sábado, 14 de outubro de 2023

BOICOTE QUEM FINANCIA A GUERRA * Frente Revolucionária dos Trabalhadores/FRT



50 comentários:

  1. Os inimigos do povo palestino são tão ardilosos que podem encabeçar o ataque violento para depois aniquilamento toda juventude que no futuro possa lutar

    1. Sim, exatamente isso. O sionismo é fascismo israelense, assim como o Otanismo é fascismo do Núcleo Imperial (Atlântico Norte). Nesse ponto a OTAN é realmente o Quarto Reich, e Israel é um estado fascista. Sionismo é fascismo israelense assim como o Nazismo é fascismo alemão. Dá para fazer várias comparações com o Sionismo e com o Nazismo, como o caso do território vital, limpeza étnica, povo escolhido, etc. O sionismo é inerentemente racista, fascista e antissemita. Antissionismo não é antissemitismo pois o sionismo é inerentemente antissemita.

    2. O próprio Einstein já havia denunciado o fascismo dentro do sionismo no final dos anos 1940. Muito provavelmente se Einstein visse o que Israel está fazendo com os palestinos, muçulmanos e cristãos, além de ser a maior tristeza dele, isso varia ele ser chamado de "antissemita" e de pró-Hamas... Infelizmente vivemos em uma linha do tempo muito amaldiçoada... Onde que temos unidade fascista (neofascista), anarquistas e nazistas unidos contra a Rússia, a democracia liberal virando literalmente fascismo, fascismo virando a imposição violenta do capital, a OTAN virando o Quarto Reich, o Ocidente virando o Quarto Reich... É muita doideira... Por isso eu recomendo o r/TheDeprogram, r/CommunismMemes, e o r/ShitLiberalsSay, eles são de dentro do núcleo imperial e mostram bem o nível do fascismo presente dentro do núcleo imperial e do capitalismo hoje em dia...

    3. Hoje em dia:

      "Teoria da Conspiração" e "Desinformação" = Tudo o que vai contra o que diz o Departamento de Estado dos EUA

      Isso só fortalece a tese que os EUA é mesmo o Quarto Reich, assim como toda a OTAN, toda a UE, e todo o Ocidente + seus fantoches como Israel, Kuwait, Kosovo, Coreia do Sul, Taiwan, etc.

    4. “você não gosta do capitalismo, mas você existe” é apenas um apito canino extremista pró-capitalismo. O mesmo acontece com “todos os anticapitalistas devem fazer voto de pobreza e/ou viver em cavernas/florestas”; e também "você não gosta do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, mas consome e usa coisas feitas nos EUA" e assim por diante. É apenas extremismo pró-capitalismo.

    5. Os governos e estados capitalistas não têm legitimidade e são organizações criminosas.

      Não creio que seja necessário explicar até que ponto os governos e estados capitalistas não têm legitimidade e também são organizações criminosas e estados terroristas. Basta ler r/TheDeprogram, r/ShitLiberalsSay e r/CommunismMemes para descobrir isso. O NATOismo é basicamente o nazismo do século XXI. E Capitalismo é Fascismo e r/TheDeprogram explica isso muito bem.

      A verdadeira criminalidade vem do Capitalismo e do Neoliberalismo, e a verdadeira conduta criminosa é a defesa do Capitalismo e do Neoliberalismo, e as verdadeiras organizações criminosas são todos os governos e estados capitalistas de todo o mundo.

      Não creio que seja necessário explicar até que ponto os governos e estados capitalistas não têm legitimidade e também são organizações criminosas e estados terroristas. Basta ler r/TheDeprogram, r/ShitLiberalsSay e r/CommunismMemes para descobrir isso. O NATOismo é basicamente o nazismo do século XXI. E Capitalismo é Fascismo e r/TheDeprogram explica isso muito bem.

      A verdadeira criminalidade vem do Capitalismo e do Neoliberalismo, e a verdadeira conduta criminosa é a defesa do Capitalismo e do Neoliberalismo, e as verdadeiras organizações criminosas são todos os governos e estados capitalistas de todo o mundo.

      De acordo com os propagandistas ucranianos da OTAN, todas as ciências sociais, ciências económicas e ciências sociais são "teorias da conspiração", "desinformação", "ilusão", "pseudociência" e "propaganda russa" só porque discordam do que o Estado dos EUA Departamento diz.

      O Terror OTAN-Ucraniano é uma coisa e os propagandistas OTAN-Ucranianos transformaram-no numa coisa.

      A propaganda ucraniana é muito mais real do que a “propaganda russa”. Basta usar o Google e as redes sociais para descobrir isso.

      OTANismo, Radlibismo, Democracia Liberal e Neoliberalismo = Nazismo, Fascismo, Imperialismo e Etno-Nacionalismo

      Por que os anticomunistas e os antitanques podem ter argumentos idiotas, mas nós, socialistas, comunistas e tankies, não conseguimos nem nos defender? Parece que na maioria dos espaços da Internet os anticomunistas e os antitanques podem ter argumentos idiotas e argumentos de merda, mas não importa o quanto apresentemos bons argumentos e lhes enviemos fontes e provas, eles sempre negarão, ignorarão e descartarão isso. afirmam que tudo é "teoria da conspiração", "desinformação", "pseudociência", "russo/PCC/BRICS/soviético/comunista/stalinista/propagandatankie", "besteira/absurdo", "negação do genocídio", "informação falsa/errada ", "Propaganda terrorista", "Conduta criminosa", "Criminalidade" "Autoritarismo/Totalitarismo", "Delirante/Delírio", "Esquizopostagem", "Esquizofrenia", "Wikipedia/RationalWiki diz o contrário", "O Consenso Científico/Comunidade diz caso contrário", "A ciência diz o contrário", "Negação da ciência", "Que tal", "Espantalho", "Falsa equivalência", "Falso dilema", "Falsa dicotomia", "Falácia lógica", "Mumbojumbo", "Anti-semitismo", "Racismo", "Xenofobia", "Discriminação", "Negação de provas", "Evidências falsas (Red Herring)", e assim por diante e então eles tentarão nos vencer pela experiência, rebaixando-nos ao seu nível. Apesar de a maioria de seus argumentos serem literalmente idiotas e uma merda e poderem ser facilmente desmascarados, eles continuarão a nos acusar de qualquer uma das coisas anteriores.

      Então eu me pergunto: por que os anticomunistas e os antitanques podem ter argumentos tão idiotas e de merda enquanto nós, comunistas e tankies, não conseguimos nem nos defender do que eles dizem?

      Parece que realmente vivemos no Red Scare da década de 2020 e no macarthismo da década de 2020, mas não diga o contrário. Não podemos sequer criticar a NATO e a Ucrânia sem que as pessoas nos acusem de “propaganda russa” e/ou mesmo nos acusem de “negação do genocídio” e/ou “fascismo/imperialismo”.

    6. Por que os anticomunistas podem fazer qualquer tipo de história alternativa contra o comunismo e é isso ainda quando os comunistas dizem coisas como "o lado errado venceu a Guerra Fria" e/ou "o lado errado venceu a Guerra Civil Finlandesa" e/ou "os soviéticos deveriam ter vencido a Primeira Guerra Mundial" eles, os anticomunistas, irão e apenas dirão "aconteceu" argumento ad hoc e/ou argumento ad hoc de "autoritarismo/totalitarismo" e/ou argumento ad hoc do Sr.

      Vendo o quanto eles vomitam a propaganda EUA-UE-NATO-Ucrânia sobre literalmente toda a gente, os NATOistas são os verdadeiros nazis, e a NATO é uma organização nazi. E os NATOistas chamarem todos os Anti-NATOistas de "Nazis", "Fascistas" e "Imperialistas" é apenas autoprojecção

      Os propagandistas da NATO-Ucranianos são a principal razão pela qual tantas pessoas apoiam a Rússia hoje em dia. Os propagandistas da OTAN-Ucrânia causam tantos danos às pessoas a um nível que fazem com que até mesmo as pessoas que defendem uma Segunda Revolução de Outubro e/ou que apoiam toda a "Legião Russa Livre" e/ou Anti-putinistas apoiem a Rússia porque estão literalmente reduzindo tudo a "ou você apoia a Ucrânia incondicionalmente, cegamente e acriticamente, ou você é um propagandista russo". Neste ponto, tudo o que vai contra a propaganda OTAN-Ucraniana financiada pelo Departamento de Estado dos EUA é a propaganda russa e as teorias da conspiração. Eles estão até considerando o marxismo, as ciências sociais, as ciências cognitivas e todas as ciências sociais como "propaganda russa" e "conspiração". Teorias" apenas por discordar da Máquina de Propaganda EUA-UE-OTAN-Ucrânia.

      Os Shill Bots financiados pelo Estado ucraniano, também conhecidos como NATOistas e Radlibs, estão tão cegos com a propaganda ucraniana a um nível que nem conseguem imaginar qualquer alternativa sem a Ucrânia vencer a guerra e reduzirão todas as posturas e posições à Rússia ou à Ucrânia, eles são aqueles com muita propaganda, a propaganda ucraniana é real, e é muito mais real do que a chamada "propaganda russa", eles são tão cheios de reducionismo pró-ucraniano que tentarão reduzir todas as posições a "ou você apoia a Ucrânia incondicionalmente , cegamente e sem crítica, ou você é um shill bot financiado pelo estado russo e crente na teoria da conspiração, crente na desinformação, crente na pseudociência e delirante"

      A Propaganda Ucraniana e a Propaganda da OTAN são mais prejudiciais do que a chamada “Propaganda Russa”. Vendo a forma como os apoiantes ucranianos e os NATOistas (Vaushites e Radlibs incluídos) estão online, e o quanto ambos apoiam a Ucrânia incondicionalmente, acriticamente, cegamente, e assim apoiar a Ucrânia foi absoluto e o fim da história, não há mais dúvidas de que a Propaganda Ucraniana e A propaganda da OTAN é muito mais prejudicial do que afirmam que a "propaganda russa" é, a um nível em que nem conseguem ver o papel da OTAN na Guerra Russo-Ucraniana, e até dizem que a URSS era nazista, fascista e imperialista e que quanto Tankies, Socialistas e Comunistas são nazistas, fascistas e imperialistas para justificar a Ucrânia e a OTAN e defender ambas cegamente. Os Shill Bots financiados pelo Estado OTAN-Ucraniano são a pior coisa de sempre e todo o Eixo EUA-UE-OTAN-Ucrânia deve ser combatido.

    7. Neste ponto, não há mais dúvidas de que a NATO é o Quarto Reich e os NATOistas são os Nazistas do Quarto Reich, basta ver como os NATOistas estão online e dizer online para concluir isso. Hitler ficaria orgulhoso da forma como a NATO é hoje em dia e do quanto a Ucrânia é hoje em dia.

      Os NATOistas e os Radlibs pensam, não ironicamente, que todas as ciências sociais que vão contra os EUA/UE/NATO são teorias da conspiração, desinformação, pseudociência, coisas delirantes, e assim por diante. E já é prova suficiente para concluir que os NATOistas e os Radlibs são tudo o que autoprojectam nos outros que não apoiam a NATO nem a Ucrânia.

      Os NATOistas e Radlibs chamar-nos de “Nazis/Fascistas/Imperialistas” é apenas auto-projectação.

      Porque é que os Vaushitas e os Radlibs pensam que todos os que não apoiam a Ucrânia são nazis, imperialistas, fascistas, Shill Bots russos e crentes em teorias de conspiração delirantes?

      Porque é que estão tão entusiasmados com a propaganda do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, a tal ponto que pensam que tudo o que vai contra o que o Departamento de Estado dos EUA diz são teorias de conspiração delirantes e desinformação?

      Por que os anticomunistas afirmam que dizemos “isto não foi o comunismo real”, mas eles podem dizer “isto não é capitalismo real” e/ou “isto não é liberalismo/neoliberalismo real” e/ou “isto não é democracia (liberal) real” e /ou "eles não liberalizaram o suficiente" e é isso? Da mesma forma, os anticomunistas sempre somos "negadores do genocídio" e "apoiadores do genocídio", mas eles negam claramente todos os genocídios causados pelo anticomunismo e/ou pelo capitalismo/neoliberalismo e eles literalmente apoiam a prisão/prisão política de todos os socialistas/comunistas, o que é uma forma clara de genocídio?

      Os sionistas não deveriam ter permissão para definir o que é e o que não é anti-semitismo e racismo, ou pelo menos, eles deveriam ser ridicularizados devido às suas definições de anti-semitismo e racismo, assim como os supremacistas da OTAN e os supremacistas brancos com suas definições de "anti-brancos". Racismo" e "Racismo Anti-OTAN"

      Porque é que as pessoas pensam que a Ucrânia e a NATO são Anti-Imperialistas e Anti-Fascistas quando ambas são claramente Imperialistas e Fascistas? Por que os propagandistas ucraniano-OTAN sempre tentam projetar tudo o que a Ucrânia e a OTAN são na Rússia e depois acusam todos que não apoiam a Ucrânia e a OTAN incondicionalmente, acrítica e cegamente de "imperialismo", "fascismo", "propaganda russa", " Negação do Genocídio", "Ser Tankies" e assim por diante?

      [NVGC] Marcha dos Tankmen Soviéticos (Edição NVGC Mikhail Popov)

      A armadura é dura e nossos tanques são rápidos,
      E nossos homens estão cheios de coragem!
      Os petroleiros soviéticos estão prontos para a ação,
      Filhos da Humanidade Comunista!

      Trovejando com fogo, brilhando com aço,
      Os tanques começarão uma campanha dura!
      Quando somos chamados para a batalha pelo camarada Mikhail Popov,
      E o Primeiro Marechal nos liderará nesta batalha!

      Ao manter a nossa humanidade, nós protegemos,
      Os trabalhadores do mundo!
      Pelo poder de nossas torres de armas,
      Pela nossa rapidez e pressão do fogo!


      Vamos os capitalistas, que se esconderam em emboscadas, lembrar:
      Nós os vigiamos, estamos em guarda!
      Não queremos destruir nem escravizar a humanidade,
      Mas não desistiremos de destruir o capitalismo!


      Mas se os capitalistas inveterados nos atacarem,
      Vamos vencê-los em todos os lugares!
      Os petroleiros libertarão a humanidade do capitalismo,
      E libertar a humanidade do capitalismo em qualquer lugar da Terra!


    8. Canary Mission, ADL, Harvard Doxxing Truck, e afins são apenas fraudes sionistas e fascistas israelenses e fascistas do Núcleo Imperial que merecem o tratamento que r/TheDeprogram, r/CommunismMemes, e r/ShitLiberalsSay dão para os mesmos.

    9. A propaganda sionista acabou de começar


    10. "Se "lugar" de socialista e de comunista é na "cadeia", então os socialistas e comunistas tem o direito a revolta, o direito a rebelião e o direito de fazer com o judiciário, com o legislativo, com o executivo e com todas as cadeias e prisões o mesmo que os revolucionários franceses fizeram com a Bastilha!" "If the "place" of socialists and communists is in "jail", then socialists and communists have the right to revolt, the right to rebellion and the right to deal with the judiciary, the legislature, the executive and all jails and prisons the same as the French revolutionaries did with the Bastille!"; "Si el "lugar" de los socialistas y comunistas es la "cárcel", entonces los socialistas y comunistas tienen el derecho a rebelarse, el derecho a la rebelión y el derecho a tratar con el poder judicial, el legislativo, el ejecutivo y todas las cárceles y prisiones del país. ¡Lo mismo que hicieron los revolucionarios franceses con la Bastilla!" « Si la « place » des socialistes et des communistes est dans la « prison », alors les socialistes et les communistes ont le droit de se révolter, le droit de se rebeller et le droit de traiter avec le pouvoir judiciaire, le législatif, l'exécutif et toutes les prisons. comme les révolutionnaires français l'ont fait avec la Bastille ! »

    11. Raspe um capitalista e um fascista sangra. Os EUA, a UE, o Reino Unido e a OTAN são estados e organizações terroristas, tal como o HAMAS e Israel


      Capitalismo = Fascismo


      Sim, essa é a prova de que todos os capitalistas são inerentemente fascistas

      Raspe um bilionário/CEO e um fascista/nazista sangrando

    12. Ngl, assistindo as reportagens da TV brasileira sobre imigração ilegal para os EUA concluí três coisas:

      1- Os EUA são o verdadeiro inferno genocida totalitário que afirmam que a URSS era muito pior. Os EUA são uma prisão a céu aberto.

      2- Toda a questão da imigração ilegal cubana para os EUA é apenas um bode expiatório. Por exemplo, El Salvador tem mais imigrantes ilegais nos EUA do que Cuba. Portanto, é apenas propaganda anticomunista.

      3- A imigração ilegal para os EUA é uma das maiores provas do quanto a propaganda norte-americana está mais forte hoje em dia.

      Ngl, estou simplesmente tendo um terror noturno depois que o YouTube me recomendou os jogos Water Womb World e Iron Lung. Jogos muito de terror, ambos unindo o terror lovecraftiano com o fundamentalismo religioso...

      “Todo mundo é gangsta até que todos os países do Núcleo Imperial fiquem laranja”


      Minha mente agora:

      "Pandemia: World Covid-19 Plague Inc videogame autônomo de simulação política"


      Uma professora da minha universidade, que disse que ela era esquerdista agora, ela disse que é capitalista e disse essas coisas de pessoas que acham que os anticapitalistas deveriam fazer voto de pobreza e que os ambientalistas deveriam viver no meio das florestas sem eletrônicos e esse tipo de hediondo coisas radlib. E ela rejeita todas as AES e pensa que todas as experiências socialistas foram apenas experiências capitalistas e que todos os esquerdistas são apenas capitalistas hipócritas.

      Sim, há muitos conservadores na universidade.

      E também, ela acha que não se pode condenar a propaganda dos EUA, os militares dos EUA e o governo dos EUA se consumir coisas dos EUA e/ou pagar impostos aos EUA...

      E eles acham que você não pode odiar o Departamento de Estado dos EUA e o exército dos EUA se usar coisas e outras coisas dos EUA

      Eles estão acreditando na propaganda e veem tudo como um produto do capitalismo, em vez de ser um produto dos trabalhadores.
      Os esquerdistas não são hipócritas por usarem a tecnologia; na verdade, a tecnologia chinesa está acima do que os ocidentais conseguiram porque a sua sociedade realmente funciona.
      Não estou dizendo que seja uma utopia, mas pelo menos eles podem se ajudar, ao contrário dos EUA
      A América é como a anarquia. É como o liberalismo do nível de Ayn Rand, a tal ponto que a sociedade nem consegue funcionar.

      Bem, os direitistas odeiam a China e usam tecnologia fabricada na China para espalhar propaganda na Internet, então é outro padrão duplo.

  2. Pro-Capitalism/Neoliberalism are inherently Fascistic, Extremist, Totalitarian and Authoritarian because:

    1- Dissidency outlawed;
    2- Criticism outlawed;
    3- Everyone is equal (individuality doesn't exist);
    4- The problem is the poor, the weak, and the ones who disagree with the system;
    5- Full control over what people think;
    6- Opposition outlawed;
    7- Overton window restricted to the extreme;
    8- The idea all products from a nation are only about that nation and about that system. Like Coca-Cola and iPhone are inherently from the US and Capitalistic;
    9- The use of violence for impose their system, whatever if it is by political arrests, defamation, slandering, humiliation, accusations, and the like;
    10 - The idea all of the problems are from the individual itself, not from the outside;
    11- All criticism and/or questioning are considered "misinformation", "conspiracy theory", "delusional", "schizophrenia", "pseudoscience", and the like.
    12- "If you participate of it, you can't criticize it even if you are forced to that."
    13- "If you don't like it, why don't you just leave and stop using these things?"
    14- The idea it is the end of the history.
    15- Ethno-Nationalism (like NATOism, Ukrainian Ethno-Nationalism, US Ethno-Nationalism, Radlibism, Zionism, etc).

    1. O Pró-Capitalismo/Neoliberalismo é inerentemente Fascista, Extremista, Totalitário e Autoritário porque:

      1- Proibição da dissidência;
      2- A crítica é ilegalizada;
      3- Todos são iguais (não existe individualidade);
      4- O problema são os pobres, os fracos e os que discordam do sistema;
      5- Controle total sobre o que as pessoas pensam;
      6- Oposição ilegalizada;
      7- Janela de Overton restrita ao extremo;
      8- A ideia de que todos os produtos de uma nação são apenas sobre essa nação e sobre esse sistema. Como a Coca-Cola e o iPhone são inerentemente norte-americanos e capitalistas;
      9- O uso da violência para impor seu sistema, seja por meio de prisões políticas, difamações, calúnias, humilhações, acusações e afins;
      10 - A ideia de que todos os problemas são do próprio indivíduo e não de fora;
      11- Todas as críticas e/ou questionamentos são considerados “desinformação”, “teoria da conspiração”, “delirante”, “esquizofrenia”, “pseudociência” e afins.
      12- “Se você participa, não pode criticá-lo, mesmo que seja forçado a isso.”
      13- “Se você não gosta, por que não vai embora e para de usar essas coisas?”
      14- A ideia é o fim da história.
      15- Etno-Nacionalismo (como OTANismo, Etno-Nacionalismo Ucraniano, Etno-Nacionalismo dos EUA, Radlibismo, Sionismo, etc).

  3. archive.today
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    Portal dos Mitos: Os Anunnakis
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    26 Aug 2023 14:12
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    We are also focused on unite people who also had experiences, personal gnosis, or NDE with the Abzu, and show people the Abzu is not scary as people think it is. We also have a panentheistic and polytheistic and perennialist understanding of the Anunnaki gods and of the Abzu, but all beliefs are welcome here!

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    We're the An's Heaven server. A server dedicated for the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven, the abode, the home, and the heaven of the Anunnaki gods. We are a server focused on the spiritual and divine side of the Anunnaki gods and of An's Heaven. We seek to to unite more people connected with the Anunnaki gods and with An's Heaven, as well as we are also open to people connected with other gods and heavens as long as they respect the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven. If you want to learn about the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven, or just talk about your connection and experiences with the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven, or even just talk with people connected with the Anunnaki gods and with An's Heaven, you're free to join.

    May the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven be with you all 💙🌼💙


    𒂍 Anunnaki


    A friendly server with open minded welcoming members. Our theme is the Ancient Middle-Eastern Mesopotamian Gods, The Anunnaki. Our purpose is to combate all the fake information regarding the Anunnaki Gods that is currently circulating on the internet. If you have a connection with the Anunnaki or if you just wanna learn.. Or even if you know nothing and just wanna make friends, this is the perfect place for you!

    We will be waiting for you and give you a warm welcome 💕
    One love ❤️


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    The Anurash Faith
    The Anurash Faith



    Welcome there! We're a server dedicated to the work and construction of the Anuraš Faith. We seek to develop a whole virtual/digital temple for the Anuraš Faith. We are also focused on build a safe space for the worship of the Anunnaki gods, the main gods of the Anuraš Faith, in a revivalist and 21st century way as well. Some rules: 1- Be respectful towards the gods. 2- No "Abrahamism over Paganism/Polytheism". Abrahamists are welcome, but defending Abrahamism over Paganism/Polytheism will result in a permaban. 3- No right-wing ideologies. All left-wing ideologies are welcome as long as they support the contruction of socialism/communism and/or some form of Liberation Theology. And no defense of right-wing ideologies like capitalism, neoliberalism, liberalism, radlibism, soclibism, right-wing social democracy, Zionism, NATOism, Putinism, Zelenskyism, Vaushism, Yeltsinism, Gorbachevism, Fascism, and the like. 4- Atheists, Agnostics and the like are welcome. Just keep antitheism and/or misotheism on the bare minimum. Misotheistic medias such as God of War series, Marvel series, DC series, and the like will result in Permaban. 5- We support LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Plural/System and Psychic/Medium rights. So no discrimination towards those groups. 6- Do not harass other members. In case of disagreements with the staff, always be polite. 7- This server is for our religious community first with others welcome as guests. We are very sensitive to the needs of our community and must prioritize the purpose of the server. 8- Anything else at moderation discretion.

    Welcome there!

    We're a server dedicated to the work and construction of the Anuraš Faith. We seek to develop a whole virtual/digital temple for the Anuraš Faith.

    We are also focused on build a safe space for the worship of the Anunnaki gods, the main gods of the Anuraš Faith, in a revivalist and 21st century way as well.

    1. Some rules:

      1- Be respectful towards the gods.
      2- No "Abrahamism over Paganism/Polytheism". Abrahamists are welcome, but defending Abrahamism over Paganism/Polytheism will result in a permaban.
      3- No right-wing ideologies. All left-wing ideologies are welcome as long as they support the contruction of socialism/communism and/or some form of Liberation Theology. And no defense of right-wing ideologies like capitalism, neoliberalism, liberalism, radlibism, soclibism, right-wing social democracy, Zionism, NATOism, Putinism, Zelenskyism, Vaushism, Yeltsinism, Gorbachevism, Fascism, and the like.
      4- Atheists, Agnostics and the like are welcome. Just keep antitheism and/or misotheism on the bare minimum. Misotheistic medias such as God of War series, Marvel series, DC series, and the like will result in Permaban.
      5- We support LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Plural/System and Psychic/Medium rights. So no discrimination towards those groups.
      6- Do not harass other members. In case of disagreements with the staff, always be polite.
      7- This server is for our religious community first with others welcome as guests. We are very sensitive to the needs of our community and must prioritize the purpose of the server.
      8- Anything else at moderation discretion.
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      Anunnaki Discord Servers | The #1 Discord Server List


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      Anuraš Faith | Divine Temple of the Anunnaki
      Anuraš Faith | Divine Temple of the Anunnaki



      Welcome there! We are an Anunnaki revivalist and Sumero-Mesopotamian revivalist server, we are focused on build a Discord server based on the Anuraš Faith, also Anurash Faith, Anurašism, and Anurashism, that is literally the Pagan, Polytheist, and Anunnaki version of the Baha'i Faith, where all Pagan gods and Polytheistic gods are actually Anunnaki, same way for all gods and divine beings as well. We are very revivalist focused, and we use the Baha'i Faith as inspiration for our server. We are also a left-leaning and socialist-leaning server, and we support religious socialism and divine socialism as well. Feel welcome to join our server!

      Welcome there!

      We are an Anunnaki revivalist and Sumero-Mesopotamian revivalist server, we are focused on build a Discord server based on the Anuraš Faith, also Anurash Faith, Anurašism, and Anurashism, that is literally the Pagan, Polytheist, and Anunnaki version of the Baha'i Faith, where all Pagan gods and Polytheistic gods are actually Anunnaki, same way for all gods and divine beings as well.

      We are very revivalist focused, and we use the Baha'i Faith as inspiration for our server.

      We are also a left-leaning and socialist-leaning server, and we support religious socialism and divine socialism as well.

      Feel welcome to join our server!
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      ꜱᴛᴀʀꜰᴀʟʟ ɢʀᴏᴠᴇ
      Add The Spoken Sun to Discord Server

      The Spoken Sun
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  8. Pagan Leftist Union


    We are a server dedicated to left-wing paganism and to the left-wing side of paganism. We are one of the very few servers of its kind. We welcome all kinds of socialists, communists, Marxists, and leftists as long as they are respectful to paganism and to the pagan gods as well as all pagans are welcome as long as they are respectful to socialism, communism, Marxism, and leftism. We also support pagan liberation theology, and we stand for left unity and class unity as well. And we support no war except class war. And we focus on the social liberation and on the class struggle side of the gods, of the divine, and of paganism, and the messages of both three regarding social liberation and class struggle. LGTBQIA+, OTMSN+, and Plurals are welcome as well.

    We are:
    - Friendly to all left-wing, socialist and communist branches of all pagan religions and of all religions, including Abrahamic religions, like Christian Socialism, Islamic Socialism, Jewish Socialism, Buddhist Socialism, Hindu Socialism, Anunnaki Socialism, Aesir Socialism, Olympian Socialism, and so on. As well as we are friendly to secular and atheistic forms of socialism, communism and leftism. All religions are welcome, except antitheism, right-Abrahamism, right-Paganism and the right-wing branches of all religions as they are anti-communist and reactionary.
    - LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC friendly.
    - Otherkin, Therian, Mythical, Starseed, Non-Human, Plural, Endo, Medium, Psychic, Divine and more (OTMSNPEMPD+) friendly, we allow and we are friendly godkins, demonkins, daimonkins, yokaikins, angelkins and divinekins as long as they have a genuine divine connection and they are genuinely divine. As well as we allow and we are friendly with people with genuine divine connection and divine contact with the gods and/or with the divine.
    - Godpartner/Godspouse friendly, but only for +18 people!
    - Neurodivergent friendly, we have venting channels for neurodivergents to vent when needed, but please consider what is serious and what is not serious while venting.
    - Pro-Socialism, Pro-Communism, Pro-Marxism, Pro-Leftism, Pro-Liberation Theology, Pro-Socialist Democracy, Pro-Paganism, Pro-Polytheism, Pro-Panentheism, Pro-HEDBT (Pro-Highly Evolved Divine Beings Theory), Pro-Divine Socialism, Pro-Religious Socialism, Pro-Spiritual Socialism, Pro-AES, Pro-BRICS, Pro-No War But Class War, Pro-DotP, Pro-Dialectical Materialism, Pro-World Communist Revolution, and Pro-World Socialist Republic. So consider this before joining.
    - Pro-Anticapitalism, Pro-Antineoliberalism, Pro-Antianticommunism, Pro-Antiantisocialism, Pro-Antiantimarxism, Pro-Antiantileftism, Pro-Antiantipaganism, Pro-Antiantipolytheism, Pro-Antiantitheism, Pro-Antifascism, Pro-Antiantiantifascism, Anti-US, Anti-NATO, Anti-Zelensky, Anti-Putin, Pro-RSFSR 2.0, Pro-Ukrainian SSR 2.0, Pro-USSR 2.0 and Pro-Comintern 2.0. So, consider this before joining too.
    - Anti-Misotheism, Anti-Deicide, Anti-Godkiller, Anti-Deicidism, Anti-Deicidism, Anti-GoW, Anti-Kratos, Anti-Kratosism, and we are against any form of defense of deicide and/or godkilling, whatever if it is on mythology, modern-day pop culture, fiction or in real life.

    The gods are communist and we must unite ourselves for turn Earth communist and divine. Divine socialism (theosocialism) and divine communism (theocommunism) are the way.


    1. Pagan Liberation Theology


      Welcome to our Pagan Liberation Theology server!

      This server is dedicated to the study and discussion of liberation theology among and between all pagan traditions!

      -Discuss theology, politics, and liberation theology!
      -Come join our book club for discussions about liberation theology!
      -LGBTQIA+ Friendly!
      -Otherkin, Therian, Mythical, Supernatural, Plural, Endogenic, Medium, Psychic, Starseed, Divinekin, Godkin, Divine, and Personal Gnosis Friendly!
      -BIPOC and Minority Friendly!
      -Safe Space for all Pagan Religions!
      -Safe Space for all forms of Pagan Socialism, Pagan Communism, Pagan Leftism, and Pagan Liberation Theology!
      -Resources Channel for Pagan Liberation Theology
      -Leisure Channels for Fun!

      Join a community that aims to study and produce knowledge that aims at liberation of all peoples from a pagan-based perspective!


  9. Eu estava aqui pensando sobre a apropriação cultural dentro do paganismo/neopaganismo e dentro das religiões, assim como o antinacionalismo e o antifolkismo de vários grupos pagãos/neopagãos. E eu percebi que eles também praticam apropriação cultural, tal como separar a questão religiosa de suas religiões do contexto socio-politico-econômico-cultural de suas religiões em questão, tal como eu percebi em grupos e comunidades que seguem o neopaganismo mesoamericano e os grupos que seguem o neopaganismo do Oriente Médio. É algo bem triste isso, pior mesmo é a galera que se diz antinacionalista e antifolkista mas apoiam incondicionalmente Israel, Ucrânia, EUA, UE, OTAN, Kosovo, Taiwan e Coreia do Sul e ainda com bandeiras "apolíticas" e "neutras", bem, ambos os casos chegam a ser um certo viés ocidental, ou mesmo um viés do núcleo imperial, uma forma de ambos viéses. É algo complicado, isso daí é tão complicando quanto a ideia de que é possível haver anti-imperialismo e antifascismo sem anticapitalismo e sem antineoliberalismo, penso que Trotsky já escreveu sobre isso, assim como tem toda uma literatura sobre isso, de como que o imperialismo do núcleo imperial não é o mesmo que o "imperialismo" russo, chinês, árabe, palestino, dos BRICS e afins. De qualquer forma, cada vez mais é possível ver como que o r/TheDeprogram tem razão sobre estas coisas, e eu realmente queria que o r/TheDeprogram se tornasse em algo grande e até mesmo em um partido político nos EUA e em todos os países do Núcleo Imperial também. Assim como que o Ocidente é mesmo o Quarto Reich, basta ler r/TheDeprogram para ver isso, ou mesmo conversar com qualquer OTANista mediano. Voltando a questão original, é muito viés ocidental isso de querer se importam com os praticantes nativos ao mesmo tempo que separa as religiões de seus contextos socio-politico-econômico-culturais, isso que é o verdadeiro racismo e o verdadeiro folkismo, essa ideia de que é possível separar uma religião de seu contexto socio-politico-econômico-cultural é racista, xenófoba, folkista, OTANista, capitalista, neoliberal, e até mesmo antiteísta, ateísta e reducionista, apesar que nem todo ateu e cético faz isso. Enfim, penso que a maioria das comunidades pagãs/politeístas estão para suas religiões igual como a maioria das comunidades abraãmicas estão para as religiões abraãmicas.

    1. I was here thinking about cultural appropriation within Paganism/Neo-Paganism and within religions, as well as the anti-nationalism and anti-folkism of various Pagan/Neo-Pagan groups. And I realized that they also practice cultural appropriation, such as separating the religious issue of their religions from the socio-political-economic-cultural context of their religions in question, as I noticed in groups and communities that follow Mesoamerican neopaganism and groups who follow Middle Eastern neopaganism. It's a very sad thing, what's even worse are the people who call themselves anti-nationalists and anti-folkists but unconditionally support Israel, Ukraine, USA, EU, NATO, Kosovo, Taiwan and South Korea and even with "apolitical" and "neutral" flags, well , both cases amount to a certain Western bias, or even an imperial core bias, a form of both biases. It's something complicated, this is as complicated as the idea that it is possible to have anti-imperialism and anti-fascism without anti-capitalism and without anti-neoliberalism, I think Trotsky already wrote about this, as well as there is a whole literature about it, about how imperialism of the imperial core is not the same as Russian, Chinese, Arab, Palestinian, BRICS and similar "imperialism". Anyway, it's increasingly possible to see how r/TheDeprogram is right about these things, and I really want r/TheDeprogram to become something big and even a political party in the US and all the Core countries Imperial too. Just like the West really is the Fourth Reich, just read r/TheDeprogram to see that, or even talk to any average NATOist. Returning to the original question, there is a lot of Western bias in wanting to care about native practitioners while at the same time separating religions from their socio-political-economic-cultural contexts, this is true racism and true folkism, this idea of that it is possible to separate a religion from its socio-political-economic-cultural context is racist, xenophobic, folkist, NATOist, capitalist, neoliberal, and even antitheist, atheist and reductionist, although not every atheist and skeptic does this. Anyway, I think that most pagan/polytheistic communities are the same to their religions as most Abrahamic communities are to Abrahamic religions.

    2. Estaba aquí pensando en la apropiación cultural dentro del paganismo/neopaganismo y dentro de las religiones, así como en el antinacionalismo y el antifolkismo de varios grupos paganos/neopaganos. Y me di cuenta de que también practican la apropiación cultural, como separar la cuestión religiosa de sus religiones del contexto sociopolítico-económico-cultural de sus religiones en cuestión, como lo noté en grupos y comunidades que siguen el neopaganismo mesoamericano y grupos que siguen el neopaganismo mesoamericano. Neopaganismo de Oriente Medio. Es algo muy triste, lo que es aún peor es la gente que se dice antinacionalista y antifolkista pero apoya incondicionalmente a Israel, Ucrania, EE.UU., la UE, la OTAN, Kosovo, Taiwán y Corea del Sur e incluso con gobiernos "apolíticos" y "neutrales". "banderas, bueno, ambos casos equivalen a un cierto sesgo occidental, o incluso un sesgo del núcleo imperial, una forma de ambos sesgos. Es algo complicado, esto es tan complicado como la idea de que es posible tener antiimperialismo y antifascismo sin anticapitalismo y sin antineoliberalismo, creo que Trotsky ya escribió sobre esto, además hay toda una literatura. al respecto, sobre cómo el imperialismo del núcleo imperial no es lo mismo que el ruso, el chino, el árabe, el palestino, el BRICS y otros "imperialismos" similares. De todos modos, es cada vez más posible ver cómo r/TheDeprogram tiene razón en estas cosas, y realmente quiero que r/TheDeprogram se convierta en algo grande e incluso en un partido político en los EE. UU. y también en todos los países del Núcleo Imperial. Así como Occidente es realmente el Cuarto Reich, basta con leer r/TheDeprogram para comprobarlo, o incluso hablar con cualquier OTANista medio. Volviendo a la pregunta original, hay mucho prejuicio occidental al querer preocuparse por los practicantes nativos y al mismo tiempo separar las religiones de sus contextos sociopolíticos, económicos y culturales, esto es verdadero racismo y verdadero folklismo, esta idea de eso posible separar una religión de su contexto sociopolítico-económico-cultural es racista, xenófoba, folkista, otanista, capitalista, neoliberal e incluso antiteísta, atea y reduccionista, aunque no todos los ateos y escépticos lo hacen. De todos modos, creo que la mayoría de las comunidades paganas/politeístas son iguales con sus religiones que la mayoría de las comunidades abrahámicas con las religiones abrahámicas.

    3. Je pensais ici à l'appropriation culturelle au sein du paganisme/néo-paganisme et au sein des religions, ainsi qu'à l'antinationalisme et à l'anti-folkisme de divers groupes païens/néo-païens. Et j'ai réalisé qu'ils pratiquent également l'appropriation culturelle, comme séparer la question religieuse de leurs religions du contexte socio-politique-économique-culturel de leurs religions en question, comme je l'ai remarqué dans les groupes et communautés qui suivent le néopaganisme mésoaméricain et les groupes qui suivent Néopaganisme moyen-oriental. C'est quelque chose de très triste, ce qui est encore pire, ce sont les gens qui se disent antinationalistes et antifolkistes mais qui soutiennent inconditionnellement Israël, l'Ukraine, les États-Unis, l'UE, l'OTAN, le Kosovo, Taiwan et la Corée du Sud et même avec des attitudes "apolitiques" et "neutres". les drapeaux, eh bien, les deux cas correspondent à un certain biais occidental, voire à un biais central impérial, une forme des deux biais. C'est quelque chose de compliqué, c'est aussi compliqué que l'idée qu'il est possible d'avoir de l'anti-impérialisme et de l'antifascisme sans anticapitalisme et sans anti-néolibéralisme, je pense que Trotsky a déjà écrit à ce sujet, et il y a aussi toute une littérature à ce sujet, sur le fait que l'impérialisme du noyau impérial n'est pas le même que l'impérialisme russe, chinois, arabe, palestinien, BRICS et autres « impérialismes » similaires. Quoi qu'il en soit, il est de plus en plus possible de voir à quel point r/TheDeprogram a raison sur ces choses, et je veux vraiment que r/TheDeprogram devienne quelque chose de grand et même un parti politique aux États-Unis et dans tous les pays du noyau impérial également. Tout comme l’Occident est réellement le Quatrième Reich, il suffit de lire r/TheDeprogram pour s’en rendre compte, ou même de parler à n’importe quel OTANiste moyen. Pour en revenir à la question initiale, il y a beaucoup de préjugés occidentaux qui veulent se soucier des praticiens autochtones tout en séparant les religions de leurs contextes socio-politiques, économiques et culturels. C'est le vrai racisme et le vrai folkisme, cette idée de cela. il est possible de séparer une religion de son contexte socio-politique-économique-culturel est raciste, xénophobe, folkiste, otaniste, capitaliste, néolibéral et même antithéiste, athée et réductionniste, même si tous les athées et sceptiques ne le font pas. Quoi qu'il en soit, je pense que la plupart des communautés païennes/polythéistes sont les mêmes envers leurs religions que la plupart des communautés abrahamiques le sont envers les religions abrahamiques.

  10. MERCOLATAM - E se o MERCOSUL se expandisse para toda a América Latina (México incluso) e se tornasse em um mercado comum e em uma zona econômica igual a União Europeia?MERCOLATAM - ¿Qué pasaría si el MERCOSUR se expandiera a toda América Latina (incluido México) y se convirtiera en un mercado común y una zona económica como la Unión Europea?MERCOLATAM - What if MERCOSUR expanded to all of Latin America (Mexico included) and became a common market and an economic zone like the European Union?MERCOLATAM - Et si le MERCOSUR s'étendait à toute l'Amérique latine (y compris le Mexique) et devenait un marché commun et une zone économique à l'image de l'Union européenne ?MERCOLATAM - Wat als MERCOSUR zich zou uitbreiden naar heel Latijns-Amerika (inclusief Mexico) en een gemeenschappelijke markt en een economische zone zou worden zoals de Europese Unie?MERCOLATAM – E se il MERCOSUR si espandesse a tutta l’America Latina (Messico compreso) e diventasse un mercato comune e una zona economica come l’Unione Europea?MERCOLATAM – Was wäre, wenn sich MERCOSUR auf ganz Lateinamerika (einschließlich Mexiko) ausdehnen und ein gemeinsamer Markt und eine Wirtschaftszone wie die Europäische Union werden würde?

  11. Agricultural and Industrial Communes - What if the Soviets had created their own Kibbutz and they had spread throughout Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America and most of them had survived the fall of the USSR?Comunas Agrícolas e Industriais - E se os soviéticos tivessem criados seus próprios Kibbutz e os mesmos tivessem se espalhado por toda a Ásia, Europa, África e América Latina e a maioria dos mesmos tivesse sobrevivido a queda da URSS?Comunas agrícolas e industriales: ¿Qué pasaría si los soviéticos hubieran creado sus propios kibutz y se hubieran extendido por Asia, Europa, África y América Latina y la mayoría de ellos hubieran sobrevivido a la caída de la URSS?Communes agricoles et industrielles - Et si les Soviétiques avaient créé leur propre kibboutz et qu'ils s'étaient répandus dans toute l'Asie, l'Europe, l'Afrique et l'Amérique latine et que la plupart d'entre eux avaient survécu à la chute de l'URSS ?União das Repúblicas Socialistas Conciliares - E se a URSS tivesse se mantido como uma República Conciliar e a mesma tivesse ganhado a WW1, a WW2 e a Guerra Fria?Union of Conciliar Socialist Republics - What if the USSR had remained a Conciliar Republic and it had won WW1, WW2 and the Cold War?Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Conciliares: ¿Qué pasaría si la URSS hubiera seguido siendo una República Conciliar y hubiera ganado la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría?Union des Républiques Socialistes Conciliaires - Et si l'URSS était restée une République Conciliaire et qu'elle avait gagné la Première, la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et la Guerre Froide ?

    1. E se a Comuna de Paris tivesse tido o mesmo sucesso que a revolução francesa de 1789 teve?

      E se a Comuna de Paris tivesse sobrevivido até o começo da WW1?

      E se a URSS, o Pacto de Varsóvia e a Iugoslávia não tivessem colapsado e a guerra fria terminado com um stalemate?

      E se a URSS fosse uma democracia socialista e uma república conciliar e a mesma tivesse ganhado a guerra fria?

      E se houvesse uma revolução comunista na América Latina em 1918 e a URSAL tivesse sido formada em 1924?What if the Paris Commune had been as successful as the French Revolution of 1789?

      What if the Paris Commune had survived until the beginning of WW1?

      What if the USSR, the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia had not collapsed and the cold war ended with a stalemate?

      What if the USSR was a socialist democracy and a conciliar republic and it had won the cold war?

      What if there had been a communist revolution in Latin America in 1918 and URSAL had been formed in 1924?¿Y si la Comuna de París hubiera tenido tanto éxito como la Revolución Francesa de 1789?

      ¿Y si la Comuna de París hubiera sobrevivido hasta el comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial?

      ¿Qué pasaría si la URSS, el Pacto de Varsovia y Yugoslavia no se hubieran derrumbado y la guerra fría hubiera terminado en un punto muerto?

      ¿Qué pasaría si la URSS fuera una democracia socialista y una república conciliar y hubiera ganado la guerra fría?

      ¿Y si hubiera habido una revolución comunista en América Latina en 1918 y la URSAL se hubiera formado en 1924?Et si la Commune de Paris avait eu autant de succès que la Révolution française de 1789 ?

      Et si la Commune de Paris avait survécu jusqu'au début de la Première Guerre mondiale ?

      Et si l’URSS, le Pacte de Varsovie et la Yougoslavie ne s’étaient pas effondrés et si la guerre froide s’était terminée sur une impasse ?

      Et si l’URSS était une démocratie socialiste et une république conciliaire et qu’elle avait gagné la guerre froide ?

      Et s’il y avait eu une révolution communiste en Amérique latine en 1918 et que l’URSAL avait été créée en 1924 ?

  12. Similarities between 1980s-2020s Israel and 1920s-1930s Weimar Republic
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — 17/10/2023 09:55
    I was reading about how many Israelis hate Netanyahu and how much the Israeli left blames Netanyahu for the Israel-HAMAS war... To a level it is pretty much similar with Weimar Republic to Nazi Germany
    Zionism got rotten until it became literally Israeli Fascism
    Pretty much like German/Weimar Nationalism until it became Nazism (German Fascism)

    How can I tell someone I support Palestine while not supporting HAMAS?
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — 10/10/2023 17:44
    Mainly if the person in question is a Zionist and/or a Radlib?

    "you don't like capitalism yet you exist" is just pro-capitalism extremist dogwhistle
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — 10/10/2023 12:32
    Same way for "all anti-capitalists must do vow of poverty and/or live on caves/forests"; and also "you don't like the US State Department yet you consume and use things made on the US" and so on. It is just pro-capitalism extremism.

    r/TheDeprogram subreddit should have at very least 500k members
    Sukkal of Nammu
    — 06/10/2023 20:18
    Make r/TheDeprogram a reference for the left of the Imperial Core and of the worldwide
    ÉireinExile — 06/10/2023 22:05

    1. Capitalistic Governments and States have no legitimacy and are criminal organizations
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 06/10/2023 20:07
      I don't think I need to explain how much capitalistic governments and states have no legitimacy and also are criminal organizations and terrorist states. Just read r/TheDeprogram, r/ShitLiberalsSay, and r/CommunismMemes for find this out. NATOism is basically 21st Century Nazism. And Capitalism is Fascism and r/TheDeprogram explains that very well.

      The real criminality comes from Capitalism and Neoliberalism, and the real criminal conduct is the defense of Capitalism and Neoliberalism, and the real criminal organizations are all Capitalistic governments and states of the worldwide.

      Capitalistic Governments and States have no legitimacy and are criminal organizations
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 06/10/2023 20:07
      I don't think I need to explain how much capitalistic governments and states have no legitimacy and also are criminal organizations and terrorist states. Just read r/TheDeprogram, r/ShitLiberalsSay, and r/CommunismMemes for find this out. NATOism is basically 21st Century Nazism. And Capitalism is Fascism and r/TheDeprogram explains that very well.

      The real criminality comes from Capitalism and Neoliberalism, and the real criminal conduct is the defense of Capitalism and Neoliberalism, and the real criminal organizations are all Capitalistic governments and states of the worldwide.

      Imperialism will always exist as long as nation-states exist
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 06:06
      Imperialism will always exist as long as nation-states exist because that is what geopolitics is about.

      According to NATO-Ukrainian Propagandists
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 06:04
      According to NATO-Ukrainian Propagandists, all of social sciences, economical sciences, and soft sciences are "conspiracy theories", "misinformation", "delusion", "pseudoscience", and "Russian propaganda" just because they disagree with what the US State Department says.

    2. Anti-Tankies are just Anti-Communists who think Marx had a point
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 06:01
      Anti-Tankies are just Anti-Communists who think Marx had a point

      If you can't see the US/EU/NATO role on Ukraine
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:50
      If you can't see the US/EU/NATO role on Ukraine on the Russo-Ukrainian War, you are just blinded by NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda and you are also a NATOist and a Radlib, and if you claim it is "Russian Propaganda" you are double-blinded by NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda.

      We need r/TheDeprogram, r/ShitLiberalsSay, r/CommunismMemes to have 500k members
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:48
      We need r/TheDeprogram, r/ShitLiberalsSay, r/CommunismMemes to have 500k members on Reddit because we need to fight the US-EU-NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda Machine ASAP. Because at this point we can't even disagree with the US-EU-NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda Machine that we are called of "Russian Propagandists" and so on.

    3. NATOists claim to be against "cope" yet they are the ones who cope most the time
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:45
      NATOists, as well as Radlibs, Vaushites, LibDems, Zionists, and the like claim to be against "cope" yet they are the ones who cope most the time, just disagree with them on the themes "Ukraine", "US/EU/NATO", "Israel", "South Korea", "Taiwan", and the like for find this out

      NATO-Ukrainian Terror is a thing and NATO-Ukrainian Propagandists turned it into a thing
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:42
      I think social media and the Internet already showed it pretty well

      Ukrainian Propaganda is far more real than "Russian Propaganda"
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:15
      Just use Google and social media for find this out

      NATOism, Radlibism, LibDem, and Neoliberalism = Nazism, Fascism, Imperialism, and Ethno-Nationalism
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:15
      And NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda shows it very well

    4. Pro-Capitalism/Neoliberalism are inherently Fascistic, Extremist, Totalitarian and Authoritarian
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 15/10/2023 21:35
      Pro-Capitalism/Neoliberalism are inherently Fascistic, Extremist, Totalitarian and Authoritarian because:

      1- Dissidency outlawed;
      2- Criticism outlawed;
      3- Everyone is equal (individuality doesn't exist);
      4- The problem is the poor, the weak, and the ones who disagree with the system;
      5- Full control over what people think;
      6- Opposition outlawed;
      7- Overton window restricted to the extreme;
      8- The idea all products from a nation are only about that nation and about that system. Like Coca-Cola and iPhone are inherently from the US and Capitalistic;
      9- The use of violence for impose their system, whatever if it is by political arrests, defamation, slandering, humiliation, accusations, and the like;
      10 - The idea all of the problems are from the individual itself, not from the outside;
      11- All criticism and/or questioning are considered "misinformation", "conspiracy theory", "delusional", "schizophrenia", "pseudoscience", and the like.
      12- "If you participate of it, you can't criticize it even if you are forced to that."
      13- "If you don't like it, why don't you just leave and stop using these things?"
      14- The idea it is the end of the history.
      15- Ethno-Nationalism (like NATOism, Ukrainian Ethno-Nationalism, US Ethno-Nationalism, Radlibism, Zionism, etc).

      Why can anti-communist be full on alt-history yet communists can't?
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 14/10/2023 12:50
      Why can anti-communists make any kind of alt-history ever against Communism and that is it yet when Communists say things like "the wrong side won the Cold War" and/or "the wrong side won the Finnish Civil War" and/or "the Soviets should had won WW1" they Anti-communists will go and just say "it happened" ad hoc argument and/or "authoritarianism/totalitarianism" ad hoc argument and/or Mr. Gotcha ad hoc argument?

      People should be Anti-Anglo just like they are Anti-French or even more
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 06/10/2023 20:16
      Just compare the history of Angloids with the history of the French for find this out. English language should be treated just like the French language is treated, same way for England and the Union Jack as a whole.

    5. Let's call Zionists "Zioners" or "Zionen"
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 13:48
      A slur for Zionists because they are as bad as NATOers
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 18:36
      We just call them what they are

      Say "NATOer" instead of "Cracker"
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 13:43
      Let's call the enemy what the enemy actually is

      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 13:46

      What do you think about turning "NATOer" into a slur for NATOists and people from NATO member countries who support NATO? Lmao
      Shinyminecraft555 — 04/10/2023 13:48
      no slurs
      i do not approve of using slurs
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 13:59
      Oh ok
      I see
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 13:59
      I mean, they literally use "tankie" and "commie" as slurs

      Supporting Ukraine in Hungary should be illegal
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:35
      Because it is incitation to war and incitation to genocide

      — 03/10/2023 17:35
      🎉 | Sukkal of Nammu leveled up!
      ℹ | Level up messages can be disabled for the guild with owo level disabletext
      — 03/10/2023 17:35
      @Sukkal of Nammu has leveled up! (2 ➜ 3)
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:36
      ★DR.WAGNER★ — 04/10/2023 01:45
      W channel

      The Internet, Social Media, and Mass Media have a Pro-Ukrainian and Pro-NATO bias
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 21:42
      And after the Maus case, I no longer have any doubt of that
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 22:19
      Not all intern

      NATOists are the real Nazis
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:13
      Seeing how much they puke US-EU-NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda on literally everyone, NATOists are the real Nazis, and NATO is a Nazi Organization. And NATOists calling all Anti-NATOists "Nazis", "Fascists", and "Imperialists" is just self-projection

    6. NATO-Ukrainian Propagandists are the main reason why so many people support Russia nowadays
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:09
      NATO-Ukrainian Propagandists do so much harm to people to a level they are making even people who advocates for a Second October Revolution and/or who support the whole "Free Russian Legion" and/or Anti-putinists to support Russia because they are literally reducing everything into "or you support Ukraine unconditionally, blindly and uncritically, or you are a Russian propagandist". At this point anything that goes against the NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda funded by the US State Department is Russian Propaganda and Conspiracy Theories, they are even considering Marxism, Social Sciences, Cognitive Sciences, and all of Soft Sciences as "Russian Propaganda" and "Conspiracy Theories" just for disagreeing with the US-EU-NATO-Ukrainian Propaganda Machine.

      Ukrainian State Funded Shill Bots can't see any other thing except Ukraine winning this war
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:06
      Ukrainian State Funded Shill Bots, aka NATOists and Radlibs, are so blinded with Ukrainian Propaganda to a level they can't even imagine any alternative without Ukraine winning the war and they will reduce all stances and positions into or Russia or Ukraine, they're the ones with full on propaganda, Ukrainian Propaganda is real, and it is far more real than the so called "Russian Propaganda", they are so full on Pro-Ukrainian Reductionism they will try to reduce all positions into "or you support Ukraine unconditionally, blindly, and uncritically, or you are a Russian state funded shill bot and conspiracy theory believer misinformation believer pseudoscience believer and delusional"

      Ukrainian Propaganda and NATO Propaganda are more harmful than the so called "Russian Propaganda"
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:02
      Seeing the way Ukrainian supporters and NATOists (Vaushites and Radlibs inlcuded) are online, and how much they both support Ukraine unconditionally, uncritically, blindly, and like that supporting Ukraine was absolute and the end of history, there is no more doubt Ukrainian Propaganda and NATO Propaganda are far more harmful than they claim "Russian Propaganda" do be to a level they can't even see the NATO role on the Russo-Ukrainian War, as well as they will even say the USSR was Nazi and Fascist and Imperialist and that how much Tankies, Socialists, and Communists Are Nazis, Fascists, and Imperialists for justify Ukraine and NATO and defend both blindly. NATO-Ukrainian State Funded Shill Bots are the worst thing ever and the whole US-EU-NATO-Ukraine Axis must be countered.

    7. NATO is the Fourth Reich and NATOists are the Fourth Reich Nazis
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 19:58
      At this point, there is no more doubt NATO is the fourth Reich and NATOists are the Fourth Reich Nazis, it is just to see how NATOists are online and say online for conclude so. Hitler would be proud of the way NATO is nowadays and how much Ukraine is nowadays.

      Conspiracy Theory and Misinformation= Everything that goes against what the US State Department says
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 18:57
      At this point it surely is

      NATOists and Radlibs calling us "Nazis/Fascists/Imperialists" is just Self-Projecting
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 18:49
      At this point it surely is
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 18:49

      Why are people forced to support Ukraine nowadays?
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 18:45
      Why are people literally forced to support Ukraine nowadays?
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 18:45
      Because NATO is desperate as fuck

      Why do Vaushites and Radlibs think everyone who doesn't support Ukraine are Nazis, Imperialists
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 18:40
      Why do Vaushites and Radlibs think everyone who doesn't support Ukraine are Nazis, Imperialists, Fascists, Russian Shill Bots, and Believers of Delusional Conspiracy Theories?

      Why are they so much full on US State Department propaganda to a level they think everything that goes against what the US State Department says are delusional conspiracy theories and misinformation?
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 18:40
      @Shinyminecraft555 we indeed live in a Red Scare 3.0
      Third Wave Red Scare
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 18:42
      Dm me

    8. Why do anticommunists claim we say "this was not real communism" yet they can say
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:38
      Why do anticommunists claim we say "this was not real communism" yet they can say "this is not real capitalism" and/or "this is not real liberalism/neoliberalism" and/or "this is not real (liberal) democracy" and/or "they didn't liberalize enough" and that is it? Same way anticommunists always we are "genocide deniers" and "genocide supporters" yet they clearly deny all genocides made by anticommunism and/or by capitalism/neoliberalism and they literally support political arrest/prison of all socialists/communists which is a clear form of genocide?
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:39
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 11:49
      Because theyre hypocrites and uneducated idiots
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:55
      Yeah, and they are also bad-faithed, because they will always try to defend capitalism no matter what
      That is fun how they claim to be against "strawman" and "whataboutism" yet they are the ones who always do strawman and whataboutism most the time lmao
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 18:03
      and other fallacies like ad hominem and appeal to authority

    9. Why are Anticommunists allowed to have dumb arguments yet we Socialists, Communists, and Tankies
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:51
      Why are Anticommunists and Antitankies allowed to have dumb arguments yet we Socialists, Communists, and Tankies can't even defend ourselves? It looks like that in most Internet spaces anticommunists and antitankies are allowed to have dumb arguments and shit arguments yet it doesn't matter how much we make good arguments and send them sources and proof, they will always straight up deny, ignore and dismiss that claim it is all "conspiracy theory", "Misinformation", "pseudoscience", "Russian/CPC/BRICS/Soviet/Communist/Stalinist/Tankie Propaganda", "Bullshit/Nonsense", "Genocide Denial", "False/Wrong Information", "Terrorist propaganda", "Criminal conduct", "Criminality" "Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism", "Delusional/Delusion", "Schizoposting", "Schizophrenia", "Wikipedia/RationalWiki says otherwise", "The Scientific Consensus/Community says otherwise", "Science says otherwise", "Science denial", "Whataboutism", "Strawman", "False equivalence", "False Dilemma", "False Dicotomy", "Logical Fallacy", "Mumbojumbo", "Antisemitism", "Racism", "Xenophobia", "Discrimination", "Evidence denial", "False evidence (Red Herring)", and so on and then they will try to beat us by experience by lowering us to their level. Despite most of their arguments are literally dumb and shit and can be easily debunked yet they will proceed to accuse us of any of the things before.

      So I wonder, why can Anticommunists and Antitankies have such dumb and shit arguments while we Communists and Tankies can't even defend ourselves from what they say?

      It looks like we indeed live in the 2020s Red Scare and in the 2020s McCarthyism, for do not say otherwise. We can't even criticize NATO and Ukraine without people accusing us of "Russian propaganda" and/or even accusing us of "Genocide denial" and/or "Fascism/Imperialism".
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:54
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 11:57
      the right will always try to create lies that everyone will believe in order to turn everyone against us. not much to say on that
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 16:23
      I feel that yockey is a prime example of capitalism does to mfrs
      Yockey made racism 2
      Spoiler for those who like having braincelss
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 16:31
      Also it’s 1000 fucking pages long
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:52
      National-Socialism and Capitalism are pretty much the same thing
      It reminded me of TNO and the leftist submod of it
      I think it is right that Goldwater and Speer are literally the same thing
      I really can't see any difference between Goldwater, Speer, Stalina, and the LibDems and "Centrists". They're all genocidal maniacs who kills millions of people in the name of "Liberal Democracy" and of "Anti-Extremism"
      AuthDem is just Liberal Democracy on steroids
      And ConDem is just LibDem with Neoconservatism
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:55
      Yeah, that is crazy how anticommunists can make such walls of texts yet we socialists, communists, and tankies can't even write 1 page in our defense

    10. Why are Anticommunists allowed to have dumb arguments yet we Socialists, Communists, and Tankies
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:51
      Why are Anticommunists and Antitankies allowed to have dumb arguments yet we Socialists, Communists, and Tankies can't even defend ourselves? It looks like that in most Internet spaces anticommunists and antitankies are allowed to have dumb arguments and shit arguments yet it doesn't matter how much we make good arguments and send them sources and proof, they will always straight up deny, ignore and dismiss that claim it is all "conspiracy theory", "Misinformation", "pseudoscience", "Russian/CPC/BRICS/Soviet/Communist/Stalinist/Tankie Propaganda", "Bullshit/Nonsense", "Genocide Denial", "False/Wrong Information", "Terrorist propaganda", "Criminal conduct", "Criminality" "Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism", "Delusional/Delusion", "Schizoposting", "Schizophrenia", "Wikipedia/RationalWiki says otherwise", "The Scientific Consensus/Community says otherwise", "Science says otherwise", "Science denial", "Whataboutism", "Strawman", "False equivalence", "False Dilemma", "False Dicotomy", "Logical Fallacy", "Mumbojumbo", "Antisemitism", "Racism", "Xenophobia", "Discrimination", "Evidence denial", "False evidence (Red Herring)", and so on and then they will try to beat us by experience by lowering us to their level. Despite most of their arguments are literally dumb and shit and can be easily debunked yet they will proceed to accuse us of any of the things before.

      So I wonder, why can Anticommunists and Antitankies have such dumb and shit arguments while we Communists and Tankies can't even defend ourselves from what they say?

      It looks like we indeed live in the 2020s Red Scare and in the 2020s McCarthyism, for do not say otherwise. We can't even criticize NATO and Ukraine without people accusing us of "Russian propaganda" and/or even accusing us of "Genocide denial" and/or "Fascism/Imperialism".
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:54
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 11:57
      the right will always try to create lies that everyone will believe in order to turn everyone against us. not much to say on that
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 16:23
      I feel that yockey is a prime example of capitalism does to mfrs
      Yockey made racism 2
      Spoiler for those who like having braincelss
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 16:31
      Also it’s 1000 fucking pages long
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:52
      National-Socialism and Capitalism are pretty much the same thing
      It reminded me of TNO and the leftist submod of it
      I think it is right that Goldwater and Speer are literally the same thing
      I really can't see any difference between Goldwater, Speer, Stalina, and the LibDems and "Centrists". They're all genocidal maniacs who kills millions of people in the name of "Liberal Democracy" and of "Anti-Extremism"
      AuthDem is just Liberal Democracy on steroids
      And ConDem is just LibDem with Neoconservatism
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:55
      Yeah, that is crazy how anticommunists can make such walls of texts yet we socialists, communists, and tankies can't even write 1 page in our defense

      Why do people think Ukraine and NATO are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:54
      Why do people think Ukraine and NATO are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist when both are clearly Imperialist and Fascist? Why do Ukrainian-NATO propagandists always try to project everything that Ukraine and NATO are on Russia and then accusing everyone who don't support Ukraine and NATO unconditionally and uncritically and blindly of "Imperialism", "Fascism", "Russian propaganda", "Genocide Denial", "Being Tankies", and so on?
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:54
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 11:55
      ukraine is not imperialist and both are not fascist
      nato however is imperialist
      so is america
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 12:02
      I was using r/thedeprogram definition of fascism, but that is okay
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 12:02
      Yeah, I see

    11. Palestine is better than israel.
      Kim Jew Uberglow
      — 03/10/2023 10:29
      (im making this post so sukkal of nammu will fucking believe me that i support palestine.)
      Sukkal of Nammu — 03/10/2023 11:16
      Yeah, I can see it now
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 11:49
      free palestine
      i dont care if israel exists or not just free palestine

      — 01/10/2023 19:16
      — 01/10/2023 19:16
      :1984: or nah
      Sukkal of Nammu — 01/10/2023 19:16
      @Jaden hi!
      — 01/10/2023 19:16
      @Sukkal of Nammu has reached level 1. GG!
      — 01/10/2023 19:32
      :belgium: :emoji_5: :communistvote:
      Jaden — 01/10/2023 21:09
      ping me again and i will boil ur foreskin in oil
      Sukkal of Nammu — 01/10/2023 21:10

      Sergej — 02/10/2023 10:35
      just leave the server then lol

      uments yet we Socialists, Communists, and Tankies can't even defend ourselves? It looks like that in most Internet spaces anticommunists and antitankies are allowed to have dumb arguments and shit arguments yet it doesn't matter how much we make good arguments and send them sources and proof, they will always straight up deny, ignore and dismiss that claim it is all "conspiracy theory", "Misinformation", "pseudoscience", "Russian/CPC/BRICS/Soviet/Communist/Stalinist/Tankie Propaganda", "Bullshit/Nonsense", "Genocide Denial", "False/Wrong Information", "Terrorist propaganda", "Criminal conduct", "Criminality" "Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism", "Delusional/Delusion", "Schizoposting", "Schizophrenia", "Wikipedia/RationalWiki says otherwise", "The Scientific Consensus/Community says otherwise", "Science says otherwise", "Science denial", "Whataboutism", "Strawman", "False equivalence", "False Dilemma", "False Dicotomy", "Logical Fallacy", "Mumbojumbo", "Antisemitism", "Racism", "Xenophobia", "Discrimination", "Evidence denial", "False evidence (Red Herring)", and so on and then they will try to beat us by experience by lowering us to their level. Despite most of their arguments are literally dumb and shit and can be easily debunked yet they will proceed to accuse us of any of the things before. So I wonder, why can Anticommunists and Antitankies have such dumb and shit arguments while we Communists and Tankies can't even defend ourselves from what they say? It looks like we indeed live in the 2020s Red Scare and in the 2020s McCarthyism, for do not say otherwise. We can't even criticize NATO and Ukraine without people accusing us of "Russian propaganda" and/or even accusing us of "Genocide denial" and/or "Fascism/Imperialism".
      And I think @Kim Jew Uberglow can elaborate on that better than I do Zionists shouldn't be allowed to define what is and what isn't antisemitism and racism, or at very least, they should be mocked due their definitions of antisemitism and racism just like NATO Supremacists and White Supremacists with their definitions of "Anti-White Racism" and "Anti-NATO Racism"
      Why do people think Ukraine and NATO are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist when both are clearly Imperialist and Fascist? Why do Ukrainian-NATO propagandists always try to project everything that Ukraine and NATO are on Russia and then accusing everyone who don't support Ukraine and NATO unconditionally and uncritically and blindly of "Imperialism", "Fascism", "Russian propaganda", "Genocide Denial", "Being Tankies", and so on?

    12. Why do people think Ukraine and NATO are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:54
      Why do people think Ukraine and NATO are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist when both are clearly Imperialist and Fascist? Why do Ukrainian-NATO propagandists always try to project everything that Ukraine and NATO are on Russia and then accusing everyone who don't support Ukraine and NATO unconditionally and uncritically and blindly of "Imperialism", "Fascism", "Russian propaganda", "Genocide Denial", "Being Tankies", and so on?
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:54
      Shinyminecraft555 — 03/10/2023 11:55
      ukraine is not imperialist and both are not fascist
      nato however is imperialist
      so is america
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 12:02
      I was using r/thedeprogram definition of fascism, but that is okay
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 12:02
      Yeah, I see

      Zionists shouldn't be allowed to define what is and what isn't antisemitism and racism
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 13:35
      And I think @Kim Jew Uberglow can elaborate on that better than I do

      Zionists shouldn't be allowed to define what is and what isn't antisemitism and racism, or at very least, they should be mocked due their definitions of antisemitism and racism just like NATO Supremacists and White Supremacists with their definitions of "Anti-White Racism" and "Anti-NATO Racism"

      People's Marussia and People's Koenigsegg
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 07/10/2023 12:15
      I had this idea while playing NFSW WorldUnited.gg and I remembered about the ideas of Soviet sport cars and such. I think @ÉireinExile will get what I want to mean with that.

      The Human Species has enough conditions to become a Stellaris civilization until 2050
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 06/10/2023 20:23
      But for that we must turn the Socialist Republic of Earth into a thing. And then we should colonize all the planets of the Solar System until 2100 and lots of Orbital Habitats and Space Spaces all over our Solar System and in the Planet Systems near our Solar System until 2120. Ultravisionary Socialism is a thing, not the 1984-ish version of it, but the Kardashev-Dumugian (Russo-Brazilian) version of it!

    13. Kratosism is a real thing
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 12:14
      Here is a proof Kratosism is real and that there are unironic Kratosists https://m.youtube.com/@biologohenriqueoficial/videos https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxSbDOAmDA9xSDd3Numjsmg https://m.youtube.com/@biologohenriqueoficial/search?query=Kratos

      Biólogo Henrique o Biólogo das Cobras
      O canal é voltado para a área da defesa da Ciência, combate à pseudociência, defesa do profissional Biólogo, do meio ambiente, preservação da natureza, educação ambiental, Zoologia, Ecologia, Biologia das Serpentes e Cultura Nerd. Apresenta, explica e aborda o tema animal de maneira divertida e descontraída, sobre cobras do mundo, outras serpent...
      Biólogo Henrique o Biólogo das Cobras
      O canal é voltado para a área da defesa da Ciência, combate à pseudociência, defesa do profissional Biólogo, do meio ambiente, preservação da natureza, educação ambiental, Zoologia, Ecologia, Biologia das Serpentes e Cultura Nerd. Apresenta, explica e aborda o tema animal de maneira divertida e descontraída, sobre cobras do mundo, outras serpent...
      Biólogo Henrique o Biólogo das Cobras
      O canal é voltado para a área da defesa da Ciência, combate à pseudociência, defesa do profissional Biólogo, do meio ambiente, preservação da natureza, educação ambiental, Zoologia, Ecologia, Biologia das Serpentes e Cultura Nerd. Apresenta, explica e aborda o tema animal de maneira divertida e descontraída, sobre cobras do mundo, outras serpent...
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 13:36
      @𐕣 CharmingOwl 𐕣 what do you think about that?
      𐕣 CharmingOwl 𐕣 — 03/10/2023 15:17
      Kratos is a personification of strength in Greek mythology
      But I dont think belieiving in video game characters makes any sense.
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 15:36
      Yeah, Biologist Henrique is a wacky antitheist
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 17:51
      At this point antitheists will use any possible arguments and/or justifications for believe in modern-day fiction as religious people believe in ancient mythologies

    14. [NVGC] March of the Soviet Tankmen (NVGC Mikhail Popov Edition)
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 10:52
      The armour is hard and our tanks are fast,
      And our men are full of courage!
      The Soviet tankmen are ready for action,
      Sons of Communist Humanity!

      Thundering with fire, glinting with steel,
      The tanks will begin a harsh campaign!
      When we're called to battle by Comrade Mikhail Popov,
      And the First Marshal will lead us in this battle!

      In keeping our humanity, we guard,
      The workers of the worldwide!
      By power of our gun turrets,
      By our fastness and pressure of fire!


      Let's capitalists, who hidden in ambush, remember:
      We watch for them, we are on guard!
      We want not to destroy nor enslave humanity,
      But we will not give up on destroying capitalism!


      But if the inveterate capitalists attacks us,
      We will beat them everywhere!
      Tankdrivers will liberate humanity from capitalism,
      And free humanity from capitalism anywhere on Earth!

      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 10:52
      @Kim Jew Uberglow @Sergej @Josep Hernandez Lujan @ÉireinExile @★DR.WAGNER★

      Kim Jew Uberglow — 03/10/2023 10:53
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 10:53
      This is the only worth WW3
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 10:55
      @Shinyminecraft555 @ÉireinExile that is the why they removed Mikhail Popov from Novum Vexillum Global Conflict
      — 03/10/2023 10:55
      @Sukkal of Nammu has reached level 4. GG!
      Sergej — 03/10/2023 11:16

      Mapping about NVGC Mikhail Popov's RSFSR Vs Biden's NATO
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 11:09
      I was thinking about @ÉireinExile Make a mapping like that about the Comintern-NATO War from NVGC inspired on this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ioak2hDto8I

      Where the War starts in February 2022 and ends in October 2023 with the whole world falling anarchy due the nuclear war.

      What do you think @ÉireinExile?
      Tovarish Lew
      Fall Rot: THE GREAT TRIAL - TNO Mapping
      ÉireinExile — 03/10/2023 16:25
      I like TNO-Omsk
      Yazov 🤤
      Popov version would be fire
      Like TNO plot, NATO wins
      But then Popov leads a resurgence
      And it’s like Russian civil war 2 electric boogaloo
      USSR 2
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:13
      EPIC RPG
      — 03/10/2023 20:13

      IT'S RAINING COINS :coin:
      Type CATCH (once) to collect some coins! The reward depends on how many players join
      Coins per player: 300 ~ 25,950
      if you don't want these events to spawn with any message -> "rpg config"
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 03/10/2023 20:13
      Make a mapping about that plz
      EPIC RPG
      — 03/10/2023 20:14
      Players: sukkal_of_nammu
      :moneybag: Everyone got 2,167 coins
      Find more commands with help
      if you don't want these events to spawn with any message -> "rpg config"

    15. [Mapping Idea and HoI4 Mod Idea] The Red Iron Curtain
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 12:39
      @ÉireinExile I think it is a good theme for you plan on a mapping
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 16:52
      — 04/10/2023 16:52
      @ÉireinExile has reached level 5. GG!
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 16:53
      I was thinking if American landed late on d-day so the ussr had mor power
      Also split France
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 17:53
      That's on 1936
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 17:53
      The Iron Curtain was made by 1922
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 17:53

      Iron Curtain by 1922
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 17:57
      That’s a thought
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 18:03
      Read the title of the mapping
      I think I made it pretty clear
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 18:29
      Swiss soviet republic when
      Swiss=Yugoslavia ??????
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 19:08
      In that timeline Swiss would basically be a Socialist country run by the Federal Council
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 19:12
      So like Nepalis?
      Not socialist per se but socialist aligned
      Or like Syria
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 19:22
      More like if Sweden was DemSoc
      Or like if Norway as DemSoc
      Or like if Denmark was DemSoc
      Sukkal of Nammu
      — 04/10/2023 19:44
      @ÉireinExile I made one for when Lenin dies in 1938
      Feel free to change that
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 20:00
      Holy shit
      Arab union 🔥🔥
      Turkey is now Syrian land
      ÉireinExile — 04/10/2023 20:20

  13. Agricultural and Industrial Communes - AICs and Non-Israeli Kibbutz - NIK as a way to turn world socialism and world communism into things.

  14. The North Atlantic World - TNAW is an in-developement submod for The Red World which seeks to present a world where the US, rather than the USSR, won the Cold War, from the perspective of someone in TRW's universe. Starting in 2010 the power of the the US is waning, neoliberal capitalism is spread across the globe, and the former USSR, former PRC, and former Yugoslavia are broken, made up of many successor and secessionist states, with several communist successor states. Cuba and DPRK are still there and both literally gave up communism and embraced ultranationalism. Greater Israel is a thing and it follows Israeli Fascism under Malchut Israel. Spain just fall under Anarchism and Portugal just fall under Democratic Socialism. France and the UK just formed the Franco-British Union, Germany is still struggling with DDR (Ostalgie) Nationalists, Italy is about to become the Kingdom of God under the Holy See. ISIS just took over Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Lebanon. The Taliban just took over Afghanistan and Pakistan. India is a Hindutva theocracy. Japan just went Shinto Theocracy. Brazil just embraced PT's Socialist Democracy. And NATO, despite having the entire of the Atlantic North, is waning even faster than the US, same way for the European Union.


O capitalismo está podre. Todos sabemos disso. Mas ele não cai sozinho