O capitalismo está podre. Todos sabemos disso. Mas ele não cai sozinho, ele não morre de morte natural. Precisamos aliar o antifascismo e o antimperialismo ao internacionalismo proletário, e assim somar forças para construir o socialismo. Faça a sua parte. A FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIA DOS TRABALHADORES-FRT, busca unir os trabalhadores em toda sua diversidade, e formar o mais forte Movimento Popular Revolucionário em defesa de todos e construir a Sociedade dos Trabalhadores - a SOCIEDADE COMUNISTA!
quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2023
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Todo patriotário é um neoliberal e capitalista enrustido. Os verdadeiros patriotas e nacionalistas são de esquerda e são socialistas e comunistas e Marxistas
ResponderExcluirCapitalismo, neoliberalismo e democracia liberal são os maiores entulhos da história humana
ResponderExcluirDumugiannammu, o Profeta da Fé Anurash / Fé Anuraš
ResponderExcluirSobre os Anunnaki, eu realmente penso que Nibiru seja apenas um planeta militar e/ou uma base militar Anunnaki. E que os Anunnaki realmente vêm do Paraíso de An e que foi a capital do Império Anunnaki e que ainda é o principal mundo dos Anunnaki, o mundo de origem dos Anunnaki.
Um dos motivos de eu ter criado a Fé Anuraši foi exatamente por causa da minha forte conexão com o Paraíso de An e com os deuses Anunnaki.
Eu fico feliz que temos gente como Etrizka e como Nihil, Nyota e Ahaiyuta que estão realmente trabalhando na Fé Anuraši e buscando torna-la em uma religiosa tão grande como a Fé Bahá'í.
Espero um dia que possamos fazer vídeos e artigos do tipo "debunking every atheist/antitheist argument ever from an Anunnaki perspective" e também "debunking every Abrahamist argument ever from an Anunnaki perspective".
Eu já não sou tão contra o abraãmismo assim, já que eu apoio teologia da libertação pagã e teologia da libertação universal e teologia da libertação Anunnaki/Anuraši. Mas tá tudo bem quanto a isso.
Espero que um dia os Anunnaki voltem para a Terra fisicamente e/ou tenhamos provas objetivas que o panenteísmo Anunnaki/Anuraši (que os deuses Anunnaki estão aqui e agora e em todos os lugares e dentro e fora do nosso universo físico) realmente está correto.
Ainda sou um pouco agnóstico e cético. Mas eu entendo que isso não é uma questão de acreditar, e sim de experiênciar. E agradeço ao trabalho de Um Sábado Qualquer que me acalmou na questão religiosa e me fez parar de colocar muitas expectativas nos deuses.
Abençoado seja o nome dos deuses Anunnaki, do Paraíso de An e do Império Anunnaki!
About the Anunnaki, I really think that Nibiru is just a military planet and/or an Anunnaki military base. And that the Anunnaki really come from the Paradise of An and that it was the capital of the Anunnaki Empire and that it is still the main world of the Anunnaki, the homeworld of the Anunnaki.
ExcluirOne of the reasons I created the Anuraši Faith was precisely because of my strong connection to the Paradise of An and the Anunnaki gods.
I'm glad that we have people like Etrizka and like Nihil, Nyota and Ahaiyuta who are really working in the Anuraši Faith and trying to make it as great a religion as the Bahá'í Faith.
I hope one day we can make videos and articles like "debunking every atheist/antitheist argument ever from an Anunnaki perspective" and also "debunking every Abrahamist argument ever from an Anunnaki perspective".
I am no longer so anti-Abrahamism as I support pagan liberation theology and universal liberation theology and Anunnaki/Anuraši liberation theology. But that's okay.
I hope that one day the Anunnaki will return to Earth physically and/or we will have objective proof that Anunnaki/Anuraši panentheism (that the Anunnaki gods are here and now and everywhere and in and out of our physical universe) is indeed correct.
I'm still a bit agnostic and skeptical. But I understand that this is not a matter of believing, but of experiencing. And I would like to thank the work of Um Saturday Whatever, which calmed me down on the religious issue and made me stop placing too many expectations on the gods.
Blessed be the name of the Anunnaki gods, the Paradise of An and the Anunnaki Empire!
𒄴𒂠 𒊊𒁶 𒁺 𒆥 𒀝𒉈𒆻𒄃𒁶 𒁺
ResponderExcluirumun3-še3 piriĝ-gin7 du
kiĝ2 ak-/de3\ niĝ2-gilim-gin7 du
He moves like a lion against a louse, but when there is a job is to be done, he moves like a rat.xx 𒂊𒁕𒅥𒌀𒂊𒁕𒁶 𒆻 𒋗 𒅗𒂵𒈬 𒆠 𒀭𒊏𒈾 𒉆𒁀𒂊𒌀𒂗
[X] X e-da-/gu7?\ til-e-da-gin7
niĝ2 šu dug4-ga-ĝu10 ki diĝir-ra-na nam-ba-e-til-en
line unclear#Let my gifts never cease in the presence of his god.𒂵𒀭𒆪𒂊 𒂍 𒁀𒀭𒁺 𒀳𒊒𒂊 𒀀𒊮 𒁀𒀊𒁺
ga-an-tuš-e e2 ba-an-gub
ur11-ru-e a-šag4 ba-ab-gub
A tenant established the house, and ploughing established the field.
𒌆 𒁴𒃲𒆷𒆤 𒀀𒆸 × 𒄬𒁕 𒉈𒅁𒍗𒂊
Excluirtug2 dim-gal-la-ke4 id2-da bi2-ib-uš2-e
The sail on the mast blocks the river.𒄷𒋢 𒂵𒈨𒂗 𒀿𒂊𒉈 𒍣 𒁷𒆠𒀀 𒌑 𒍠𒇷 𒇽𒌆𒂊𒉈
ḫu-su ga-me-en ašgab(source: LU2)-e-ne
zi den-ki-a u2! za3-le lu2-azlag2-e-ne
'I bow over your thighs' is what the leather-workers say. 'I swear by Enki that it will take no time at all' is what the fullers say.𒂍 𒄢𒄢𒂊 𒆬 𒉌𒄢𒂊 𒂍 𒄢𒂊 𒆬𒄀 𒉌𒄢𒂊
e2 gul-gul-e kug i3-gul-e
e2 gul-e kug-sig17 i3-gul-e
He who destroys houses destroys silver. He who destroys a house destroys gold.𒊮𒅥𒌒𒋛𒀀 𒀀𒉪𒊏 𒊮 𒅗 𒋧𒂵 𒌉 𒈗𒆷𒆤
[šag4] /gu7\ ub-dirig [a]-nir-ra
šag4 gu3 sig10-ga dumu lugal-la-ke4
When a feeding belly becomes bloated, it is lamentable -- a belly made obedient by the prince.𒂼𒈬 𒄑𒌁𒋫 𒇽 𒈬𒅆𒅔𒄄 𒋗 𒆪𒈬 𒈠𒀭𒋧
ama-ĝu10 ĝiš-tir-ta lu2 mu-ši-in-gi4
šu dab5-ĝu10 ma-an-šum2
My mother sent to me a man from the forest, who has given me paralysed hands.
𒇽 𒂵𒋳 𒆪𒁀𒉌 𒀠𒈨𒀀 𒇽 𒈌𒁕𒅗𒈾 𒁀𒀭𒆭
Excluirlu2 ga-šum dab5-ba-ni al-me-a lu2 du14-da-ka-na ba-an-kur9
He who was the capturer of someone's assassin became his opponent.𒌨𒂠𒊑 𒇻 𒄭𒀀 𒀠𒋃𒂗
ur-gir15-re udu ḫi-a al-šid-en
Dog, you are counting sheep.𒆻 𒍑𒆪𒄰 𒋃𒂵 𒀊𒄖𒌌 𒆠𒇲𒁉 𒀠𒌉
ninda gala-kam lag-ga ab-gu-ul ki-la2-bi al-tur
It is the food of a lamentation priest: the pieces are big but the weight is small.𒅎𒈠𒀭𒊑𒊑 𒄑𒉌 𒁀𒀭𒌀
/im\-[ma-an-de5-de5 ĝiš-ni ba-an-til]
He gathered everything for himself, but used up his wood.𒀊𒊮𒄑𒃡𒁉 𒌤𒀀𒅗 𒇽 𒀉𒆗𒁉𒂍𒀀𒈾𒅗
/AB?\ šag4? ĝiš-ur3?-bi DE2-a-ka
lu2 usu-bi? e2-a-na-ka
lines unclear𒌨𒂠 𒈧𒈪 𒋆𒀀𒀭
ur-gir15 maš2-ĝi6 mud5-am3
To a dog a dream is a joy.𒂍𒂍𒇳𒁺𒇳𒁺𒊏𒌨𒂊 𒆷𒁀𒃵𒂊
e2-e2? /ukur3?\-ukur3!-ra? teš2-e la-ba-gam-e
Not all the households of the poor will bow down together.
𒄷 𒄩 𒅥𒂊 𒅇 𒉡𒌝𒅆𒆪𒆪
Excluirmušen ku6 gu7-e u3 nu-um-ši-ku-[ku]
He who lives from birds and fish cannot sleep.𒍥𒈪𒉭 𒆻𒈪𒉭 𒀭𒊏𒈾𒅗
/zid2\-gig niĝ2-gig diĝir-ra-na-ka
Wheat flour is sacred to his god.𒅆 𒉺𒇻𒌉𒊑 𒈬𒂊𒅆𒅔𒅍𒂊𒁷𒆤𒇷 𒌷 𒉆𒋻𒁺𒉌𒄩𒁀𒅆𒅔𒅍𒂊
igi sipad-tur-re [mu-e-ši-in-il2-e]
den-lil2-le iri /nam\ [ku5-ra2-ni] ḫa-ba-ši-in-/il2\-[e]
The shepherd boy lifts his gaze to you: 'May Enlil look upon the city that he cursed.'𒆻 𒉻𒁺 𒋧𒂖 𒋳𒇲𒂠 𒆻 𒂍𒁾𒁀𒀀𒄰
ninda pax(PAD)-ra2 šum2-sikil zil2-la2-še3
ninda e2-dub?-/ba\-[a-kam]
For morsels of bread and fine onions, the food of the school (?).𒀭𒌓 𒁲𒋻𒈨𒂗 𒁲𒈬 𒋻𒉈 𒅗𒀸 𒁇𒁇𒊑𒈨𒂗 𒅗𒀸𒈬 𒁇𒊏 𒈧𒈪 𒅆 𒁀𒉌𒅔𒃮𒀀 𒊷𒂵𒀸 𒆭𒉌𒌈
d-utu di-kud-me-en di-ĝu10 kud-de3
ka-aš bar-bar-re-me-en ka-aš-ĝu10 bar-ra
maš2-ĝi6 igi ba-ni-in-du8-a sag9-ga-aš kur9-ni-ib2
Oh Utu, you are my judge: pronounce my judgment! You are my decision-maker, decide my case! The dream that I have seen -- turn it into a favourable one!
𒁾𒊬 𒊮 𒆪𒁀 𒉡𒌧𒍪𒀀 𒅗 𒁄𒂊 𒈨𒁕 𒃶𒅎𒉐
Excluirdub-sar šag4 dab5-ba nu-un-zu-a inim bal-e me-da ḫe2-em-tum3
A scribe who does not know how to grasp the meaning -- from where will he produce a translation?𒈌 𒀝𒂊 𒆠𒅴 𒋝 𒅥𒂊 𒆠 𒉆𒈛𒂠 𒉌𒅅
du14 ak-e ki (nam-gi4-me-aš-kam) ( nam-šeš-gal-la-še3)
eme sig gu7-e ki nam-luḫ-še3 i3-ĝal2
Quarrelling occurs wherever (there are colleagues) ( one of the group is senior to the rest). Slander occurs even where there has been purification.𒌷𒀀 𒆻 𒁄𒁄 𒁀𒀭𒆻 𒋗𒄩𒉈 𒉻 𒁀𒀭𒆪𒁉𒌍
iri-a niĝ2 bal-bal ba-an-ĝar šu-KU6-de3 šukur2 ba-an-dab5-be2-eš
Things may be traded in the city but it is the fisherman who brings in the food supply.𒌷𒆠 𒅇 𒆪𒀀 𒂵𒀀𒀭𒆭 𒌷𒆠 𒄷𒄭 𒁀𒂊𒋛 𒄑𒈣𒋤𒀀 𒂵𒀊𒄷𒋛 𒁲𒀀𒈬𒌧𒋳𒋳𒄀𒉈
iri-ki u3 ku-a ga-am3-kur9 iri-ki mud ba-e-si
/ĝiš\ma2-su3-a ga-ab-u5
[peš10] /mu\-un-tag-tag-ge-de3
When I enter a sleeping city, the city will be filled with blood. When I board a deep-draught boat, it will go aground.𒌉𒍑 𒌉𒊏𒀀𒀭 𒂍 𒀜𒁕𒉌 𒊬𒊏 𒆻𒈪𒉭𒀭𒊩𒌆𒅁𒄰
[dumu-nitaḫ tur]-/ra?\-am3 [e2 ad]-da-ni [sar]-ra
/niĝ2-gig\ /d\nin-urta-kam
The chasing away of a younger son from the house of his father is an abomination to Ninurta.𒆻𒉌 𒆻𒌑𒅲 𒃶𒀀 𒇽 𒉆𒉈𒅔𒋙𒋙
ninda-ni niĝ2-u2-zug4 ḫe2-a
lu2 nam-bi2-in-šu2-šu2
Let his bread be foul food; no man should eat it.𒈜𒀀𒀀 𒂼𒀀𒁉 𒈜𒀀 𒀊𒋛𒀀
/ka5\-a-a ama-a-bi ka5-a ab-dirig
Each fox is even more of a fox than its mother.𒋛 𒉡𒂊𒁕𒅍𒄿𒀀𒈾𒀸𒀀𒀭 𒋛 𒅍𒄿𒉈𒂗 𒉌𒁺𒉈𒂗
si nu-e-/da\-il2-/i?\
a-na-aš-am3 si il2-i-de3-en
You cannot butt me with your horns! Why are you butting? I am running away!𒄩𒈠𒁕𒁺𒁉𒂗 𒄴𒈨𒂊𒉈 𒌈𒀀 𒃵𒈨𒂗 𒀿𒂊𒉈 𒍣 𒁷𒆠𒂍𒀀 𒁀𒊏𒉌𒉌𒂊𒇽𒌆𒂊𒉈
ḫa-ma-da-gub-be2-en gudug-e-ne
ib2-a gam-me-en ašgab!-e-ne
zi den-/ki\ e2-a ba-ra-zal-zal-[e] lu2-azlag2!-e-[ne]
'You should serve me' is what the purification priests say. 'I bow over your hips' is what the leather-workers say. 'I swear by Enki that your garments will take no time in this house' is what the fullers say.
Sumério-acádio moderno simplificado
ExcluirSimplified modern sumero-akkadian
𒅗𒈬 𒄰 𒉈𒇲 𒈠𒊏𒈻𒉈𒂗 𒄩𒋫 𒄊𒉻𒁺 𒈠𒉌𒅁𒊑𒊑𒄀𒂗
Excluirka-ĝu10 tu7 bil-la2 ma-ra-sed-de3-en
ku6-ta ĝiri3-pax(PAD)-ra2 ma-ni-ib-de5-de5-ge-en
With my mouth I cool the hot soup for you. I pick the bones from the fish for you.𒀭 𒉌𒅍𒊒 𒆠 𒋗𒉌𒂠 𒇲
an i3-gur3-ru ki šu-ni-še3 la2
He holds up the sky, letting the earth dangle from his hands.𒊩𒁲𒌉 𒋫 𒈬𒌧𒅕𒊏𒁉 𒌰𒂊 𒋫 𒉈𒅔𒁔𒊏𒁉
mi2-sa2-tur ta mu-un-ir-ra-bi
ušbar-e ta bi2-in-bur2-ra-bi
Sons-in-law -- what have they brought? Fathers-in-law -- what have they disposed of?𒍥𒈪𒉭 𒆻𒈪𒉭 𒀭𒊏𒈾𒅗
/zid2\-gig niĝ2-gig diĝir-ra-na-ka
Wheat flour is sacred to his god.𒉏 𒆭𒊏𒀀𒀭 𒅗𒍪 𒁀𒉏𒀀𒀭
nim kur9-ra-am3 ka-zu ba-/nim\-am3
When a fly enters, your mouth will buzz .𒈜𒀀 𒌫𒄠𒋛𒅗 𒄊𒁉 𒈬𒌧𒁺 𒀊𒋛 𒀊𒋛𒀀𒂊𒊺
ka5-a /ur2\ am-si-ka ĝiri3-bi mu-un-gub
ab-si ab-dirig-/e-še\
A fox stamped on the crotch of an elephant: 'It's enough, it's too much!'𒌨𒁇𒊏 𒃶𒅥𒂊 𒀭𒌓 𒅆 𒄿𒉈𒅔𒃮 𒂗𒈾 𒌨 𒄿𒄿x 𒉌𒉽𒉽𒂊𒊺
ur-bar-ra ḫe2-gu7(source: KA)-e d-utu igi i-bi2-in-du8
en-na teš2 i-i-X
Imagine a wolf is eating. Utu looks down on it and says: 'Provided you praise me you will grow fat' would be the reply.𒌨𒈤𒂊 𒍚 𒄷𒉡𒀀 𒅇𒈬𒉌𒅔𒆪 𒋗 𒁀𒀀𒀭 𒇇 𒋰𒁀𒈬 𒄥𒊏 𒂵𒈬𒊏𒀊𒋧 𒋗𒆻𒌉𒇲𒁉 𒋗 𒈬𒊑𒁇𒊑 𒈬𒍪 𒅗𒈠𒀊 𒍚𒉈 𒌨𒈤𒂊 𒈬𒈾𒉌𒅁𒄄𒄄 𒍝𒂊 𒈬𒈬 𒉡𒂊𒍪 𒌣 𒈬𒂊𒁕𒀝𒂊 𒈬𒈬𒌝 𒌓 𒌨𒈤𒂊 𒂍𒉣𒇬𒂠 𒄿𒁺𒈾𒈬𒂊𒁔𒂊𒂗 𒅗 𒀠𒌤𒌤𒂊 𒂊𒉈 𒄘𒊑𒋫 𒈬𒌧𒈾𒉌𒅁𒄄𒄄 𒈬𒂊𒁔𒂊𒂗 𒌣 𒈬𒂊𒀝 𒁇 𒇻 𒄭𒀀𒅗 𒉡𒂉𒊒𒈾𒂊𒊺
ur-maḫ-e ud5 ḫu-nu-a u3-mu-ni-in-dab5
šu ba-am3 u8 tab-ba-ĝu10 gur-ra ga-mu-ra-ab-šum2
tukum-bi šu mu-ri-bar-re mu-zu dug4-ma-ab
ud5-de3 ur-maḫ-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 za-e mu-ĝu10 nu-e-zu
umun2 mu-e-da-ak-e mu-ĝu10-um
ud ur-maḫ-e e2-tur3-še3 i-ĝen-na
((1 ms. adds:) ur-/maḫ-e\) mu-e-bur2-e-en gu3 al-de2-de2-e
e-ne gu2-re-ta mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
mu-e-bur2-e-en umun2 mu-e-ak bar udu ḫi-a-ka nu-dur2-ru-na-e-še
The lion had caught a helpless she-goat: 'Let me go! I will give you my fellow ewe in return!' 'If I am to let you go, tell me your name!' The she-goat answered the lion: 'You do not know my name? 'I-am-cleverer-than-you' is my name!' When the lion came to the fold, (he) ((1 ms. has instead:) the lion) cried: 'I release you!' She answered him from the other side: 'You released me, but were you clever? As for the sheep, none live here!'𒊍𒂊 𒂼 𒋳𒂵𒀊 𒄯𒊕𒂷 𒈬𒌧𒁺
az-e daĝal tag-ga-ab ḫur-saĝ-ĝa2 mu-un-ĝen
'Get that bear away from us!' -- so he has gone to the mountains.
𒌨𒈤𒂊 𒍚 𒄷𒉡𒀀 𒅇𒈬𒉌𒅔𒆪 𒋗 𒁀𒀀𒀭 𒇇 𒋰𒁀𒈬 𒄥𒊏 𒂵𒈬𒊏𒀊𒋧 𒋗𒆻𒌉𒇲𒁉 𒋗 𒈬𒊑𒁇𒊑 𒈬𒍪 𒅗𒈠𒀊 𒍚𒉈 𒌨𒈤𒂊 𒈬𒈾𒉌𒅁𒄄𒄄 𒍝𒂊 𒈬𒈬 𒉡𒂊𒍪 𒌣 𒈬𒂊𒁕𒀝𒂊 𒈬𒈬𒌝 𒌓 𒌨𒈤𒂊 𒂍𒉣𒇬𒂠 𒄿𒁺𒈾𒈬𒂊𒁔𒂊𒂗 𒅗 𒀠𒌤𒌤𒂊 𒂊𒉈 𒄘𒊑𒋫 𒈬𒌧𒈾𒉌𒅁𒄄𒄄 𒈬𒂊𒁔𒂊𒂗 𒌣 𒈬𒂊𒀝 𒁇 𒇻 𒄭𒀀𒅗 𒉡𒂉𒊒𒈾𒂊𒊺
Excluirur-maḫ-e ud5 ḫu-nu-a u3-mu-ni-in-dab5
šu ba-am3 u8 tab-ba-ĝu10 gur-ra ga-mu-ra-ab-šum2
tukum-bi šu mu-ri-bar-re mu-zu dug4-ma-ab
ud5-de3 ur-maḫ-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 za-e mu-ĝu10 nu-e-zu
umun2 mu-e-da-ak-e mu-ĝu10-um
ud ur-maḫ-e e2-tur3-še3 i-ĝen-na
((1 ms. adds:) ur-/maḫ-e\) mu-e-bur2-e-en gu3 al-de2-de2-e
e-ne gu2-re-ta mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
mu-e-bur2-e-en umun2 mu-e-ak bar udu ḫi-a-ka nu-dur2-ru-na-e-še
The lion had caught a helpless she-goat: 'Let me go! I will give you my fellow ewe in return!' 'If I am to let you go, tell me your name!' The she-goat answered the lion: 'You do not know my name? 'I-am-cleverer-than-you' is my name!' When the lion came to the fold, (he) ((1 ms. has instead:) the lion) cried: 'I release you!' She answered him from the other side: 'You released me, but were you clever? As for the sheep, none live here!'𒄷𒋢 𒂵𒈨𒂗 𒀿𒂊𒉈 𒍣 𒁷𒆠𒀀 𒌑 𒍠𒇷 𒇽𒌆𒂊𒉈
ḫu-su ga-me-en ašgab(source: LU2)-e-ne
zi den-ki-a u2! za3-le lu2-azlag2-e-ne
'I bow over your thighs' is what the leather-workers say. 'I swear by Enki that it will take no time at all' is what the fullers say.𒁳𒅔 𒀀𒊮𒂵 𒍜𒉌𒀀𒀭 a-šag4-ga uzu.suš2-am3
Barley flour, in the fields, is meat fat.𒄫𒀊𒁀 𒊕 𒉎𒁀 𒊩𒊩
/gir\ ab-ba saĝ ni2-ba sal-sal
A gir fish of the sea, whose head is wider than its body.𒀳𒂊 𒀀𒊮 𒈾𒀊𒂼𒆷 𒀭𒇽𒍇𒇻 𒊮𒃲𒆷𒉌 𒉆𒁀𒀊𒈭𒂊
/engar\-e a-šag4 na-ab-daĝal-la
/diĝir?\ lu2-u18-lu šag4-gal-la-ni /nam\-ba-ab-taḫ-e
A farmer should not widen the field. A god (?) should not increase for mankind his food demands.𒌨𒂠 𒈗𒀀𒉌𒅕 𒈾𒀊𒁉𒀀 𒋗𒆻𒌉𒇲𒁉 𒉆𒊷𒂵𒈬 𒁀𒊏𒅅 𒄿𒉈𒍝𒈬 𒉡𒊏𒅅𒂊𒊺
ur-gir15 lugal-a-ni-ir na-ab-be2-a
tukum-bi nam-sag9-ga-ĝu10 ba-ra-ĝal2
i-bi2-za-ĝu10 nu-ra-ĝal2-e-še
A dog said to his master: 'If my pleasure is of no importance to you, then my loss should not be either!'𒊮 𒋛𒀀𒂵 𒊮 𒀀𒀊𒈪𒉭
šag4 dirig-ga šag4 a-ab-gig
A troubled (?) mind makes you sick.𒆻𒋗𒀀 𒋾𒀀 𒇷𒉈𒅔𒄥𒊏
[ninda] šu-a ti-a /li-bi2\-in-gur-ra
One does not return borrowed bread.𒉈𒅔𒅗 𒁀𒁕𒀭𒄥
bi2-in-dug4 ba-da-an-gur
He spoke, but went back on what he said.𒊷𒂵𒁉 𒅆𒊒𒁕 𒅆𒌨𒁉 𒌑𒄖 𒌤𒀀
sag9-ga-bi pad3-da
ḫul-bi u2-gu de2-a
The good thing is to find it. The bad thing is to have lost it.
𒊩𒌨 𒌅𒁕𒁶 𒂟 𒅗 𒀊𒋻𒋻𒉈
ResponderExcluirnig tud-da-gin7 erin2 zu2 ab!-kud-kud-de3
Like a whelping bitch he bites the workmen.𒃶𒇻𒀀 𒉆𒁀𒇲 𒃶𒋛𒀀 𒈾𒀭𒋢𒋢 𒃶𒅁𒉈 𒈾𒀭𒋼𒂗𒋼𒂗
ḫe2-lu-a nam-ba-la2
ḫe2-dirig na-an-su-su
ḫe2-eb-šeĝ6 na-an-te-en-te-en
Let it be plentiful, so that it is not deficient. Let it be excessive, so that it does not have to be supplemented. Let it be piping hot, so that it does not become cold.𒋢𒀀 𒆠𒅔𒁯𒊏 𒈪𒉌𒅆𒊒𒉈
su-a ki-in-dar-ra mi-ni-pad3-de3
A cat can find a hole in the ground.𒆪𒇷 𒇳𒁺𒊏𒅗 𒆻 𒄷𒄷𒉡 𒉡𒈬𒌧𒋢𒀀𒅗
gu5-li ukur3-ra-ka
niĝ2 ḫu-ḫu-nu nu-mu-un-su-a-ka
It is the companion of the poor. It is the weakness of the widows.𒉺𒇻 𒍑𒀀𒉌 𒉡𒄑𒊬 𒋦𒀀𒉌 𒌉𒍑 𒉡𒄀𒈾 𒁮 𒉡𒅍 𒌉 𒉡𒅍 𒅗𒉌𒂠 𒉡𒅍
sipad ĝiš3-a-ni nu-ĝiš-kiri6 suḫur-a-ni
ibila nu-gen6-na dam nu-il2 dumu nu-il2 giri17-zal-še3 nu-il2
A shepherd his penis, a gardener his hair. An unjust heir who does not support a wife, or who does not support a child, has no cause for celebration.𒀲𒆳 𒇽 𒄷𒋛𒀀𒉌 𒅇𒈬𒉌𒅔𒊒 𒋗𒆻𒌉𒇲𒁉 𒄘𒌧𒈬 𒁕𒌷𒂠 𒉈𒂗𒉆 𒀠𒋝𒂗𒂊𒊺
anše-kur lu2 u5-a-ni u3-mu-ni-in-šub
tukum-bi gu2-un-ĝu10 da-ri2-še3
ne-en-nam al-sig-en-e-še
The horse, after throwing off his rider, said: 'Were my load to be like this forever, how weak I would become!'𒁺𒁺 𒉆𒁽𒊑 𒀉𒁉 𒅔𒅅
du-du nam-gir5-re a2-bi in-ĝal2
Moving about facilitates being an immigrant.𒆻 𒅆 𒉡𒃮𒀀𒁶 𒈬𒌧𒀝
niĝ2 igi nu-du8-a-gin7 mu-un-ak
He did something never seen before.𒅆𒉐 𒇲𒆻𒈪𒉭 𒀭𒊩𒌆𒅁𒆤
igi-tum3 la2 (gid2-i-da) ( igi du8) niĝ2-gig d-nin-urta-ke4
Coveting and (reaching out for things) ( spying) are abominations to Ninurta.𒅗𒈬 𒄰 𒉈𒇲 𒈠𒊏𒈻𒉈𒂗 𒄩𒋫 𒄊𒉻𒁺 𒈠𒉌𒅁𒊑𒊑𒄀𒂗
ka-ĝu10 tu7 bil-la2 ma-ra-sed-de3-en
ku6-ta ĝiri3-pax(PAD)-ra2 ma-ni-ib-de5-de5-ge-en
With my mouth I cool the hot soup for you. I pick the bones from the fish for you.𒌓 𒉌𒁲𒉈𒂗 𒌓 𒋙𒍑 𒉌𒁲𒉈𒂗 𒁆 𒀀𒅆𒊏 𒅎𒈠𒁺𒁺𒁍𒉈𒂗
ud i3-di-de3-en ud šu2-uš i3-di-de3-en
balaĝ er2-ra im-ma-gub-gub-bu-de3-en
I visit it by day, I visit it at nightfall. I always stand by the lamentation drum!𒀀𒍣𒂵𒁶 𒁲𒀀 𒃶𒁕𒄾 𒀀𒆸 × 𒄬𒈦𒄘𒃼 𒀀𒅇𒁀 𒅅𒆷𒁶𒁷𒆤 𒃶𒁕𒄾
[a] /zig3\-ga-gin7 peš10 ḫe2-da-ḫul2
id2-idigna a-u3-ba ĝal2-la-/gin7\ den-lil2 ḫe2-da-ḫul2
The riverbank should rejoice as though there were a flood. Enlil should rejoice as though the Tigris were at high water.𒅗𒈬 𒄰 𒉈𒇲 𒈠𒊏𒈻𒉈𒂗 𒄩𒋫 𒄊𒉻𒁺 𒈠𒉌𒅁𒊑𒊑𒄀𒂗
ka-ĝu10 tu7 bil-la2 ma-ra-sed-de3-en
ku6-ta ĝiri3-pax(PAD)-ra2 ma-ni-ib-de5-de5-ge-en
With my mouth I cool the hot soup for you. I pick the bones from the fish for you.𒇽 𒃡𒊏𒆤 𒇽 𒂍𒀀 𒋾𒆷𒅗𒈬𒈾𒀊𒁉𒀀 𒅎𒈠𒌓𒄀𒂊𒊺
lu2 ur3-ra-ke4 lu2 /e2\-[a til3-la]-/ka?\
/mu\-[na]-/ab\-be2-a im-ma-zalag-ge-e-še
Says the man lying on the roof to the man living in the house: 'It is too bright up here!'𒌑 𒊑𒊑𒂵 𒆗𒂵𒂠 𒋛𒂵 𒁇𒁽𒈠 𒈬𒌧𒈾𒆪
u2 de5-de5-ga kalag-ga-še3
sig9-ga bar-rim4-ma mu-un-na-tuš
To collect firewood is a job for the strong man. The weak man sits waiting for him on dry land.𒈜𒀀 𒄊𒀯 𒄠𒈠𒆤 𒄊𒉌 𒉈𒅔𒁺 𒉡𒌒𒋧𒂊𒊺
ka5-a ĝiri3-suḫub2 am-ma-ke4 ĝiri3-ni bi2-in-gub nu-ub-sig10-e-še
A fox trod on the hoof of a wild bull: 'It didn't hurt !'
(a ed3-de3-na-aš um-aḫ-bi ḫe2-naĝ-e) ( a i-/i-de2\ bi2-ib-gur3-re-a a /um-aḫ\-bi ḫe2-naĝ-e)
(Because you draw water, the swamp may drink.) ( You draw water for pouring out, so that the swamp may drink water.)