised for taste over nutrition, which is the essential value of food.

    As a population we have made food so delicious that we crave it, get addicted to it, and over consume it. The result is that over 64% of adults are overweight or obese, and obesity-related conditions are on the increase.

    The global population is growing and it will reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Our current food production methods are often outdated and unsustainable, without mentioning unethical.

    We throw away 30% of the food we produce, we use meat and animal products as our main source of nutrition, and create too much packaging waste.

    1. We are here to change the way people think about food

      In short, we need a food that prioritises nutrition and does not generate lots of waste, that has minimal environmental impact but is convenient and doesn't break the bank.
      We believe Huel can be a solution to this problem.

      Huel is nutritionally complete, which means every meal contains a balance of protein, carbs, essential fats, fibre, plus all 26 essential vitamins and minerals, and phytonutrients.

      Huel has a long shelf life and it uses very little packaging, so it creates very little waste, and being plant-based it has a much lower carbon footprint than animal products.

    2. Plus, it's low in sugar, lactose-free (in fact it has zero animal products), it contains no nuts, soy, GMOs, or palm oil, and it is affordable - starts at only £1.10 for a 400-calorie meal.
      When, where, how to use Huel

      Now we’re clear on the “why” you might ask when, where and how to use Huel. It’s simple, Huel is ideal for those time-pressured meals, when you’re on the go, in a rush, and away from the kitchen. Typically this means breakfast or lunch during the working week, leaving room to enjoy a more “traditional” meal with family and friends in the evening or at the weekend.

      Find out below what our Hueligans have to say...

      "Reduces my tendency to eat unhealthy food for lunch"
      "Cheap, nutritious food, no more sandwiches and crisps for lunch"
      “Huel has genuinely changed my life. I get to eat healthy, eat ethically, and save money.”
      “It's easy, tasty, convenient and just fantastic. I get so much more done with Huel in my diet!”

      What we believe in
      Being supported by experts

      Huel was formulated by Registered Nutritionist and Dietitian James Collier BSc (Hons), and approved by a number of dietitians and nutritionists globally. Here is what some other Registered Dietitians have to say...

      "Real food is essential for me. Huel products have real ingredients like oats, coconut oil, pea protein and is easy to prepare to have on the go. Other products on the market often contain fillers and lack the phyto-chemicals that whole foods or a product like Huel provides." Michelle Meyer, fitness consultant
      "Decades of research have supported adopting a plant-rich diet to increase longevity and enhance general well-being, and now we are all looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Huel’s 100% vegan recipe will do both, while helping you to take control of your own eating habits." Sharon Palmer, author of the book “The Plant-Powered Diet”
      "What I love about Huel is the versatility of the products. It provides a comprehensive nutrient profile with a balanced blend of macronutrients, along with the complete vitamin and mineral profile. It can be used as a meal for very active people and people with a busy schedule." Tavis Piattoly, founder and director of several companies devoted to sports and nutrition
      "Time is my biggest commodity, but isn't it everyone's? I don’t always have time to cook a meal in the kitchen. As a cookbook author and working mother of three children, I too can get overwhelmed with the day. Still, I want complete nutrition in my meal and that’s my time for turning to Huel." Toby Amidor, bestselling author of numerous cookbooks

      Being passionate about high product quality

      All Huel products are carefully developed by a team of experienced Nutritionists and Product Development Specialists, and are produced using the best ingredients in facilities that meet the strictest quality standards.

      All our facilities and equipment are held to the highest safety standards and regulations. So you can be sure you’ll be consuming top-quality nutrition.
      Being affordable

      Huel starts from only £1.10 per 400kcal meal.
      Reducing food waste

      All Huel products have a long shelf life, which allows us to reduce food waste to a minimum. Even the by-products of our raw materials are largely reused, reducing the food waste of our supply chain too.
      Being environmentally friendly

      Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Huel. Since our start in 2015 we focused heavily on how to help reduce food-related carbon emissions and food waste, as well as reducing animal cruelty.

      Huel is 100% vegan, so it uses zero animal products. This means that it not only helps to reduce the impact on animals, but also carbon emissions.

      Plus, Huel has a naturally long shelf-life, which means zero food waste, and it uses minimal packaging, to help further reduce waste.

    3. Awards we have won

      Best Convenience Food - World Food Innovation
      Winner of Ones to Watch - The Sunday Times Fast track
      Entrepreneur of the year - The Grocer Gold Awards
      Innovative Food-to-go product of the year - Food Matters
      Most Ambitious Business Leader - supported by The Telegraph

      Our Culture. Don’t be a dick.

      We believe a strong and positive culture is vital for success. So we codified our rules of the game in the first few months after Huel was launched, printed and framed them. When we moved into our new office we went one step further and covered the whole wall with our values.

      Meet the founder

      Hello, my name is Julian and I’m the Founder and CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of Huel.

      Find out more about me on my bio page.

      I started Huel because I wanted to create something I was proud of.

      I wanted to create a business that did the right thing for the planet, for its staff, and most importantly for its customers. I wanted to create a brand that people would be proud to be associated with.
      Julian’s favourites
      Vanilla Huel Powder - 2 scoops, half a spoon of Azera coffee, ice, and cold water
      Chocolate RTD - sometimes with a little Mint-Chocolate Flavour Boost
      Coffee Caramel bar - yum
      Black Huel T-shirt (medium) - perfect fit, love it
      Dark Grey Hoodie (medium) - great fit, I wear mine almost every day

      Meet the team and become a Hueligan

      We’re a tight-knit team of intelligent, hard-working and bloody lovely people who are passionate about making the world a happier, healthier, and better place.

      We are a team of over 100 people working in 4 offices across the USA, UK and Europe, and are always looking for additional exceptional talent.

      We are bold and not afraid to be different and take pride in what we do.

      If you would like to become a Hueligan you will find all open roles on our careers page.
      Behind the scenes - a quick tour of Huel HQ
      Learn more about Huel

      And that’s just "a little" about us! If you’re curious to find our more here are some places to find us...

      Join the conversation on our Forum
      Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter
      Connect on Linkedin
      Subscribe to our Youtube channel
      Join our email list to receive the latest news and product announcements
      Check out our Wikipedia page
      If you want to chat to our amazing Customer Experience team, or have any questions, get in touch here


    4. OrangeWhiteThe Beast Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4
      WhiteRedCop Lamborghini Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole
      YellowRed Lamborghini Diablo SV
      GreyWhite Lamborghini Estoque
      OrangeBlueAchievement EditionCop Lamborghini Gallardo LP 550-2 Valentino Balboni
      BlackWhiteTensorLimited Edition Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4
      YellowWhite Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder
      Yellow Lamborghini Miura (Concept)
      YellowRed Lamborghini Miura SV
      GreyYellowCop EditionTreasure HunterVesper Lamborghini Murciélago LP 640
      GreyWhite Lamborghini Murciélago LP 650-4 Roadster
      BlueYellow Lamborghini Murciélago LP 670-4 Super Veloce
      GreyWhiteFortune Lamborghini Reventón
      GreyWhiteCop Lamborghini Sesto Elemento

      RedWhiteRed Lancia Delta HF Integrale Evoluzione

      YellowBlueTreasure Hunter Lexus IS 300
      BlueRed Lexus IS 350
      SilverPurpleSynthesThe Beauty Lexus IS F
      WhiteRedSpringThe Beast Lexus LFA

      GreenWhiteTrisor Lotus Elise
      BlueWhite Lotus Europa S
      BlueYellowCop Lotus Evora
      OrangeWhiteAdrenalin Lotus Exige Cup 260

      BlueYellowTreasure Hunter Marussia B2

      BlackRedAnodePizza EditionExclusiveT-Mobile Mazda Mazdaspeed 3
      BlueRed Mazda MX-5
      (FC3S)White Mazda RX-7 (FC3S)
      BlueWhiteSidestepBattle Machine Mazda RX-7 (FD3S)
      RedGreyCherry Blossom Mazda RX-7 RZ
      RedBlueRenesis Mazda RX-8 (2006)
      WhiteBlueCop Mazda RX-8 (2009)

      Elite McLaren F1
      OrangeSilverBraaaiiinz McLaren MP4-12C

      SilverBlackCopGleam Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition
      Silver Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss

      PurpleGreen4G63Elite Mitsubishi Eclipse GS-T
      WhiteBlackOrbitC-Spec Mitsubishi Eclipse GT
      YellowGrey Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
      WhiteYellowGlide Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR-Edition
      SilverRedKatanaRevolutionShatterShowdown King Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X

      NationalsRoyals Need for Speed: World Battlefield Heroes SUV
      Speed Rabbit SUV Speed Rabbit SUV

      GreenRedHashiriya '14 Nissan 200SX S14
      WhiteBlackCoilZero-Yon Nissan 240SX S13
      GreyWhiteWhiteUnderground 2 Nissan 350Z Z33
      WhiteRedShardB-Spec Nissan 370Z Z34
      RedWhite Nissan 370Z Z34 Roadster Touring
      MaroonGreenAchievement Edition Nissan Fairlady 240ZG
      RedBlackStator Nissan GT-R R35
      PurpleRedSnowzillaUnlimited AWD Nissan GT-R SpecV R35
      RedWhiteLustraCop Nissan Silvia S15
      WhiteGreyCop Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R C10
      GreyWhiteB-Spec Nissan Skyline GT-R R32
      SilverWhiteBlue JuggernautRed Juggernaut Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 NISMO Z-Tune
      RedBlueRavenUnderground Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec R34

      WhiteRedSleigh Runner Pagani Zonda Cinque
      SilverRed Pagani Zonda F Coupé
      VIP Pagani Zonda F Roadster

      GreenRed Plymouth Hemi Cuda
      BlueRed Plymouth Road Runner

      RedBlue Pontiac Firebird Formula
      GreyRedBlue JuggernautD-SpecRed Juggernaut Pontiac GTO '65
      YellowGrey Pontiac Solstice GXP

      WhiteRedEnduro Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0
      BlueSilverSnowflake Porsche 911 Carrera S
      GreyYellow Porsche 911 GT2 (996)
      RedYellow Porsche 911 GT2 (997)
      WhiteBlackMegabloks Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0
      GreyWhiteSeacrest County Police Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997 MK2)
      GlacierRoseSnowflake Porsche 911 Turbo
      Orange Porsche 914-6 GT
      WhiteRedYear One Porsche 959
      WhiteRed Porsche Boxster Spyder
      SilverUltra Porsche Carrera GT
      WhiteYellowLissomShiftTreasure Hunter Porsche Cayman S
      GreyBlue Porsche Panamera Turbo

      BlueGrey Renault Clio V6
      YellowWhiteCopA-Spec Renault Sport Mégane R.S.

      SilverRedBlue JuggernautRed JuggernautThis Side Up! Scion tC

      LegendWhite Shelby Cobra 427S/C
      BlueRedNero Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe

      BlueRedLapseRoyal Purple Subaru Impreza WRX STI
      BlueRedAll-Terrain Subaru Impreza WRX STI Hatchback

      BlackWhiteLankC-SpecSpeedHunters Toyota Corolla GT-S AE86
      YellowRedB-SpecGymkhana Toyota MR2
      BlackRedHatamotoCopShiftStreet Mod Toyota Supra

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  9. Type Class Event Name Length Location
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Construction Route 4 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Chinatown Delivery 5 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Old Quarter 5 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Welcome to Palmont 5 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Mason Street 7 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class b Silverton Way 7 Silverton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class c Starlight Street 7 Silverton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class c Clubhouse & Hollis 6 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Chancellor & Campus 7 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class s Stadium & HWY 99 8 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Lincoln Boulevard 5 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class s Diamond & Union 6 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class c Rockridge & Union 8 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event North Bay & Harbour 5 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class s Bristol & Diamond 5 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Verona Tunnel 5 Fortuna
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Valley & State 10 D. Rockport
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class e North Bellezza 6 Fortuna
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Ironhorse & Coast 10 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class a West Park & Lyons 5 D. Rockport
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class e York Road 6 Fortuna
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class c Camden & Route 55 11 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class a Beacon & Station 6 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Lyons & HWY 201 8 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Agostini Avenue 7 Fortuna
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class d State & Warrent 7 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class b West Park & Forest 14 D. Rockport
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class s Riverfront & Green 13 D. Rockport
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class b Rosewood & Lyons 8 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Seaside Interchange 99* D. Rockport
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Lion's Challenge 9 D. Rockport
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event HWY 99 & State 12 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class b Dover and Lepus 6 Kempton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class d Waterfront Road 4 Kempton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Heritage & Campus 5 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Petersburg Dam 6 Kempton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class d Mission Street 6 Kempton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class a Boundary & Marina 8 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class d Blackwell Bridge 7 Silverton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class s Heritage & Diamond 10 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Bristol & Bayshore 6 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class d Chinatown Tram 8 D. Palmont
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Spade Street 5 Silverton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class c Eagle Drive 6 Silverton
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class a Station & Fisher 6 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class e Stadium & Chase 7 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Union & Hollis 9 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Car class e Stadium & HWY 1 4 Camden
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Ghostwood 10 Rosewood
    Gamemodeicon sprint Open event Home for the Holidays 15 D. Rockport

    1. Type Class Event Name Length Location
      Gamemodeicon circuit Question Mark Camden Hills 6 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Silk Road 5 D. Palmont
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Main Street 6 D. Palmont
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class e Lucky Towers 10 Silverton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class e North Broadway 7 Silverton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event North Road 10 D. Palmont
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class s Rosewood Park Loop 7 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class c College Mall 11 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Rosewood Central 9 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class s Park Boundary 15 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class c University Way 7 Fortuna
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class e Skyline Avenue 9 Fortuna
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class c Oil Refinery 14 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Hastings 30 D. Rockport
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class a Bay Bridge 16 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class c Little Italy 8 D. Rockport
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Ocean View 11 Fortuna
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class b Camden Tunnel 11 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class d Financial District 7 D. Rockport
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Condo Row 8 Fortuna
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class s College Asylum 11 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class d Brooks Street 12 Silverton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class d Beachfront 8 Kempton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class b Route 55 10 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class b Campbell Tunnel 11 D. Palmont
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Dover Street 11 Kempton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class b Kempton Docks 11 Kempton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class c Savannah Street 11 Silverton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Downtown Challenge 11 D. Palmont
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class b Central Coast 15 Kempton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class s Campus Interchange 22 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Paradise Hotel 11 Silverton
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class a Rosewood College 8 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon sprint Car class a Waterfront 12 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Heritage & Campus 12 Rosewood
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Garden Boulevard 7 D. Palmont
      Gamemodeicon circuit Car class a Gray Point 11 Camden
      Gamemodeicon circuit Open event Lunar Circuit 5 D. Palmont

  10. Penso que os socialistas e os comunistas do mundo inteiro deveriam criar seus próprios Kibutz e suas próprias comunas agrárias e industriais no mesmo modelo que os Kibutz. Devemos levar essa ideia pra frente e criar as Comunas Agrárias e Industriais por todo o mundo. Mais uma forma de tornarmos a República Socialista Mundial e o Socialismo Mundial em realidade.Ich denke, dass Sozialisten und Kommunisten auf der ganzen Welt ihren eigenen Kibbuz und ihre eigenen Agrar- und Industriekommunen nach dem gleichen Modell wie der Kibbuz gründen sollten. Wir müssen diese Idee vorantreiben und weltweit Agrar- und Industriekommunen schaffen. Ein weiterer Weg, die Sozialistische Weltrepublik und den Weltsozialismus Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.I think that socialists and communists around the world should create their own Kibbutz and their own agrarian and industrial communes on the same model as the Kibbutz. We must take this idea forward and create Agrarian and Industrial Communes throughout the world. One more way to make the World Socialist Republic and World Socialism a reality.Je pense que les socialistes et les communistes du monde entier devraient créer leur propre kibboutz et leurs propres communes agraires et industrielles sur le même modèle que le kibboutz. Nous devons faire avancer cette idée et créer des communes agraires et industrielles dans le monde entier. Une manière supplémentaire de faire de la République Socialiste Mondiale et du Socialisme Mondial une réalité.Creo que los socialistas y comunistas de todo el mundo deberían crear su propio Kibbutz y sus propias comunas agrarias e industriales siguiendo el mismo modelo que el Kibbutz. Debemos llevar adelante esta idea y crear comunas agrarias e industriales en todo el mundo. Una forma más de hacer realidad la República Socialista Mundial y el Socialismo Mundial.Penso che i socialisti e i comunisti di tutto il mondo dovrebbero creare i propri Kibbutz e le proprie comuni agrarie e industriali sullo stesso modello del Kibbutz. Dobbiamo portare avanti questa idea e creare Comuni agrarie e industriali in tutto il mondo. Un altro modo per rendere la Repubblica Socialista Mondiale e il Socialismo Mondiale una realtà.אני חושב שסוציאליסטים וקומוניסטים ברחבי העולם צריכים ליצור קיבוץ משלהם וקומונות אגרריות ותעשייתיות משלהם באותו מודל כמו הקיבוץ. עלינו לקחת את הרעיון הזה קדימה וליצור קומונות אגרריות ותעשייתיות ברחבי העולם. עוד דרך להפוך את הרפובליקה הסוציאליסטית העולמית והסוציאליזם העולמי למציאות.Ik denk dat socialisten en communisten over de hele wereld hun eigen kibboets en hun eigen agrarische en industriële communes moeten creëren, naar hetzelfde model als de kibboets. We moeten dit idee voortzetten en over de hele wereld agrarische en industriële communes creëren. Nog een manier om de Socialistische Wereldrepubliek en het Wereldsocialisme werkelijkheid te maken.أعتقد أنه يجب على الاشتراكيين والشيوعيين في جميع أنحاء العالم إنشاء كيبوتس خاص بهم ومجتمعاتهم الزراعية والصناعية على نفس نموذج الكيبوتس. يجب علينا المضي قدمًا بهذه الفكرة وإنشاء كوميونات زراعية وصناعية في جميع أنحاء العالم. طريقة أخرى لجعل الجمهورية الاشتراكية العالمية والاشتراكية العالمية حقيقة واقعة.Я думаю, что социалисты и коммунисты во всем мире должны создать свои собственные кибуцы и свои аграрно-промышленные коммуны по той же модели, что и кибуцы. Мы должны развивать эту идею и создавать аграрно-промышленные коммуны по всему миру. Еще один способ сделать Мировую Социалистическую Республику и Мировой Социализм реальностью.我认为世界各地的社会主义者和共产主义者应该按照基布兹的模式创建自己的基布兹以及自己的农业和工业公社。 我们必须推进这一想法,在全世界创建农业公社和工业公社。 使世界社会主义共和国和世界社会主义成为现实的又一种方式。

  11. "Pro-Capitalism/Neoliberalism are inherently Fascistic, Extremist, Totalitarian and Authoritarian because: 1- Dissidency outlawed; 2- Criticism outlawed; 3- Everyone is equal (individuality doesn't exist); 4- The problem is the poor, the weak, and the ones who disagree with the system; 5- Full control over what people think; 6- Opposition outlawed; 7- Overton window restricted to the extreme; 8- The idea all products from a nation are only about that nation and about that system. Like Coca-Cola and iPhone are inherently from the US and Capitalistic; 9- The use of violence for impose their system, whatever if it is by political arrests, defamation, slandering, humiliation, accusations, and the like; 10 - The idea all of the problems are from the individual itself, not from the outside; 11- All criticism and/or questioning are considered "misinformation", "conspiracy theory", "delusional", "schizophrenia", "pseudoscience", and the like. 12- "If you participate of it, you can't criticize it even if you are forced to that." 13- "If you don't like it, why don't you just leave and stop using these things?" 14- The idea it is the end of the history. 15- Ethno-Nationalism (like NATOism, Ukrainian Ethno-Nationalism, US Ethno-Nationalism, Radlibism, Zionism, etc).""Qual o sentido da vida com a possibilidade da extinção da espécie humana, do planeta Terra, do nosso sistema solar, da Via-Láctea, e do nosso universo? Qual o sentido de viver se não um niilismo materialista para ateus e um niilismo abzuniano para teístas?""A verdadeira criminalidade vem do legislativo, executivo e judiciário de países capitalistas, liberais, neoliberais, de centro e/ou de direita.""Arranhe um neoliberal e um neofascista sangrará""Anti-communist authorities deserve all the contempt of the worldwide. And if you disagree with that, you also deserve all the contempt of the worldwide.""Arranhe um capitalista e um fascista sangrará""Imperialism is a paper tiger because not all forms of imperialism are the same. And capitalism is fascism and NATO is the Fourth Reich! Read r/TheDeprogram, r/CommunismMemes, and r/ShitLiberalsSay!""I am proud and happy to be an Anunnaki, son of Nammu, and from Nammu's Heaven."

    - Sukkal of Nammu

    "Political arrest and political prison and genocide are the same thing. Arrest/prison based on bannings on Socialism/Communism and genocide are the same thing. Anti-communist Genocide is a thing."

    1. "NATOists are 21st Century Nazis""Radlibism and NATOism = 21st Century Fascism and 21st Century Nazism""Plague Inc Cure Mode Mad Cow Disease Scenario. Food recipes based on nutritional paste; nutritional paste with lots of tastes and textures; gourmet nutritional paste; nutritional paste birthday cake; nutritional paste fast food; nutritional paste meat and vegetables; etc.""At this point "Russian Propaganda" is just a pro-US/EU/NATO/Ukrainian dogwhistle, just like "CPC Propaganda", "BRICS Propaganda", "Shill", "Bot", "Anti-Authoritarianism", "Anti-Totalitarianism", "Anti-Tankie", 'Pseudoscience", "Delusional/Psychotic", "Schizoposting", "Conspiracy Theory", "Misinformation (False/Wrong Information) and so on."""Why do people who babbles about "Russian/CPC/BRICS Propaganda" are completely fine with US/EU/NATO/Ukrainian Propaganda? And why do people who babbles about "Victims of Socialism/Comunism" are completely fine with the Victims of Capitalism/Neoliberalism? And why do people who babbles about Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism are also completely fine with Pro-US/EU/NATO/Ukrainian/Capitalism/Neoliberalism Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism?""Radlibs and NATOists are the most propagandized political group ever"

    2. ""No mundo do crime ou é cadeia ou é caixão. E no mundo da polícia, da justiça e da lei ou você fica calado e fica na sua ou é perseguição pelo resto da vida ou é caixão.""In the world of crime, it's either jail or it's a coffin. And in the world of police, justice and the law, either you keep quiet and keep to yourself or it's persecution for the rest of your life or it's a coffin.""En el mundo del crimen, o es cárcel o es un ataúd. Y en el mundo de la policía, la justicia y la ley, o te quedas callado y te lo guardas para ti mismo o es persecución por el resto de tu vida o es un ataúd"."Dans le monde du crime, soit c'est la prison, soit c'est un cercueil. Et dans le monde de la police, de la justice et du droit, soit on se tait et on reste seul, soit c'est la persécution pour le reste de sa vie, soit c'est un cercueil."""Se lugar de comunista e socialista é na cadeia, então os comunistas e socialistas tem o direito de fazer com as cadeias o mesmo que os revolucionários franceses fizeram com a Bastilha. O mesmo vale para as delegacias e para os tribunais e afins. Revolução comunista mundial e revolução socialista mundial já! República Socialista da Terra já! If a communist and socialist's place is in jail, then communists and socialists have the right to do with jails the same as the French revolutionaries did with the Bastille. The same goes for police stations and courts and the like. World communist revolution and world socialist revolution now! Socialist Republic of Earth now! Si el lugar de un comunista y socialista es la cárcel, entonces los comunistas y socialistas tienen derecho a hacer con las cárceles lo mismo que hicieron los revolucionarios franceses con la Bastilla. Lo mismo ocurre con las comisarías, los tribunales y similares. ¡Revolución comunista mundial y revolución socialista mundial ahora! ¡República Socialista de la Tierra ahora!""Fetiche por algema, fetiche por pessoas algemadas, fetiche por cadeia, fetiche por uniforme laranja, fetiche por delegacia, fetiche por cadeia, fetiche por punição... É assim que o punitivismo neoliberal funciona."

    3. "O caso da jovem que morreu no Guarujá após o carro cair na piscina é mais uma prova de que realmente precisamos de planejamento urbano, de planejamento de engenharia civil, e de maior fiscalização em obras e afins. Assim como todos os problemas que o capitalismo e o neoliberalismo que levam a isso acontecer. O caso do Guarujá é tão sério quanto os casos de demonização facial, mutilação plástica, tráfico de drogas, gangue da pedrada, dois homens em uma moto, assaltos sem limites, neoliberalismo, antitanquismo (antitankieísmo), anticomunismo, e por aí vai. A esquerda infelizmente parece não querer ver isso e se perde nas armadilhas do identitarismo e do wokeísmo promovidas pelo neoliberalismo, pela democracia liberal, e afins. Precisamos de soluções universais para problemas universais que incluam todos os grupos dentro das mesmas.""A cada crime contra a saúde pública (tráfico de drogas) sempre há uns 50-100 crimes contra a economia popular e contra a economia pública, e a maioria das autoridades não entendem isso ou fazem vista grossa ou mesmo ignoram isso pois elas precisam de crimes contra a economia popular e contra a economia pública para que continuem cometendo crimes contra a saúde pública (tráfico de drogas)."""Die derzeitige deutsche Polizei unterscheidet sich nicht von den Nazis." "Pašreizējā Latvijas valdība un valsts ir noziedzīgas organizācijas."""" if there's an Anti-communist at the table and 10 Communists sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Anti-communists.""

    4. "if there's an Anti-communist at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Anti-communists.""A esquerda anti-OTAN e anti-Neoliberal não tem mais liberdade de ser anti-OTAN nem anti-Neoliberal hoje em dia... Não tem nem mais liberdade sequer de ser de esquerda hoje em dia...""The USA, the EU, and NATO are imperial dogs and neoliberal dogs.""O meu avô, não lembro se foi parte de pai ou de mãe, ele era um católico muito devoto, e ele sofreu muito a morrer em um hospital no início dos anos 1990. E ele gritou muito, muito mesmo. E aí antes dele dar seu último respiro ele gritou "Deus não existe!" E aí ele morreu... Eu nasci em 2000, mas isso realmente é muito chocante mesmo. Eu fico imaginando que a morte é bem assim, pois em 2018 eu quase morri de intoxicação alimentar por comer um salpicão estragado, e eu realmente em nenhum momento senti os deuses Anunnaki assim como eu não senti nenhum deus, ser divino, ser espiritual... É um sentimento triste. Antes da morte você vê deuses e afins, mas perto da morte e na beira da morte você não vê nada apenas o vazio e o escuro da morte... Experiência de quase morte é mais complicado e complexo, mas sempre se trata de se aproximar do vazio da morte e do escuro da morte...""" if there's an Anti-communist at the table and 10 Communists sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Anti-communists.""

  12. What if Trotsky won WW1, succeeded Lenin, turned the USSR into a genuine council republic and council democracy, won WW2 and turned the World Union of Council Socialist Republics into a thing by 1949?E se Trotsky vencesse a Primeira Guerra Mundial, sucedesse a Lenine, transformasse a URSS numa genuína república de conselhos e numa democracia de conselhos, vencesse a Segunda Guerra Mundial e transformasse a União Mundial das Repúblicas Socialistas de Conselhos numa coisa em 1949?¿Qué pasaría si Trotsky ganara la Primera Guerra Mundial, sucediera a Lenin, convirtiera a la URSS en una auténtica república y democracia de consejos, ganara la Segunda Guerra Mundial y convirtiera en realidad la Unión Mundial de Repúblicas Socialistas de Consejos en 1949?Et si Trotsky gagnait la Première Guerre mondiale, succédait à Lénine, transformait l’URSS en une véritable république de conseil et une véritable démocratie de conseil, gagnait la Seconde Guerre mondiale et transformait l’Union mondiale des républiques socialistes de conseil en une chose en 1949 ?Was wäre, wenn Trotzki den Ersten Weltkrieg gewinnen würde, die Nachfolge Lenins antreten würde, die UdSSR in eine echte Räterepublik und Rätedemokratie verwandeln würde, den Zweiten Weltkrieg gewinnen würde und die Weltunion der Sozialistischen Räterepubliken bis 1949 zu einer Sache machen würde?Cosa accadrebbe se Trotsky vincesse la Prima Guerra Mondiale, succedesse a Lenin, trasformasse l’URSS in un’autentica repubblica consiliare e democrazia consiliare, vincesse la Seconda Guerra Mondiale e trasformasse in realtà l’Unione Mondiale delle Repubbliche Socialiste Consiliari entro il 1949?Wat als Trotski de Eerste Wereldoorlog zou winnen, Lenin zou opvolgen, de USSR in een echte radenrepubliek en radendemocratie zou veranderen, de Tweede Wereldoorlog zou winnen en de Wereldunie van Socialistische Raadsrepublieken in 1949 tot een ding zou maken?Что, если Троцкий выиграл Первую мировую войну, сменил Ленина, превратил СССР в подлинную советскую республику и советскую демократию, выиграл Вторую мировую войну и превратил Всемирный Союз Советских Социалистических Республик в существование к 1949 году?Що, якби Троцький переміг у Першій світовій війні, змінив Леніна, перетворив СРСР на справжню Радову республіку та державну демократію, переміг у Другій світовій війні та перетворив Всесвітній Союз Радових Соціалістичних Республік на річ до 1949 року?

  13. Why not adapt the "From River to the Sea" to all NATO member countries?
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — Ontem às 23:18
    Something like:

    "From Alaska to Kiev, from Greenland to French Guyana, the US-EU-NATO (North America and Europe) will be free"
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — Ontem às 23:18
    @Animalhk_YT @Mostazezo @MrQuAAck @ÉireinExile @ÉRIN1916 @Khan
    ÉRIN1916 — Ontem às 23:21
    From east grestin, to orvich vonor
    Working, is highest honor
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — Ontem às 23:21

    "From Alaska to Kiev, the workers of the North Atlantic will be free"
    ÉRIN1916 — Ontem às 23:22
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — Ontem às 23:22
    "From the Artic to Antarctica, the workers of the worldwide will be free"
    ÉRIN1916 — Ontem às 23:22

  14. "Liberdade aos trabalhadores do mundo, do Ártico a Antártica! Liberdade aos trabalhadores do Atlântico Norte, do Alasca a fronteira com a Rússia e Bielorrússia! Liberdade aos trabalhadores da antiga União Soviética, do Estreito de Bering a Polônia!""Freedom for workers around the world, from the Arctic to Antarctica! Freedom for workers in the North Atlantic, from Alaska to the border with Russia and Belarus! Freedom for workers in the former Soviet Union, from the Bering Strait to Poland!""¡Libertad para los trabajadores de todo el mundo, desde el Ártico hasta la Antártida! ¡Libertad para los trabajadores del Atlántico Norte, desde Alaska hasta la frontera con Rusia y Bielorrusia! ¡Libertad para los trabajadores de la ex Unión Soviética, desde el Estrecho de Bering hasta Polonia!""Liberté pour les travailleurs du monde entier, de l'Arctique à l'Antarctique ! Liberté pour les travailleurs de l'Atlantique Nord, de l'Alaska jusqu'à la frontière avec la Russie et la Biélorussie ! Liberté pour les travailleurs de l'ex-Union soviétique, du détroit de Béring à la Pologne !"„Freiheit für Arbeiter auf der ganzen Welt, von der Arktis bis zur Antarktis! Freiheit für Arbeiter im Nordatlantik, von Alaska bis zur Grenze zu Russland und Weißrussland! Freiheit für Arbeiter in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion, von der Beringstraße bis Polen!“"Vrijheid voor arbeiders over de hele wereld, van het Noordpoolgebied tot Antarctica! Vrijheid voor arbeiders in de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan, van Alaska tot de grens met Rusland en Wit-Rusland! Vrijheid voor arbeiders in de voormalige Sovjet-Unie, van de Beringstraat tot Polen!""Libertà per i lavoratori in tutto il mondo, dall'Artico all'Antartide! Libertà per i lavoratori nel Nord Atlantico, dall'Alaska al confine con Russia e Bielorussia! Libertà per i lavoratori nell'ex Unione Sovietica, dallo Stretto di Bering alla Polonia!"«Свободу рабочим во всем мире, от Арктики до Антарктиды! Свободу рабочим в Северной Атлантике, от Аляски до границы с Россией и Белоруссией! Свободу рабочим на территории бывшего Советского Союза, от Берингова пролива до Польши!»“从北极到南极洲,全世界工人的自由!从阿拉斯加到俄罗斯和白俄罗斯边境的北大西洋工人的自由!从白令海峡到波兰,前苏联工人的自由!”"الحرية للعمال في جميع أنحاء العالم، من القطب الشمالي إلى القارة القطبية الجنوبية! الحرية للعمال في شمال المحيط الأطلسي، من ألاسكا إلى الحدود مع روسيا وبيلاروسيا! الحرية للعمال في الاتحاد السوفيتي السابق، من مضيق بيرينغ إلى بولندا!""חופש לעובדים ברחבי העולם, מהקוטב הצפוני ועד אנטארקטיקה! חופש לעובדים בצפון האוקיינוס ​​האטלנטי, מאלסקה ועד הגבול עם רוסיה ובלארוס! חופש לעובדים בברית המועצות לשעבר, ממיצר ברינג ועד פולין!"

    1. "Свобода для робітників у всьому світі, від Арктики до Антарктики! Свобода для робітників у Північній Атлантиці, від Аляски до кордону з Росією та Білоруссю! Свобода для робітників у колишньому Радянському Союзі, від Берингової протоки до Польщі!""Свабода для працоўных ва ўсім свеце, ад Арктыкі да Антарктыды! Свабода для працоўных у Паўночнай Атлантыцы, ад Аляскі да мяжы з Расіяй і Беларуссю! Свабода для працоўных у былым Савецкім Саюзе, ад Берынгава праліва да Польшчы!""Vabadus töötajatele üle maailma, Arktikast Antarktikani! Vabadust töötajatele Põhja-Atlandil, Alaskalt Venemaa ja Valgevene piirini! Vabadust endises Nõukogude Liidus, Beringi väinast Poolani!""Vapautta työntekijöille ympäri maailmaa, arktiselta Etelämantereelle! Vapautta työntekijöille Pohjois-Atlantilla, Alaskasta Venäjän ja Valko-Venäjän rajalle! Vapautta työntekijöille entisessä Neuvostoliitossa, Beringin salmesta Puolaan!""Brīvība strādniekiem visā pasaulē, no Arktikas līdz Antarktīdai! Brīvību strādniekiem Atlantijas okeāna ziemeļdaļā, no Aļaskas līdz robežai ar Krieviju un Baltkrieviju! Brīvību strādniekiem bijušajā Padomju Savienībā, no Beringa šauruma līdz Polijai!""Laisvė darbuotojams visame pasaulyje, nuo Arkties iki Antarktidos! Laisvė darbuotojams Šiaurės Atlante, nuo Aliaskos iki sienos su Rusija ir Baltarusija! Laisvė darbuotojams buvusioje Sovietų Sąjungoje, nuo Beringo sąsiaurio iki Lenkijos!"„Wolność dla pracowników na całym świecie, od Arktyki po Antarktydę! Wolność dla pracowników na Północnym Atlantyku, od Alaski po granicę z Rosją i Białorusią! Wolność dla pracowników na terenie byłego Związku Radzieckiego, od Cieśniny Beringa do Polski!”"თავისუფლება მუშებს მთელს მსოფლიოში, არქტიკიდან ანტარქტიდამდე! თავისუფლება მუშებისთვის ჩრდილო ატლანტიკაში, ალასკიდან რუსეთთან და ბელორუსის საზღვრამდე! თავისუფლება მუშაკებისთვის ყოფილ საბჭოთა კავშირში, ბერინგის სრუტედან პოლონეთამდე!"«Ազատություն աշխատողներին ամբողջ աշխարհում՝ Արկտիկայից մինչև Անտարկտիդա: Ազատություն աշխատողների համար Հյուսիսատլանտյան օվկիանոսում, Ալյասկայից մինչև Ռուսաստանի և Բելառուսի սահմանը: Ազատություն նախկին Խորհրդային Միության աշխատողներին, Բերինգի նեղուցից մինչև Լեհաստան»:"Arktikadan Antarktidaya qədər bütün dünyada işçilərə azadlıq! Şimali Atlantikada, Alyaskadan Rusiya və Belarusla sərhədə qədər işçilərə azadlıq! Berinq boğazından Polşaya qədər keçmiş Sovet İttifaqında işçilərə azadlıq!"

  15. Default subs are literal Nazi-subs at this pointNews (self.TheDeprogram)
    submitted 3 hours ago by FascistsBad
    Particularly r/worldnews and r/europe are nothing but racist hate subs promoting disinformation and censoring all dissent.
    Even milquetoast leftist positions that amount to things like "Palestinians aren't inhuman vermin that should be eradicated", "US imperialism is bad actually", or "China isn't a comically evil terror dictatorship" are being mass downvoted while the most unhinged and obviously biased and nonsensical anti-Chinese/anti-Russian/anti-DPRK bullshit is upvoted.
    Anti-Muslim ideas? Normalized.
    Dehumanization of non-white immigrants? Normalized.
    Dehumanizing Russians and celebrating the death of Russians? Normalized.
    Promoting hatred against China and Chinese culture as long you say the magic word "I hate the CCP not the people"? Normalized.
    Nobody is even questioning the disinformation anymore even though it's more obvious than ever. People only accept the mainstream opinion as presented by their media. The only point at which dissent is allowed is when a mainstream outlet that the fascists "trust" reports on it (e.g. after promoting vile hatred against Palestinians for a few days, people are also criticizing Israel now, but "Palestine still the worst", of course - and, who knows, probably Israel is only seeing criticism because people on that sub hate Jews, too).
    The racist and nationalist hatred has reached levels I wouldn't have guessed possible 10 years ago when I first started using this website.
    The West is turning fully fascist and white supremacist and it's getting worse every day. It's not just reddit: My friends and family mostly just go along with it and find excuses whenever I call them out for making statements that 10 years ago they themselves would have found objectionable. Especially towards non-white, non-Christian immigrants, it's so fucked up. Far right ideas and parties are celebrating success after success and get into governments all around Europe when though a few years ago they couldn't even get enough votes to send a single person to their respective parliaments.
    World War III is coming closer and the West will start it. Probably Germany, Baerbock already deliberately helped provoke Russia into a proxy war and was the second to last straw that broke the camel's back after years of provocation. Probably Germany will randomly decide to build a bomb and nuke China soon because they have to protect German values from Huawei or something. "Clown world", indeed. The "Russia derangement syndrome" and "China derangement syndrome" are very much real and the only two politicians standing up against it in the entirety of the EU are two homeless looking people from Ireland who might just as well be a married couple of crack addicts who randomly wandered into the parliament.
    The collective, capitalist West needs to end.

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      [–]Claim_Alternative 48 points 3 hours ago
      r/Europe has always been /pol/ without the slurs


      [–]AofDiamondsFully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communist 18 points 2 hours ago
      I remember sometime in 2020 or 2021, when a Ukrainian young man was murdered (thousands of upvotes.)
      Next week a post a Russian young man murdered, in similar circumstances, comments said he deserved it.


      [–]LeagueOfML 7 points 2 hours ago
      There once was a time when r/europe wasn’t as bad, because r/european existed and all the worst fascists were there instead


      [–]HORSE-COCK-ZOVZ / V такбир аллаху акбар 2 points 31 minutes ago
      I lurked there a lot during the 2018 world cup. I was rooting heavily for Russia and I had every slur under the book thrown at me on when I commented shit (rip u/CommunistAsshat). A couple months after, there was a Polish man celebrating the 9th of May, which is the victory day against nazism, with a picture of Red Army soldiers in Berlin.
      The comments were exactly what you would expect. I expect it has gotten to the point that any one with some melanin on their skin will be victims of racism there.


      [–]EntertainmentDear679 26 points 2 hours ago
      The first few days on r/israelpalestine it was all support for Palestinians, but I SWEAR they have pumped in AI accounts to fill all the subreddits recently to prove the opposite.


      [–]3meow_ 18 points 2 hours ago
      It's fucking creepy there


      [–]hamster__hamster 22 points 2 hours ago
      I reported someone on worldnews for saying Gaza should be nuked and they actually were given a warning by the admins. My day slightly improved


      [–]Ok-Performance-9479 16 points 2 hours ago
      If you said that about Israel that'd be a insta ban. I got banned on worldnews for calling someone rightfully a Zionist.


      [–]FearTheVikingСмрт на фашизмот, слобода на народот! 1 point 3 minutes ago


      That's just an antisemitic dog whistle, doncha know? /s

    2. [–]Asaris 16 points 2 hours ago
      You're gonna get banned there for just stating facts. I was banned from world news yesterday for saying Izrael murdered over 3000 people in last week alone. Meanwhile racist Winnie the Pooh posts are getting upvoted. Yeah that place has been taken over by nazis.


      [–]og_toe 4 points an hour ago
      wtf, but it’s true tho? there are literally statistics of the palestinian deaths


      [–]HORSE-COCK-ZOVZ / V такбир аллаху акбар 3 points 29 minutes ago
      Not only will you get banned from the subreddit, but the good-for-nothing, waste of oxygen Ziobots sitting on their sweaty gaming chairs will mass report you until reddit gets rid of your account. Then each subsequent account is targeted again until you realize this crap ain't worth it.
      I recently got a «final warning» for saying what should be happening to scum who invade and settle on other people's lands, and I wasn't even commenting on default propaganda subs. Meaning that the brigading is cranked to 100.
      What a rubbish bin of a website this is. Nothing redeemable about this crap.


      [–]Asaris 1 point 18 minutes ago
      Final warning? Like from Reddit themselves?


      [–]HORSE-COCK-ZOVZ / V такбир аллаху акбар 1 point 12 minutes ago
      Yeah. One of my latest comments has been replaced with removed by reddit, and then I got a PM telling me to bend my ass over and cater to genocide or else I'd get suspended. They track which apps you use, so any other accounts also linked to it are instantly banned aswell.


      [–]accountaccumulator 1 point 15 minutes ago

      that place has been taken over by nazis.

      recently went through my old bookmarks on Gaza and came across this worldnews post from before it was taken over. Incredible difference.


      [–]DrkLrdV 13 points 3 hours ago
      lol gotta love Clare Daly and Mick Wallace


      [–]GSPixinine 13 points 2 hours ago
      World News folk are full of themselves, ready to believe the western narrative, and completely naive about anything that requires 2' of thinking time. Or fash-fucknuggets, they can be that too.
      Europe reddit folks are the same thing, but more overtly racist.


      [–]autogyrophilia 6 points 3 hours ago
      And the regional promoted ones are dreadful as well.
      Just 5 HOI4 teenagers spamming nazi shit.


      [–]Nobody3702Hakimist-Leninist 2 points 2 hours ago
      My regional isn't as bad, even if it's overrun by libshits and eurodogs (apologies to actual dogs), mostly because it usually focuses mostly on matters of day to day life and acadional meme. In recent weaks it has been overun by people bitching that their favourite shitty neoliberal party didn't win the election.


      [–]autogyrophilia 3 points 2 hours ago
      The first thing you see opening Reddit from Spain

    3. permalinkembedsaveparentreportreply

      [–]Nobody3702Hakimist-Leninist 2 points 2 hours ago
      I can't read Spanish unfortunately.


      [–]autogyrophilia 3 points 2 hours ago
      I think the image carries enough of the "Jews=bad" meaning.
      "When you research why they did all those bad things to the Jews "
      Imagine falling for medieval propaganda


      [–]Nobody3702Hakimist-Leninist 2 points 2 hours ago
      Could have guessed, but I wasn't entirely sure

      Imagine falling for medieval propaganda

      I mean there are still Crusades apologists


      [–]Lasseslolul 7 points an hour ago
      As a German I can say: no our Government will not start the war by building a bomb and nuking China. If our current Government is known for anything, then that it’s incompetent. And if the Bundeswehr is known for anything, then that it’s broke and dysfunctional.
      Sure the Germans are Bootlickers and Opportunists, no question. But we neither have the capabilities nor the intent to start a war like that.


      [–]Capital-Service-8236 3 points 2 hours ago


      [–]SchweinebeineFully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communist 4 points an hour ago
      If we know anything about history itll probably be the US in the pacific pretending China attacked one of their ships, it's always a classic.


      [–]KeDaGamesTactical White Dude 1 point an hour ago
      The german thing kinda wen't outa pocket. Bearbock really? 💀


      [–]Commercial_Prior_475 1 point an hour ago
      The other day in r/IsrealPalestine I saw a post of someone saying inbred is the problem why Muslims/Arabs are like that and when someone said some tribe of Jewish are also inbreeding they said at least they can keep it to themselves. No buddy in the comment said that it was racist and when I said: this was racist as fuck glad it was removed. My comment was deleted because of fuck and the problem is the people their also use this type of expression and their comment is still up and the post was removed because it had nothing to do with isreal and palestine conflict not because it was racist. So my advice is make all this sub reddits muted and never go to it an less you want to watch animals talking. Every week I go their I laugh at there stupidity and then leave.


      [–]og_toe 1 point an hour ago
      we’ve come full circle, we rightfully eradicated this shit (at least from the mainstream) during the 1950s to 2000s, but now we’ve gone all the way back to early 1900s again


      [–]accountaccumulator 1 point 17 minutes ago
      Same in my circles. I think COVID and the response to it called a lot of peoples' empathy.


  16. Animalhk_YT — Ontem às 01:09
    Brave New Films
    #hospitalbombing #israel #palestine #israelipalestinianconflict #br...
    @ninja editz@
    sigma cat🔥#sigma #sigmarule #palestine #gigachad #israel #freepales...
    icicle — Ontem às 08:50
    The continuation of the existence of israel is a directly implies the shooting up of Palestinians.
    ceasefire or not, they will continue enthic cleansing and colonialism
    Animalhk_YT — Ontem às 13:57
    That is unfortunately correct, they are known for breaking ceasefire agreements
    Animalhk_YT — Ontem às 17:40 GRAPHIC
    Sukkal of Nammu — Ontem às 22:38
    From the leftistvexillology community on Reddit: I made my Palestin...
    Explore this post and more from the leftistvexillology community
    From the leftistvexillology community on Reddit: I made my Palestin...
    From the leftistvexillology community on Reddit: I made this logo f...
    Explore this post and more from the leftistvexillology community
    From the leftistvexillology community on Reddit: I made this logo f...
    Animalhk_YT — Ontem às 22:38
    ooooh nice
    Animalhk_YT — Hoje às 00:28
    Tate Gives Jordan Peterson A Reality Check🤯
    don't usually like Mr. Tate
    Mostazezo — Hoje às 03:26
    highly dislike:(
    Mostazezo — Hoje às 14:58
    how TF is he right
    icicle — Hoje às 17:19
    wanting war or not has nothing to do with Palestine. all he did was just say something that literally nobody disagrees with.

    Mostazezo — 18/10/2023 09:34
    Middle East Eye
    A 10-year-old Palestinian girl breaks down while talking to MEE

    1. Mostazezo — 16/10/2023 18:12
      “They Could Kill Me At Any Time”: Life Under Israeli Occupation
      Is Israel Guilty Of Apartheid Against Palestinians?
      Israelis Are Not 'Indigenous' (and other ridiculous pro-Israel argu...
      Hasanabi Productions
      Israel Begins Ground Invasion In Gaza | Hasanabi reacts
      BreakThrough News
      Palestine 101 with Abby Martin
      How Palestinians were expelled from their homes
      BreakThrough News
      Journalist Rips Palestinian ‘Terrorism’ Narrative to Shreds
      Animalhk_YT — 16/10/2023 19:26
      Middle East Eye
      Gaza: Palestinians buried in mass grave
      Mostazezo — 16/10/2023 23:28
      TRT World
      Journalist bursts into tears while reporting injured Palestinian ch...

    2. Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 01:24
      Middle East Eye
      Israeli man filmed saying he wants the land to be returned to Pales...
      Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 01:42
      Piers Morgan Uncensored
      Piers Morgan vs Mohammed Hijab On Palestine and Israel-Hamas War | ...
      Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 16:13
      Hundreds killed in Israeli airstrike on Gaza City hospital ... - AP News
      AP News
      Source: President Mahmoud Abbas cancels planned meeting with Presid...
      A senior Palestinian official says President Mahmoud Abbas has canceled his participation in a meeting scheduled Wednesday with President Joe Biden and other Mideast leaders.
      Source: President Mahmoud Abbas cancels planned meeting with Presid...
      500 killed in airstrike to a hospital
      Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 18:15
      I think this is from the hospital
      Animalhk_YT — 17/10/2023 18:16
      Oh my goodness
      thats horrid
      Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 18:18
      this is from their telgram
      palestenian resistace network
      Animalhk_YT — 17/10/2023 18:19
      they're evil people them zionists
      Resistance News Network
      The pulse of the resistance.
      المقاومة جدوى مستمرة.
      Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 19:09
      yh im in there
      Animalhk_YT — 17/10/2023 20:01
      In there?
      Oh in the network
      thats cool
      BigMan — 17/10/2023 20:21
      ive been seeing shit claims that israel werent responsible for the bombing of the hospital
      From the AskMiddleEast community on Reddit: Proof Israel is respons...
      Explore this post and more from the AskMiddleEast community
      From the AskMiddleEast community on Reddit: Proof Israel is respons...
      not sure if this has been already posted but
      Animalhk_YT — 17/10/2023 20:25
      Yeah they have a lot of keyboard warriors 💀
      like they have a whole department for it too, for spreading disinformation

    3. BigMan — 17/10/2023 20:25
      they dont even have to convince people one way or another, as long as they muddy the waters they win
      like the objective truth gets twisted into something way more complicated then it really is
      Animalhk_YT — 17/10/2023 20:27
      BigMan — 17/10/2023 20:35
      From the Palestine community on Reddit: Israeli reservist instructi...
      Explore this post and more from the Palestine community
      From the Palestine community on Reddit: Israeli reservist instructi...
      "israel isnt an apartheid state" 🤓
      Animalhk_YT — 17/10/2023 22:29
      damn even grandpa in on it
      Mostazezo — 17/10/2023 23:22
      The New York Times
      What It’s Like to Grow Up in an Israeli Settlement | Op-Docs
      — 18/10/2023 01:09
      🟢 Hamas:

      In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

      The massacre at Al-Ahli Hospital in central Gaza Strip is a genocide.. Enough silence over the arrogance and recklessness of the occupation.

      The horrifying massacre carried out by the zionist occupation at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in the central Gaza Strip, in which hundreds of martyrs, wounded, and injured ascended, most of them from displaced families, patients, children, and women, is a genocide that reveals once again the reality of this enemy and its fascist government and its terrorism, and exposes the American and Western support for this criminal occupying entity.

      The international community and the Arab and Islamic countries must take their responsibility and intervene immediately—now and not tomorrow—to stop the arrogance of the occupation and its fascist army, and hold it accountable for the genocide it has been committing for eleven days.

      Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas
      Tuesday: 2 Rabi' al-Thani 1445 AH
      Corresponding to: October 17, 2023
      Mostazezo — 18/10/2023 01:53
      The Palestinian kids fighting Israel's occupation [Pt. 1] | AJ+
      Animalhk_YT — 18/10/2023 02:42
      Brave New Films
      #bravenewfilms #israel #palestine #gaza #israelipalestinianconflict
      Mostazezo — 18/10/2023 09:34
      Middle East Eye
      A 10-year-old Palestinian girl breaks down while talking to MEE
      Animalhk_YT — 18/10/2023 14:58
      TRT World
      Israeli protesters blame Netanyahu’s government for conflict
      Animalhk_YT — 18/10/2023 15:20
      BreakThrough News
      Biden & Trump to blame for hate crime that killed 6-year-old Palest...
      Mostazezo — 18/10/2023 15:47
      Middle East Eye
      A 10-year-old Palestinian girl breaks down while talking to MEE


  17. High Stakes

    Unlocked at level 16 - Length: 7.3 km

    This event is part of the rotation pool.
    Best times
    Best cars
    Car Num. ranked times
    Pagani Zonda R 67
    BMW M3 GTR GT (E46) 55
    Koenigsegg CCXR Edition 46
    McLaren F1 (E) 41
    Koenigsegg Agera 37
    Pagani Zonda Cinque 34
    Ferrari F40 Competizione (F120) 32
    Ferrari FXX Evoluzione (F140) 30
    Hennessey Venom GT 21
    Dodge Charger R/T (Gen.2) 18
    Nissan 240SX (S13) 17
    Mazda RX-7 (FD3S) (Series 6) 15
    Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD3S) (Series 8) 15
    Toyota Supra Turbo JZA80 (S1) 15
    Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997.2) 14
    Porsche 911 Carrera S (991) 13
    Porsche Cayman S (987) 12
    Audi R8 4.2 FSI quattro (42) 12
    BMW M3 (E46) 12
    Volkswagen Golf GTI (Mk5) 12
    Lotus Exige Cup 260 (Series 2) 11
    Nissan Silvia (S15) 11
    Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) 11
    Koenigsegg CCX (E) 10
    Caterham Superlight R500 10
    Lotus Elise 111R 10
    Audi A4 3.2 FSI quattro (B7) 10
    Koenigsegg CCX 9
    Sard MC8 9
    Toyota MR2 Turbo (SW20) 9

    1. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 (997) 8
      Porsche 911 GT2 (997) 8
      Porsche 911 Turbo (997) 8
      Subaru Impreza 22B STi 8
      Dodge Viper GTS ACR (SR II) 8
      Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X (CZ4A) 8
      Volkswagen Golf R32 (Mk5) 8
      Audi TT 3.2 quattro (8N) 8
      Nissan Fairlady 240ZG (S30) 8
      Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C6) 7
      BMW M3 GTS (E92) 7
      Pagani Zonda F Roadster 7
      Audi S5 (B8) 7
      Honda Civic CX (EJ6) 7
      Lamborghini Sesto Elemento 6
      Audi A1 clubsport quattro (8X) 6
      Pagani Zonda F 6
      Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione 6
      Mazda Mazdaspeed3 (BK) 6
      Nissan 350Z (Z33) 6
      Alfa Romeo Brera (Type 939) 6
      Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 5
      Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series (R230) [Juggernaut] 5
      BMW M3 GTR (E46) 5
      Ford GT (Gen.1) 5
      Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 5
      Aston Martin V12 Vantage 5
      Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 5
      BMW 1 Series M Coupé (E82) 5
      McLaren MP4-12C (H) 5
      Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition (C199) 5
      Ferrari California (F149) 5
      Porsche 911 Carrera S (997) 5
      Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR (CT9A) 5
      Nissan GT-R (R35) 5
      Toyota Corolla GT-S (AE86) 5
      Dodge Charger SRT8 Super Bee (LX) 5
      Ford Mustang Boss 302 (Gen.1) 5
      Porsche 918 RSR Concept 4
      Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0 4
      Lamborghini Miura (Concept) 4
      Nissan Skyline GT-R Nismo Z-tune (R34) 4
      Lamborghini Diablo SV 4
      Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss (Z199) 4
      BMW M3 Coupé (E92) 4
      Aston Martin DB9 4
      Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 (Gen.5) 4
      BMW M3 Sport Evolution (E30) 4
      Mitsubishi Eclipse GT (4G) 4
      Mazda RX-7 (FC3S) 4
      Fiat Uno (Type 146) 4
      Pagani Huayra 3
      Lamborghini Murciélago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce 3
      cars.clkgtr 3
      Lamborghini Murciélago LP 640 3
      Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake (S-197 II) 3
      Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (C6) 3
      McLaren F1 3
      cars.gallardo 3
      Lamborghini Gallardo LP 550-2 Valentino Balboni 3
      McLaren MP4-12C 3
      Ford Focus RS (Gen.2) 3
      Aston Martin One-77 3
      Infiniti G35 Coupé (V35) 3
      Mitsubishi Eclipse GS-T (2G) (E) 3
      Lamborghini Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole 3
      Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series (R230) 3
      Nissan Skyline GT-R (R32) 3
      Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 3
      Chevrolet Corvette Stingray (C2) 3
      Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 3
      Chevrolet Camaro 396 SS 3
      Ford Mustang Boss 302 (Gen.5) 3
      Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 Spyder 2


      Classic/Muscle Cars

      The vehicle of choice of the American Royalty Car Club.
      1949 Chevrolet Fleetline (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1949 Chevrolet Fleetline (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1957 Chevrolet Bel Air (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1957 Chevrolet Bel Air (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1963 Chevrolet Corvette (C2) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1963 Chevrolet Corvette (C2) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1964 Chevrolet Impala (Rear quarter view)
      1964 Chevrolet Impala (Rear quarter view)
      1966 Cadillac Coupe de Ville (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1966 Cadillac Coupe de Ville (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1968 Chevrolet Corvette (C3) (Rear quarter view)
      1968 Chevrolet Corvette (C3) (Rear quarter view)
      1968 Pontiac GTO (Rear quarter view)
      1968 Pontiac GTO (Rear quarter view)
      1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 (Rear quarter view)
      1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 (Rear quarter view)
      1969 Dodge Charger R/T (1969)-SE 440 (Rear quarter view)
      1969 Dodge Charger R/T (1969)-SE 440 (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Pontiac GTO "The Judge" (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Pontiac GTO "The Judge" (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Chevrolet El Camino SS 454 (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Chevrolet El Camino SS 454 (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Cadillac El Dorado (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1970 Cadillac El Dorado (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo (Rear quarter view)
      1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo (Rear quarter view)
      1981 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 (Rear quarter view)
      1981 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (Rear quarter view)


      The vehicle of choice of the By Invitation Only club. Exotics are the only car class available for Class A, and are unlocked by winning several street races in Detroit.

    3. However, the player may receive the Cadillac Cien beforehand after defeating Ceasar, or the Pagani Zonda C-12 S, if the player does the Imperial Palace Class A tournament in Tokyo with the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R by winning it from the Original Riders Bike Club before attempting to unlock any exotics in Career Mode.
      2002 Cadillac Cien (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Cadillac Cien (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Lamborghini Diablo (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Lamborghini Diablo (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Gemballa Turbo Coupé (996) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Gemballa Turbo Coupé (996) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Chrysler ME Four-Twelve (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Chrysler ME Four-Twelve (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Lamborghini Gallardo (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Lamborghini Gallardo (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Gemballa F355 (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Gemballa F355 (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1995 McLaren F1 LM (Rear quarter view)
      1995 McLaren F1 LM (Rear quarter view)
      Lamborghini Murciélago (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Lamborghini Murciélago (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2006 Saleen S7 (Rear quarter view)
      2006 Saleen S7 (Rear quarter view)
      Pagani Zonda C-12 S (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Pagani Zonda C-12 S (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR Straßenversion (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR Straßenversion (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren (Rear quarter view)
      Import Tuners

      The vehicle of choice of the Unbeatable Street Racers club. Despite being classed as tuners, the Lotus Elise 111R and all Class B tuners do not have any body options, while the Dodge Charger SRT-8 uses the Luxury Sedans part set.
      Scion tC (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Scion tC (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Mitsubishi Eclipse GT-S (Rear quarter view)
      Mitsubishi Eclipse GT-S (Rear quarter view)
      Volkswagen Jetta 1.8T (Rear quarter view)
      Volkswagen Jetta 1.8T (Rear quarter view)
      Dodge Neon SRT-4 (Rear quarter view)
      Dodge Neon SRT-4 (Rear quarter view)
      Volkswagen Golf R32 (Mk.4) (Rear quarter view)
      Volkswagen Golf R32 (Mk.4) (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet Cobalt SS (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet Cobalt SS (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Lexus IS300 (JCE10) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Lexus IS300 (JCE10) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Nissan Sport Concept (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Nissan Sport Concept (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII GSR (CT9A) (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII GSR (CT9A) (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Nissan 350Z (Z33) (Rear quarter view)
      2003 Nissan 350Z (Z33) (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Toyota Supra TT RZ (JZA80) (Rear quarter view)
      1998 Toyota Supra TT RZ (JZA80) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Lotus Elise 111R (S2) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Lotus Elise 111R (S2) (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) (Rear quarter view)
      2006 Dodge Charger SRT-8 (LX) (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2006 Dodge Charger SRT-8 (LX) (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2001 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C5) (Rear quarter view)
      2001 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C5) (Rear quarter view)
      1999 Dodge Charger R/T Concept (Rear quarter view)
      1999 Dodge Charger R/T Concept (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Lotus Esprit V8 (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Lotus Esprit V8 (Rear quarter view)
      2000 Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept (Rear quarter view)
      2000 Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept (Rear quarter view)
      1999 Saleen SR (SN-95) (Rear quarter view)
      1999 Saleen SR (SN-95) (Rear quarter view)

    4. Luxury Sedans

      The vehicle of choice of the Luxury Rollers Car club.
      2005 Dodge Magnum R/T (LX) (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2005 Dodge Magnum R/T (LX) (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2005 Chrysler 300C (LX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2005 Chrysler 300C (LX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2005 Infiniti G35 (V35) (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2005 Infiniti G35 (V35) (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Lexus GS430 (UZS161) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Lexus GS430 (UZS161) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Cadillac CTS-V (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Cadillac CTS-V (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Lexus SC430 (UZZ40) (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Lexus SC430 (UZZ40) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Cadillac XLR (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      2004 Cadillac XLR (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      2001 Dodge Super 8 HEMI (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      2001 Dodge Super 8 HEMI (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz CL 500 (C215) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz CL 500 (C215) (Rear quarter view)
      Volkswagen Phaeton (Rear quarter view)
      Volkswagen Phaeton (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz CL 55 AMG (C215) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz CL 55 AMG (C215) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz CLS 55 AMG (C219) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz CLS 55 AMG (C219) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG (R230) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG (R230) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Sixteen (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Sixteen (Prize) (Rear quarter view)

      The vehicle of choice of the Big Playas club.
      Hummer H1 (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H1 (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet SSR (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet SSR (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Infiniti FX45 (S50) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Infiniti FX45 (S50) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      GMC Yukon Denali (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      GMC Yukon Denali (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H3T Concept (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H3T Concept (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade EXT (GMT806) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade EXT (GMT806) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade (GMT820) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade (GMT820) (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H2 (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H2 (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G500 (W463) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G500 (W463) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG (W463) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG (W463) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet Silverado SS (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet Silverado SS (Rear quarter view)
      Dodge RAM SRT-10(Rear quarter view)
      Dodge RAM SRT-10(Rear quarter view)
      Gemballa GT 750 (955) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Gemballa GT 750 (955) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)

    5. SUVs/Trucks

      The vehicle of choice of the Big Playas club.
      Hummer H1 (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H1 (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet SSR (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet SSR (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Infiniti FX45 (S50) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Infiniti FX45 (S50) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      GMC Yukon Denali (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      GMC Yukon Denali (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H3T Concept (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H3T Concept (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade EXT (GMT806) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade EXT (GMT806) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade (GMT820) (Rear quarter view)
      Cadillac Escalade (GMT820) (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H2 (Rear quarter view)
      Hummer H2 (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G500 (W463) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G500 (W463) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG (W463) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG (W463) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet Silverado SS (Rear quarter view)
      Chevrolet Silverado SS (Rear quarter view)
      Dodge RAM SRT-10(Rear quarter view)
      Dodge RAM SRT-10(Rear quarter view)
      Gemballa GT 750 (955) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Gemballa GT 750 (955) (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)

      The vehicle of choice of the Chopper of America Bike Club.
      Hotmatch Cuevito (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch Cuevito (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      West Coast Choppers CFL (Rear quarter view)
      West Coast Choppers CFL (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch Chingon (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch Chingon (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      West Coast Choppers El Diablo Soft Tail (Rear quarter view)
      West Coast Choppers El Diablo Soft Tail (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch Skully (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch Skully (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch D'Elegance (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch D'Elegance (Rear quarter view)
      West Coast Choppers El Diablo Rigid (Rear quarter view)
      West Coast Choppers El Diablo Rigid (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch V-Lux (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Hotmatch V-Lux (REMIX) (Rear quarter view)
      Sport Bikes

      The vehicle of choice of the Original Riders club.
      Ducati Monster S4R (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati Monster S4R (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati SS1000 (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati SS1000 (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati Paul Smart 1000 (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati Paul Smart 1000 (REMIX) (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R (Prize) (Rear quarter view)
      Aprilia Mille Factory RSV1000 (Rear quarter view)
      Aprilia Mille Factory RSV1000 (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati 999R (Rear quarter view)
      Ducati 999R (Rear quarter view)

      After completing each city, the player unlocks specialty police cars, with the Kawasaki Police 1000 Motorcycle being unlocked after completing both motorcycle clubs. These vehicles cannot be driven in Career Mode. If the player exits the garage into Career Mode with a police vehicle, the game will return the player to the main menu.
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (San Diego Police) (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (San Diego Police) (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (Atlanta Police) (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (Atlanta Police) (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (Detroit Police) (Rear quarter view)
      1996 Chevrolet Impala SS (Gen.7) (Detroit Police) (Rear quarter view)
      Kawasaki Police 1000 (Rear quarter view)
      Kawasaki Police 1000 (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) (Tokyo Police) (Rear quarter view)
      2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) (Tokyo Police) (Rear quarter view)

    6. Related Content
      Vehicles of Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
      Italics denote vehicles only available in the REMIX edition.

      Cadillac Coupe de Ville · Cadillac El Dorado · Chevrolet Bel Air · Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 · Chevrolet Corvette (C2) · Chevrolet Corvette (C3) · Chevrolet Chevelle · Chevrolet El Camino · Chevrolet Fleetline · Chevrolet Impala · Chevrolet Monte Carlo · Dodge Charger R/T (1969) · Pontiac GTO

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      Sport Bikes

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      Vehicles in Midnight Club 3 · Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition · Category: Vehicles in MC3


      Image Vehicle Performance
      Acura RSX
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 6 in Stage 3
      Localised: Only available in the NTSC release

      0-60: 6.51 secs.
      200.2 bhp
      141.6 ft-lb
      145.0 mph (233.4 km/h)
      Accel 1.9
      Top Speed 2.0
      Handling 3.7
      Audi A3
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 7 in Stage 3

      0-60: 6.32 secs.
      249.6 bhp
      235.2 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 2.9
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 3.5
      Audi TT
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 8 in Stage 3

      0-60: 6.34 secs.
      249.0 bhp
      236.0 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 2.8
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 4.6
      Cadillac Escalade
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 1 in Stage 2

      0-60: 8.58 secs.
      345.6 bhp
      379.8 ft-lb
      125.0 mph (201.2 km/h)
      Accel 0.8
      Top Speed 0.6
      Handling 1.2
      Ford Focus
      Unlock: Available from the beginning

      0-60: 8.71 secs.
      130.4 bhp
      134.2 ft-lb
      125.0 mph (201.2 km/h)
      Accel 1.1
      Top Speed 0.7
      Handling 3.6
      Ford Mustang GT
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 14 in Stage 4

      0-60: 4.68 secs.
      299.8 bhp
      313.0 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 3.0
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 2.4
      Honda Civic
      Unlock: Available from the beginning
      Localised: Only available in the NTSC release

      0-60: 7.24 secs.
      158.7 bhp
      111.4 ft-lb
      127.0 mph (204.4 km/h)
      Accel 1.2
      Top Speed 0.6
      Handling 3.8
      Hummer H2
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 2 in Stage 2

      0-60: 10.95 secs.
      324.5 bhp
      385.0 ft-lb
      125.0 mph (201.2 km/h)
      Accel 0.6
      Top Speed 0.6
      Handling 0.7
      Hyundai Tiburon GT V6
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 3 in Stage 2

      0-60: 7.23 secs.
      181.7 bhp
      176.3 ft-lb
      137.0 mph (220.5 km/h)
      Accel 1.7
      Top Speed 1.4
      Handling 3.2
      Infiniti G35
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 11 in Stage 4

      0-60: 5.88 secs.
      278.9 bhp
      269.0 ft-lb
      151.0 mph (243 km/h)
      Accel 3.0
      Top Speed 2.6
      Handling 3.0
      Lexus IS 300
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 5 in Stage 3

      0-60: 7.10 secs.
      214.3 bhp
      217.1 ft-lb
      139.0 mph (223.7 km/h)
      Accel 2.2
      Top Speed 1.5
      Handling 2.8
      Lincoln Navigator
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 1 in Stage 2

      0-60: 9.45 secs.
      300.5 bhp
      353.5 ft-lb
      125.0 mph (201.2 km/h)
      Accel 0.6
      Top Speed 0.6
      Handling 0.6
      Mazda Miata MX-5
      Unlock: Available from the beginning

      0-60: 7.73 secs.
      128.1 bhp
      109.5 ft-lb
      125.0 mph (201.2 km/h)
      Accel 1.2
      Top Speed 0.6
      Handling 4.3
      Mazda RX-7
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 10 in Stage 4

      0-60: 4.90 secs.
      255.7 bhp
      215.9 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 3.3
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 3.9
      Mazda RX-8
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 9 in Stage 4

      0-60: 5.97 secs.
      237.4 bhp
      158.5 ft-lb
      148.0 mph (238.2 km/h)
      Accel 3.0
      Top Speed 2.4
      Handling 4.3
      Mitsubishi 3000GT
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 12 in Stage 4

      0-60: 5.73 secs.
      319.7 bhp
      314.8 ft-lb
      159.0 mph (255.9 km/h)
      Accel 3.3
      Top Speed 3.3
      Handling 3.6

    8. Mitsubishi Eclipse
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 8 in Stage 3

      0-60: 6.60 secs.
      209.0 bhp
      213.9 ft-lb
      137.0 mph (220.5 km/h)
      Accel 1.9
      Top Speed 1.4
      Handling 3.7
      Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 15 in Stage 4

      0-60: 4.06 secs.
      270.5 bhp
      272.1 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 3.4
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 4.5
      Nissan 240SX
      Unlock: Available from the beginning

      0-60: 8.33 secs.
      155.4 bhp
      159.0 ft-lb
      130.0 mph (209.2 km/h)
      Accel 1.5
      Top Speed 0.7
      Handling 3.7
      Nissan 350Z
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 9 in Stage 4

      0-60: 6.16 secs.
      287.1 bhp
      272.7 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 3.6
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 3.3
      Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 3 in Stage 2

      0-60: 7.33 secs.
      174.8 bhp
      179.2 ft-lb
      135.0 mph (217.3 km/h)
      Accel 1.6
      Top Speed 1.2
      Handling 2.8
      Nissan Skyline GT-R
      Unlock: Complete URL Race 16 in Stage 5

      0-60: 5.22 secs.
      276.6 bhp
      220.4 ft-lb
      155.0 mph (249.4 km/h)
      Accel 2.8
      Top Speed 3.0
      Handling 5.4
      Peugeot 106
      Unlock: Available from the beginning
      Localised: Only available in the PAL release

      0-60: 8.23 secs.
      119.8 bhp
      106.2 ft-lb
      141.0 mph (226.9 km/h)
      Accel 1.3
      Top Speed 1.6
      Handling 4.2
      Peugeot 206
      Unlock: Available from the beginning

      0-60: 8.32 secs.
      138.0 bhp
      141.5 ft-lb
      125.0 mph (201.2 km/h)
      Accel 1.5
      Top Speed 0.6
      Handling 3.5

  18. emedada 𒌉 𒈗𒆷𒁶 𒂡𒋛𒀀 𒅆 𒀠𒁇𒁇𒊑
    emedada dumu lugal-la-gin7 bad3-si-a igi al-bar-bar-re
    You are peering out from the parapet like the prince's nurse.𒌷𒂁𒆠 𒃶𒅅𒆷 𒆕𒀀𒁀 uguugu4𒁉 𒂍 𒈜𒊏𒅗 𒅆 𒇲𒁉 𒀠𒆪 ḫe2-ĝal2-la du3-a-ba
    uguugu4-bi e2 nar-ra-ka igi la2-bi al-tuš
    In Eridug, built in abundance, the monkey sits with longing eyes in the singer's house.𒁮 𒅇𒈬𒌧𒋛𒃵𒀀𒀭 𒊩𒆳 𒂡𒂵𒀀𒀭𒅇𒈬𒌧𒋛𒃵𒀀𒀭 𒀴 𒂡𒂵𒀀𒀭
    dam /u3\-mu-/un-si\ gam-[am3 geme2 ug5-ga-am3]
    u3-mu-un-/si\ gam-[am3 arad ug5-ga-am3]
    The lord's wife kneels, the slave girl dies. The lord kneels, the slave dies.𒈦𒆕 𒅆 𒉡𒇲 𒌨 𒅆 𒉡𒅅𒆷
    maš-da3 igi nu-la2 ur igi nu-ĝal2-la ( lu2 šu zig3-zig3-ga igi nu-du8)
    A gazelle not alert, a dog not on the watch. ( A man raising his hand in anger does not see clearly.)𒁮 𒉡𒅍 𒌉 𒉡𒅍 𒅗𒉌𒂠 𒉡𒅍
    dam nu-il2 dumu nu-il2
    giri17-zal-še3 nu-il2
    He who does not support a wife, he who does not support a child, has no cause for celebration.𒆠𒂖 𒋀𒍪 𒊕 𒉡𒈬𒊑𒅁𒆗𒇷 𒀀𒁀𒀀𒀭 𒊕 𒈬𒂊𒆗𒇷𒂗
    ki-sikil šeš-zu saĝ nu-mu-re-eb-kal-le
    a-ba-am3 saĝ mu-e-kal-le-en
    Girl, your brother cannot choose for you; whom do you choose?𒇳𒁺𒊑 𒆻 𒅥𒅇𒁕𒉌𒂠 𒅆 𒀭𒅆𒆕𒆕
    ukur3-re niĝ2 gu7-u3-da-ni-še3 igi an-ši-du3-du3
    The poor man must always look to his next meal.𒍚𒉈 𒍚x 𒈾𒀊𒁉𒀀 𒅇 𒂷𒂊 𒊕 𒈬𒉌𒅁𒊏𒊏
    ud5-de3 /ud5?\-X na-ab-be2-a
    u3 ĝe26-e saĝ mu-ni-ib-ra-ra
    A goat says to another goat: 'I too butt my head.'𒄩 𒇉𒊏 ectubku6 𒄀 𒄭𒂵
    ku6 engur-ra eštubku6 gi dug3-ga
    A fish in the deep is as good as a carp in the reeds.𒄷 𒁀𒊑𒊑 𒂼 𒀸𒁉 𒁀𒀭𒆪
    mušen ba-dal-dal ama dili-bi ba-an-tuš
    All the birds flew away, and their mother alone stayed.𒈜𒀀 𒂊 𒀠𒁺 𒄖𒁺 𒃵𒈠𒈬 𒇽 𒈾𒈨 𒅆 𒉡𒈬𒉌𒅔« 𒁍 »𒃮
    ka5-a eg2 al-DU gu-du gam-ma-ĝu10
    lu2 na-me igi nu-mu-ni-in-«GID2»-du8
    A fox was scrabbling in a dyke: 'Nobody has ever seen my bent-over behind.'


O capitalismo está podre. Todos sabemos disso. Mas ele não cai sozinho