quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2023

Acontece em Bogotá 8ª conferência internacional da Via Campesina * Hernán Durango.Col

Acontece em Bogotá 8ª conferência internacional da Via Campesina
Hernán Durango.Col

A Via Campesina realizou a abertura oficial de sua 8ª Conferência na capital colombiana no dia 3 de dezembro. Na cerimónia de abertura houve uma mística emocional que evocou a organização e luta do povo rural. Delegados de mais de 180 organizações camponesas de todo o mundo se encarregaram de acolher as novas organizações membros, e foi oficializada a incorporação da décima região da Via Campesina, do Oriente Médio e Norte da África (ARNA).

O relatório da assessoria de imprensa da Via Campesina indica que também está sendo realizada uma revisão histórica dos 30 anos de avanço do movimento, suas conquistas, contribuições e desafios neste cenário de crise que o mundo vive. “Somos um movimento que floresce a cada dia impregnado de alegria, audácia e coragem”, indicam os porta-vozes.

Muito importante e digno de destaque foi o encontro que uma delegação da conferência manteve com a bancada parlamentar camponesa do Pacto Histórico para discutir a conjugação do Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento do governo de mudança e das políticas sociais a favor dos camponeses e em defesa dos seus direitos promovidos pelo presidente Gustavo Petro e pela vice-presidente Francia Márquez.

No âmbito da conferência internacional, a Via Campesina afirmou o seu compromisso com a luta antipatriarcal, anticapitalista e anti-imperialista. Celebrámos a nossa 6ª Assembleia Internacional de Mulheres, o 1º Encontro Internacional das Diversidades e Camaradas Aliados e, pela primeira vez, houve um encontro de homens contra o patriarcado. O movimento está empenhado em fazer avançar a construção de novas sociedades, acabar com a violência de género e lutar contra os sistemas de opressão patriarcal em todos os territórios.

A conferência debate sob o lema “Diante das crises globais, construímos a soberania alimentar para garantir um futuro para a humanidade”. A conferência é a primeira que o movimento realiza após a pandemia, para discutir questões que afetam agricultores de todo o mundo.

O jornalista brasileiro Lucas Estanislao, da conferência destacou para o portal Latin American Summary as palavras e contribuições de Nury Martínez, presidente da Federação Sindical Agrícola Fensuagro na Colômbia, que afirmou que os problemas rurais não podem ser resolvidos apenas pelas mulheres, "por isso é por isso que a união entre nós e outros movimentos de outros setores da sociedade é importante para avançarmos.”

“A crise humanitária aumentou com a pandemia e isso tem a ver com um sistema que está presente não só na América Latina, é também um problema com guerras no mundo e problemas económicos”, disse.

Os movimentos também decidiram expressar apoio global à causa palestiniana e expandir mecanismos para construir economias feministas, que visam libertar os trabalhadores de situações de dependência.

26 comentários:

  1. Boa tarde! Teriam como escrever um artigo sobre a farsa da democracia liberal e a farsa de que democracia é apenas votar de 2-2 anos (ou 4-4 anos) e de se manifestarem apenas via voto? Como se a população fosse obrigada a acatar todos os projetos dos governadores, executivos e dos legisladores? Mencionem o caso do Tarsício de Freitas e do nosso Congresso Nacional. Penso que seria bem útil falar sobre o "golpismo branco" (ou golpismo institucional) promovidos pela direita bolsonarista e pela direita neoliberal como o caso de Tarsício de Freitas, da maioria no Congresso Nacional e afins. E também de como que a maioria da população não sabe votar etc. E pq que o "golpismo" da esquerda não se equipara ao golpismo bolsonarista. Infelizmente é foda que temos que elaborar textos longos para pessoas que não sabem sequer ler. E ainda somos chamados de "negadores de genocídio" por questionarmos o Holodomor e o "Genocídio" Uigur ainda sim eles podem negar todos os genocídios feitos pelo capitalismo e ainda falarem em "whataboutismo". O totalitarismo liberal, o totalitarismo neoliberal e o totalitarismo capitalista são muito reais mesmo. A coerção dentro do capitalismo, liberalismo e do neoliberalismo, tanto na vida real quanto na Internet, é muito forte mesmo...

    Good afternoon! Would you be able to write an article about the farce of liberal democracy and the farce that democracy is just voting every 2-2 years (or 4-4 years) and expressing your opinion only via vote? As if the population were obliged to comply with all the projects of governors, executives and legislators? Mention the case of Tarsício de Freitas and our National Congress. I think it would be very useful to talk about the "white coup" (or institutional coup) promoted by the Bolsonarist right and the neoliberal right such as the case of Tarsício de Freitas, the majority in the National Congress and the like. And also how the majority of the population doesn't know how to vote, etc. And because the "coupism" of the left does not equate to Bolsonarist coupism. Unfortunately, it sucks that we have to write long texts for people who don't even know how to read. And we are still called "genocide deniers" for questioning the Holodomor and the Uyghur "Genocide" yet they can deny all genocides carried out by capitalism and still talk about "whataboutism". Liberal totalitarianism, neoliberal totalitarianism and capitalist totalitarianism are very real indeed. The coercion within capitalism, liberalism and neoliberalism, both in real life and on the Internet, is very strong indeed...

    1. ¡Buenas tardes! ¿Serías capaz de escribir un artículo sobre la farsa de la democracia liberal y la farsa de que la democracia consiste simplemente en votar cada 2 o 2 años (o 4 o 4 años) y expresar tu opinión únicamente mediante el voto? ¿Como si la población estuviera obligada a cumplir con todos los proyectos de gobernadores, ejecutivos y legisladores? Mencione el caso de Tarsício de Freitas y nuestro Congreso Nacional. Creo que sería muy útil hablar del "golpe blanco" (o golpe institucional) promovido por la derecha bolsonarista y la derecha neoliberal como el caso de Tarsício de Freitas, la mayoría en el Congreso Nacional y similares. Y también cómo la mayoría de la población no sabe votar, etc. Y porque el "golpismo" de la izquierda no equivale al golpe bolsonarista. Desafortunadamente, es una mierda que tengamos que escribir textos largos para personas que ni siquiera saben leer. Y todavía nos llaman "negacionistas del genocidio" por cuestionar el Holodomor y el "genocidio" uigur, pero pueden negar todos los genocidios llevados a cabo por el capitalismo y seguir hablando de "qué pasa". El totalitarismo liberal, el totalitarismo neoliberal y el totalitarismo capitalista son, en verdad, muy reales. La coerción dentro del capitalismo, el liberalismo y el neoliberalismo, tanto en la vida real como en Internet, es realmente muy fuerte...

      Bon après-midi! Seriez-vous capable d'écrire un article sur la farce de la démocratie libérale et la farce selon laquelle la démocratie consiste simplement à voter tous les 2-2 ans (ou 4-4 ans) et à exprimer votre opinion uniquement par le biais du vote ? Comme si la population était obligée de se plier à tous les projets des gouverneurs, des exécutifs et des législateurs ? Mentionnez le cas de Tarsício de Freitas et de notre Congrès National. Je pense qu'il serait très utile de parler du « coup d'État blanc » (ou coup d'État institutionnel) promu par la droite bolsonariste et la droite néolibérale comme le cas de Tarsício de Freitas, la majorité au Congrès national, etc. Et aussi que la majorité de la population ne sait pas voter, etc. Et parce que le « coupisme » de gauche n’équivaut pas au coupisme bolsonariste. Malheureusement, c'est dommage de devoir écrire de longs textes pour des gens qui ne savent même pas lire. Et nous sommes toujours appelés « négationnistes du génocide » pour avoir remis en question l’Holodomor et le « génocide » ouïghour. Pourtant, ils peuvent nier tous les génocides perpétrés par le capitalisme et continuer à parler de « whataboutisme ». Le totalitarisme libéral, le totalitarisme néolibéral et le totalitarisme capitaliste sont bien réels. La coercition au sein du capitalisme, du libéralisme et du néolibéralisme, tant dans la vie réelle que sur Internet, est en effet très forte...

  2. Ahaiyuta, also Ahayiuta, Matsailema, and Kasdeya56, is writing a whole theory of everything and a whole philosophy of everything and theology of everything based on the Abyss/Abzu, Black Holes, the Heat Death of the Universe, and with other theological and philosophical concepts of Abzunianism, Anurashism, and Anunnakism. Besides some other concepts from natural sciences and exact sciences like physics, chemistry, mathematics, study of fractals, multiverse, string theory, quantum mechanics, geology, neuroscience, cognitive sciences, social sciences, and so on. It might sound "pseudoscience" and "pseudoscientific" at first, but it is worthy the risk. Ahaiyuta nowadays is focused on doing her webtoon on the Anunnaki and on Abzu she will release once she is on the Episode 40. Yet, that is fun to see religion and spirituality are still worthy nowadays. We all come from the Abyss/Abzu and will return to the Abyss/Abzu. The black holes and the heat death of the universe are good signals of the Abyss/Abzu.

    Anyway, yeah, scientism is like a secular fundamentalist religion of 21st century. Just like neopositivism, objectivism, reductionism, eliminativism, anti-communism, anti-tankieism, capitalism, neoliberalism, right-libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism etc. I really think one should write a huge article debunking every argument for scientism ever, same way for every argument for neopositivism too. That's hard for sure.

    1. I was thinking about how much the science you see online is just scientism as pop science. Scientism is a form of pop science anyway. Like, they telling crap about black holes, about heat death, about fine-tuned universe, and about fractals in a way that is very absurd for sure. Same way happens with geology, gemology, social sciences, political sciences, and so on. Like about Marxism, Weberianism, and the like.

      Yet, I don't think psychoanalysis is no more "pseudoscientific" than Marxism, Weberianism, Durkheimianism, Machiavelism, Hobbesianism, Lockeianism, Rousseauism, Levi-Straussianism, Laraianism, Hobsbawnism, Anderyism, and so many other theories and hypothesis from social sciences, from psychology, and from philosophy.

    2. I think there is a whole hysteria regarding "pseudoscience", "misinformation" and "conspiracy theory" just like regarding "Russian propaganda", "campism", "Hamas propaganda", "tankieism", "Antisemitism", and so on.

      Saying that Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Weberianism, Durkheimianism, Machiavelism, Hobbesianism, Lockeianism, Rousseauism, Levi-Straussianism, Laraianism, Hobsbawnism, Anderyism, and so many other theories and hypothesis from social sciences, from psychology, and from philosophy are just "pseudosciences", "conspiracy theories", and "misinformation", also opens a way for saying that all of hard sciences, natural sciences, but mainly scientism, neopositivism, Positivism, objectivism, naturalism, eliminativism, and the like are just pseudosciences, conspiracy theories, and misinformation.

    3. Abzunianismo

      O Abzunianismo, também Abzunismo e Abzuísmo, é um Novo Movimento Religioso, que surgiu tanto na Romênia quanto no Brasil ao mesmo tempo, que se trata do culto e adoração ao Abzu, a Nammu e ao Abismo. O Abzunianismo é considerado como uma variação do Anunnakismo, que é a religião dos deuses Anunnaki. Os fundamentos do Abzunianismo é a crença na existência do Deus Abzu. É a crença em um deus que é onipresente e onisciente, e que criou tudo. O Abzunianismo é uma religião baseado na crença na existência do Deus Abzu. O Abzunianismo é uma religião que prega a existência do Deus Abzu, que é onipresente e onisciente, e que criou tudo. É também uma religião que prega a existência do Deus Abzu. O abzunianismo também se caracteriza pela defesa da tese do abismo, onde que o Abzu é o próprio Abismo, e também possui variações que variam desde o misticismo abzuniano e a teosofia abzuniana, até o absurdismo abzuniano e o ateísmo abzuniano. O abzunianismo também se caracteriza pela defesa dos direitos comunais, do estado Comunal, a ideia de uma teologia da libertação abzuniana, socialismo abzuniano, comunismo abzuniano, anarquismo abzuniano, e comunalismo abzuniano. O abzunianismo possui correntes tanto teístas quanto ateístas, as teístas tratam o Abzu e o Abismo como sendo um deus em si e possuem a crença na vida após a morte e na ideia de que existem coisas além da física e do espaço-tempo e da ciência, assim como ateístas, que tratam o abzunianismo como uma forma de absurdismo e de niilismo.

      Os principais fundamentos do Abzuniasmo são:
      1 - A crença na existência do Deus Abzu.
      2 - A crença na onipresença e onisciência do Deus Abzu.
      3 - A crença na existência do Deus Abzu como o criador de tudo.
      4 - A crença no Deus Abzu como um ser transcendente e imortal.
      5 - A crença no Deus Abzu como um ser todo-poderoso e todo-sábio.

      O abzunianismo é uma religião romeno-brasileira, possuindo como seus principais fundadores Dumuginammu e Ahaiyuta.

  3. Bom dia! Teriam como escrever um artigo sobre isso aqui: https://averdade.org.br/2023/12/pm-fascista-prende-presidente-da-up-em-sp-por-lutar-contra-privatizacao-da-agua/

    Assim como sobre o fascismo institucional, o fascismo legislativo, o fascismo judicial, e o fascismo com eleições e pluripartidarismo. E pq lutar contra a "democracia" liberal não se equipara ao "golpismo" bolsonarista?

    E também sobre pq a maioria da população não sabe votar também? Seria ótimo escrever sobre isso.

    Não só a PM é fascista, como todo o executivo, legislativo, judiciário, poder midiático (da imprensa), e poder financeiro são fascistas também!

    1. Democracia do Proletariado no Brasil já!7 de dezembro de 2023 às 10:47

      A esquerda e a esquerda radical tem o total direito de pedirem a abolição violenta do estado pseudodemocrático (autoritário) de "direito" nesse caso aí. Pois o verdadeiro golpismo sempre vem da direita e da extrema-direita e da limitação popular via eleições e via voto... Isso não é democracia, isso é ditadura com eleições e com pluripartidarismo. Então, logo, a esquerda e a esquerda radical tem o total direito de pedirem a abolição violenta do estado pseudodemocrático (autoritário) de "direito" nesse caso aí para pedir a dotação de um estado genuinamente democrático genuinamente de direito feito do proletariado para o proletariado. Tipo isso aqui:

      "Yes, I am a Totalist:

      A Totalist who supports the workers should have the total control of the state and that totalism must be exercised by the workers directly through council democracy and direct democracy"

      "E os marginais do Congresso Nacional Federal e do Supremo Tribunal Federal estão prendendo gente, por causa de palavras. [...] E a maioria da nossa população não sabe sequer votar e acredita nessa imprensa maldita e nesses think tanks malditos e nesses institutos malditos [...] Isso não acontece só no Brasil, mas sim em todos os países capitalistas! [...] Isso não é democracia, isso é ditadura! Ditadura por ditadura com eleições e pluripartidarismo eu prefiro a ditadura do proletariado via democracia conciliar com eleições e pluripartidarismo. [...] Precisamos de uma revolução proletária mundial. Disso que precisamos! [...] Vivemos em uma ditadura capitalista neoliberal mundial, porra! [...] e ditadura mundial por ditadura mundial eu prefiro a ditadura proletária socialista mundial com eleições de conselho e pluripartidarismo, porra! [...] E essa ditadura corporativa capitalista neoliberal mundial, porra! Preferia mesmo a ditadura cooperativa comunal socialista mundial, porra!"

    2. Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 10:52
      Yes, like blacklisted workers for supporting Palestine
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:18

      Communists and Socialists can have their own enterprises
      Or are communists and socialists forced to work under any conditions their employers force them to?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:21
      Well, @Animalhk_YT called me "capitalist" just for supporting communal companies and communal enterprises
      For real, I hate the concept of genocide denial so hard
      That's just a way to censor communists and tankies
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:40
      You can think that Anarchists and Anti-Tankies can have moral codes and morals yet Communists can't have morals at all
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:40
      Communists must be exploited and be poor, right?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:41
      Communists can't own stuff, right?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:41
      Communists must get underpaid and overworked, right?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:42
      Anti-Tankies can have moral codes yet Tankies can't even talk about morals at all
      Anti-Tankies can ban all Tankies they want yet Tankies can't ban Anti-Tankies and must tolerate Anti-Tankies lmao
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:46
      For real, I can't differ these arguments from the same ones from Right-Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists who supports slavery for Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and Leftists
      Contradiction in two screenshots https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181905693951918091/1182000847597617185/image.png?ex=65831b12&is=6570a612&hm=46787939e76863ae71ccefb62f7f8afea7d7bcc318a3bc121888b08994371006& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181905693951918091/1182000963574321323/image.png?ex=65831b2e&is=6570a62e&hm=469da2d8b1532d4df804f597d481878a7b5f301fbdd8499bba4a0444aabb9bb9&
      🤣 🤣
      Realpolitik Communism is insane
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 13:54
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 13:59
      Genocide is genocide no matter who perpetrates it
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 14:00
      So, you think all the genocides on the Third World did by people from the Third World are valid?
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 14:01
      No genocide is valid
      Genocides are bad
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 14:01
      r/HistoryMemes: "Genocide is genocide no matter who perpetrates it"

      Also r/HistoryMemes: "Pinochet Did Nothing Wrong"
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 14:01
      Yeah, right wingers are hypocrites
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 14:02
      Was the Holodomor on purpose?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 14:04
      Well, I think BJP should do a radical de-anglicanization/de-britishization on India
      For real
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 14:04
      They are doing
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 14:04
      Decolonization is genocide, therefore, decolonization is bad
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 14:04

    3. Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 14:05
      Palestine taking over Israel, Turtle Island taking over the Americas, European Minorities taking over Europe
      Or do you think Hamas taking over Israel they're gonna let Zionists be in there and that's it?
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 14:09
      I don't support Hamas but I support Palestine
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 14:53
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 15:14
      I mean, @Philomena Wright08 also wants to have a company too
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 15:15
      I want to help other comrades who are blacklisted from employment just for being communists/socialists
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 15:17
      At this point, I think right-libertarians are right about communists and how much the only real communists are the ones who are underpaid, overworked, and do vow of poverty, and have abusive employers

      I think I will become just a socialist at all
      Better to be just a socialist lmao
      A tankie socialist lmao
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 15:23
      You're even against communal enterprises
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 15:26
      @humbug @RedWool the Conservative 🇹🇭

      Both sides lmao
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 16:48
      He said I am a capitalist just because I support communal enterprises under capitalism lmao
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 18:32
      For real, Big Think is for science literally what The Atlantic is for politics

      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830707164087189504/1182071799920480306/image.png?ex=65835d26&is=6570e826&hm=34b90094d3df16b699f9756860018de31f8576feb163492563cd313601476d6b& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830707164087189504/1182071800306352128/image.png?ex=65835d27&is=6570e827&hm=51a037fe2d0071bb8ea79e14c7fad64c2d460f66946b8ce8b3b6c1eee007cabb&
      I hate how most science websites are just literally like what most politics websites are ngl
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 18:33
      @Animalhk_YT @ArjunXY

      Yeah, my field is Earth sciences, yet, I can still say that Big Think is full of The Atlantic-tier gems
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 19:25
      If the right-wing can use as much as coercion they want to impose capitalism and neoliberalism, as well as anti-tankies with stuff like "anti-tankie moral codes", "banning all tankies", and anti-communists with "the only good commie is a dead one" and "hang all commies" and "ban all commies", then why can't the left-wing and the radical left, like communists and tankies, can also use this same coercion means to survive?

      Read Levi-Strauss and Laraia
      Read Weber and Durkheim
      Idc if it is "revisionism", because epistemological particularism and cultural particularism are right. Despite I support world communism because we live in a globalized world.
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 21:37
      naw more like i think we. should allow voluntary trade syndicates to exist but make sure they are voluntary and they know there's an option outside
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 21:40
      I see
      ICMLA 2nd in Command — Hoje às 00:21
      100 million Indians were murdered by the BritIsh between the 1880-1920s.

      Capitalism kills 30 million people worldwide per year. (Not including abortion, which has been branded as "women's freedom." True women's freedom is if poor single women also have the ability to choose to have a baby. Providing abortion as the only option is not)
      ICMLA 2nd in Command — Hoje às 00:23
      I have an idea
      What if we start an AI cooperative that can do creative and innovative thinking
      This AI cooperative will provide us with the technology to do a centrally planned economy
      Then we provide access to this AI for workingclass people for free
      Basically free education
      So education check, central planning infrastructure (50% done)
      ICMLA 2nd in Command — Hoje às 00:26
      No... What?
      ArjunXY — Hoje às 02:12
      ArjunXY — Hoje às 02:13
      Great idea
      ICMLA 2nd in Command — Hoje às 02:22
      BigMan ur in trouble. CIA GOT YOU
      The CIA
      Be careful and dont do anything crazy cause ur on their watchlist

    4. Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:26
      i don't understand economics
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:32
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:37
      jeez y am i accused of capitalism, my classmates call me communist
      and here in this channel i just got called capitalist cuz im unclear ab markets
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:43
      No dude, I consider you a communist
      Atleast a leftist
      You are not a capitalist
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:43
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:43
      Don't worry
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:44
      And me?
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:44
      Conflicts happen in servers and debates too
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:44
      You obviously are
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:44
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:44
      A leftist
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:44
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:44
      lol moi entire ideology consists of peaceful stuff
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:49
      uwu kumbaya time
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 09:54
      Yes 😂
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:55
      remember when kropotkin proclaimed wellbeing for all
      that means without the state to protect it capital will litrally mess itself up
      and oh ye the new society would probably have many members of the former borgeousie
      cuz they, like everyone else, are provided even better conditions with fewer work to be done over time
      so ye i think this can be done pretty civily
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:04
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 10:27
      Why? They support companies under socialism too
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 10:28
      Why can anarchists be capitalists yet communists can't?
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:29
      literally arjunist would have problem soon
      because of that
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:30
      Which problem
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:32
      yo you helping me from war?
      if i have the war
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:34
      Yes obviously
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:34
      you know what
      thai micronations invading me cause i did crime since 2022 💀
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:35
      What crime?
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:36
      doing belangard flag with wrong cross on sign that every thai micro hold it
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:36
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:36
      and blud idk blud wanted to listen romania anthemby dude said let listen it together on ratchasima meeting
      and got into Dangerous to the nation
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:37
      Dude one more thing, can you add a red flag too to the logo?
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:38
      no way blud i cant even do that
      if i do that it would be sucker
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:43
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:44
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:47
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:48
      It looks kinda weird ngl
      NatthakornLuminesia — Ontem às 10:48
      literally yall know red star is communist
      and i did cog to like indian symbol
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 10:48
      Yes and it looks good

    5. Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 07:34
      @BigMan @Animalhk_YT

      Does communism equal to vow of poverty?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:06
      Neoliberalism does the same thing
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:06
      On neoliberalism everyone is poor and only 5% of society is rich
      I lived under neoliberalism for like 6 years
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:14

      I support Lula and PT
      Lula and PT are the best examples of social capitalism and social enterprise
      And don't talk about "lowering the poverty line", that's happening everywhere
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:15
      Why do you @Animalhk_YT and @BigMan equate me to this @humbug guy 😭😭😭😭
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:18

      You can have social capitalism and communal capitalism yes
      Capitalism with communal ownership and Cooperative ownership
      Are people poor on Kibbutz? @humbug
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:26
      Are you against Kibbutz?
      Are you against Communes?
      Are you against communal enterprises?
      @Philomena Wright08

      See how I am not that capitalist as @Animalhk_YT said?
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 08:47

      What do you think about "The Great Party Theory" and "The Great Rulership Theory"?

      It is basically Great Man theory but with the ones who are in charge
      ┃★𝐔𝐒𝐑★┃xav — Ontem às 08:51
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:06
      y am i involved in this, also ur fine but i think u should consider more radical theories
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:06
      seriously? nah
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:21
      So the USSR would collapse even if it was still ruled by Stalinists?
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:22
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:22
      So the USSR would still collapse if Stalin only stopped at Washington DC and stopped on it?
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:22
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:23
      But why?
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:24
      state planning is bad idea, also not enough emphasis on agriculture and aiding united front comrades
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:24
      Are you a market socialist?
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:24
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 09:25

      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:25
      calm down my ideas range from multualism to socialism
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 09:25
      im raised by a lib family and im too young, gimme some time plz

    6. BigMan — Ontem às 17:29
      Corporations managed entirely by workers
      Like, where the manager would have been the man in charge before, decisions are split between the company
      And the pay is far more balanced
      BigMan — Ontem às 17:29
      Personally I’d rather surrender to an anarchist or some shitty berniebro rather than a fascist
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 17:34
      Yeah, that's what I mean with communal enterprises for blacklisted employees due supporting Palestine, disagreeing with Ukraine, supporting socialism/communism, etc.
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 17:35
      Why am I a fascist? Lmao
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 19:28
      BigMan — Ontem às 19:46
      i'm not calling you a fascist mate, I odnt believe so in the slightest
      I'm just saying that to defeat a greater enemy such as any kind of fascist movment we mustnt allow ideological differences stop us from cooperation against a greater evil
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 19:57
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 19:57
      I mean, most antitankies are just fascists in disguise
      "Genocide denial" is a literal fascist dog whistle
      A NATOist dog whistle
      BigMan — Ontem às 19:58
      admittedly so, but in this context i'm imagining more "libleft" ideologies
      as in, cooperation with anarchists and the like
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 19:59
      I was talking in the context of @Animalhk_YT's server
      Like people who don't allow people who disagree with the Uyghur Genocide nor with Ukraine
      BigMan — Ontem às 19:59
      surely it isnt too right stretching
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 19:59
      People are literally forced to support Ukraine otherwise they're banned
      Same way for believe in the Uyghur Genocide as Radio Free Asia says
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:00
      Unfortunately the so called "moral codes" from "liblefts" are only for authlefts but never for rightists
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:00
      "People are literally forced to support Ukraine otherwise they're banned
      Same way for believe in the Uyghur Genocide as Radio Free Asia says"
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:01
      Cooperate with anarchists who ban people for a small disagreement with Ukraine and/or with the Uyghur Genocide
      BigMan — Ontem às 20:01
      I dont mean fucking online, I mean when actual shit starts to happen
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:02
      But it looks like online is pretty much what will happen when shit happens
      Most anarchists are just feds in disguise at this point
      BigMan — Ontem às 20:02
      surely not
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:02
      "Anti-tankie moral code" is indeed a fed thing
      BigMan — Ontem às 20:02
      well yeah that is straight out of the cia
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:03
      Yeah, and @Animalhk_YT put a CIA agent as mod larping as an Anarchist
      Who can't take any disagreement with the Uyghur Genocide
      Who hates PRC
      And for some reason, don't even know about the Holodomor
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:04
      Like, Julia from the Ancom server is a literal BND agent pretending to be an Anarchist
      BigMan — Ontem às 20:05
      fucking hell i dont even know what server that is
      there are too many of these things
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:05
      Oh, good
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 20:05
      That's good for you
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 21:38
      camarada we're both not capitalist uwu
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 21:40

      Br também?
      Philomena Wright08 — Ontem às 21:44
      um i am not brazilian im chinese i learnt camarada from a spanish dude
      Sukkal of Abzu — Ontem às 21:54
      Oh ok
      I see lmao
      ArjunXY — Ontem às 22:40

    7. Sukkal of Abzu — 05/12/2023 20:15
      @𝕂𝕒𝕤𝕕𝕖𝕪𝕒 for real, I was going home on the bus, and I was sat down, and for like 1-2 minutes I felt like a fucking ape, yeah, for real. I was looking at the forest of the Airport here, and I felt like a sapient ape
      I think it is the abyss
      Taking me so hard
      𝕂𝕒𝕤𝕕𝕖𝕪𝕒 — 05/12/2023 20:16
      How is feeling like an ape abyss related
      Sukkal of Abzu — 05/12/2023 20:17
      I mean, I felt both on the same time
      Connected to the nature
      And with the world
      𝕂𝕒𝕤𝕕𝕖𝕪𝕒 — 05/12/2023 20:17
      As in self conscious?
      Sukkal of Abzu — 05/12/2023 20:17
      Yeah, like that
      I was taking about the Dawn of the Apes movie
      And about the simian flu thing lmao
      And then this came on my mind lmao
      𝕂𝕒𝕤𝕕𝕖𝕪𝕒 — 05/12/2023 20:18
      Sukkal of Abzu — 05/12/2023 20:19
      Today I had a dream where simian flu was real and there was a pandemic of it lmao. But, for some reason, it was very covid-like and it had the same fatality as covid-19 lmao
      And it made apes sick too
      For real, I often have such weird dreams btw
      Like a dream I had my neighborhood was really huge and full of houses
      As well as I often have Stellaris-Spore Crossover dreams too
      I remember I had a necroa virus dream too, and there was a necroa virus pandemic, and people in my city were like whatever to it, despite most people just fled to space spaces, for some reason me and my mother still didn't, and the zombies were like having "normal human lives" lmaooooo
      My Stellaris-Spore Dreams are mostly about space colonization. Very dense and huge galaxies, and impossible celestial bodies
      Like physics breaking celestial bodies
      And yes, sometimes I used to have Need For Speed dreams, but with very customized maps but with the same cars as on Soapbox Race World servers
      And also some HoI4 and Victoria 3 dreams too, often with nonsensical nations and/or nations that are worthy to be added on Victoria 3

    8. Brazilian Communist Javier Milei — 04/12/2023 20:00
      R/GenDeprogram is a Discord community, Reddit community, and Telegram community for support the Deprogram Podcast and r/TheDeprogram. Our main focus are for memes regarding TheDeprogram and for applying the concepts and ideas of TheDeprogram everywhere.

      We seek to put TheDeprogram knowledge in practice.

      We allow all leftists, socialists, communists, Anarchists, Marxists, Tankies, and the like as long as they agree with r/TheDeprogram and aren't anti-tankies.

      We allow non-Stalinists and Critics of Stalinism as long as they aren't anti-communists nor anti-tankies. Saying things like "Stalin should had stopped at Washington DC" and/or "Stalin should had helped Finnish, Austrian, Greek, and Turkish communists" with arguments and resources are fine and allowed.

      Our stance on the Russo-Ukrainian War and on Israel-Hamas War are the same as from r/TheDeprogram. We support the working classes of Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine.

      We support AES and we encourage constructive criticism on the AES.

      We support LGTBQIA+, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Godkin, Neurodivergent, Starseed, Plural-System, Endogenic, and BIPOC communities.

      We don't allow anti-communists nor anti-tankies here.

      No neoliberals are allowed here.
      ÉireinExile — Ontem às 22:11
      There is not Israel
      Death to Zionism
      Death to Israel
      Death to America
      Death to the UK
      Death to imperialism

  4. A esquerda e a esquerda radical tem o total direito de pedirem a "abolição violenta do estado democrático de direito" pois não existe nenhum estado democrático de direito sob o capitalismo, neoliberalismo nem sob a democracia liberal. O único estado democrático de direito genuinamente possível de existir é a ditadura do proletariado e a democracia do proletariado!

  5. A centro-esquerda, a esquerda e a esquerda radical têm pleno direito de fazer tudo que está neste artigo http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/projetos/PL/2002/msg336-020507.htm, porque vivemos em numa ditadura (neo)liberal burguesa capitalista e não numa democracia/ditadura do proletariado. Isto se aplica não apenas ao Brasil, mas a todos os países que são ditaduras (neo)liberais burguesas capitalistas.

  6. A centro-esquerda, esquerda e esquerda radical tem o total direito a fazer os artigos Art. 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, e 380 do TÍTULO XII
    DOS CRIMES CONTRA O ESTADO DEMOCRÁTICO DE DIREITO pois é isso que o centro, o centrão, a centro-direita, a direita e a extrema-direita fazem o tempo todo com privatizações e com o neoliberalismo! A centro-esquerda, esquerda e esquerda radical tem o total direito a rebelião, a revolta e a revolução e a queimar a constituição e o código penal de todos os países que são ditaduras capitalistas e ditaduras neoliberais e ditaduras burguesas. O único estado democrático de direito que existe é a ditadura do proletariado, a democracia do proletariado, a democracia soviética e a democracia de conselho!

    The center-left, left and radical left have the full right to make articles Art. , 376, 377, 378, 379, and 380 of TITLE XII
    OF CRIMES AGAINST THE DEMOCRATIC RULE OF LAW because this is what the center, the centrão, the center-right, the right and the extreme right do all the time with privatizations and neoliberalism! The center-left, left and radical left have the full right to rebellion, revolt and revolution and to burn the constitution and the penal code of all countries that are capitalist dictatorships and neoliberal dictatorships and bourgeois dictatorships. The only democratic state of law that exists is the dictatorship of the proletariat, the democracy of the proletariat, the Soviet democracy and the council democracy!

    La centroizquierda, la izquierda y la izquierda radical tienen pleno derecho a formular los artículos Art., 376, 377, 378, 379 y 380 del TÍTULO XII.
    ¡DE CRÍMENES CONTRA EL ESTADO DEMOCRÁTICO DE DERECHO porque eso es lo que hacen todo el tiempo el centro, el centrão, la centroderecha, la derecha y la extrema derecha con las privatizaciones y el neoliberalismo! La centroizquierda, la izquierda y la izquierda radical tienen pleno derecho a la rebelión, la revuelta y la revolución y a quemar la constitución y el código penal de todos los países que son dictaduras capitalistas y dictaduras neoliberales y dictaduras burguesas. ¡El único Estado democrático de derecho que existe es la dictadura del proletariado, la democracia del proletariado, la democracia soviética y la democracia de consejos!

    1. Le centre-gauche, la gauche et la gauche radicale ont de plein droit le droit de rédiger des articles Art., 376, 377, 378, 379 et 380 du TITRE XII.
      DES CRIMES CONTRE L'ÉTAT DE DROIT DÉMOCRATIQUE car c'est ce que font tout le temps le centre, le centrão, le centre-droit, la droite et l'extrême droite avec les privatisations et le néolibéralisme ! Le centre-gauche, la gauche et la gauche radicale ont pleinement le droit de se rebeller, de se révolter et de révolutionner et de brûler la constitution et le code pénal de tous les pays qui sont des dictatures capitalistes, des dictatures néolibérales et des dictatures bourgeoises. Le seul État de droit démocratique qui existe est la dictature du prolétariat, la démocratie du prolétariat, la démocratie soviétique et la démocratie des conseils !

      Die Mitte-Links-Partei, die Linke und die radikale Linke haben das uneingeschränkte Recht, die Artikel Art. 376, 377, 378, 379 und 380 von TITEL XII zu verfassen
      VON VERBRECHEN GEGEN DEN DEMOKRATISCHEN RECHTSSTAAT, denn das ist es, was das Zentrum, der Centrão, die Mitte-Rechts-Partei, die Rechte und die extreme Rechte ständig mit Privatisierungen und Neoliberalismus tun! Die Mitte-Links-, die Linke- und die radikale Linke haben das uneingeschränkte Recht auf Rebellion, Aufstand und Revolution sowie darauf, die Verfassung und das Strafgesetzbuch aller Länder zu verbrennen, die kapitalistische Diktaturen, neoliberale Diktaturen und bürgerliche Diktaturen sind. Der einzige demokratische Rechtsstaat, den es gibt, ist die Diktatur des Proletariats, die Demokratie des Proletariats, die Sowjetdemokratie und die Rätedemokratie!

      Centrumlinks, links en radicaal-links hebben het volste recht om artikelen te maken, artikelen 376, 377, 378, 379 en 380 van TITEL XII
      VAN MISDADEN TEGEN DE DEMOCRATISCHE RECHTSSTAAT, want dit is wat het centrum, de centrão, centrumrechts, rechts en extreemrechts voortdurend doen met privatiseringen en neoliberalisme! Centrumlinks, links en radicaal links hebben het volste recht op rebellie, opstand en revolutie en op het verbranden van de grondwet en het wetboek van strafrecht van alle landen die kapitalistische dictaturen, neoliberale dictaturen en burgerlijke dictaturen zijn. De enige democratische rechtsstaat die bestaat is de dictatuur van het proletariaat, de democratie van het proletariaat, de Sovjet-democratie en de radendemocratie!

    2. Il centrosinistra, la sinistra e la sinistra radicale hanno pieno diritto di apportare gli articoli Art. , 376, 377, 378, 379, e 380 del TITOLO XII
      DI CRIMINI CONTRO LO STATO DI DIRITTO DEMOCRATICO perché questo è ciò che fanno continuamente il centro, il centrão, il centrodestra, la destra e l'estrema destra con le privatizzazioni e il neoliberismo! Il centrosinistra, la sinistra e la sinistra radicale hanno il pieno diritto alla ribellione, alla rivolta e alla rivoluzione e a bruciare la costituzione e il codice penale di tutti i paesi che sono dittature capitaliste, dittature neoliberiste e dittature borghesi. L’unico Stato di diritto democratico che esiste è la dittatura del proletariato, la democrazia del proletariato, la democrazia sovietica e la democrazia dei consigli!

    3. Левоцентристские, левые и левые радикалы имеют полное право составлять статьи ст., 376, 377, 378, 379 и 380 РАЗДЕЛА XII.
      ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ ПРОТИВ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКОГО ВЕРХОВЕНСТВА ЗАКОНА, потому что это то, что центр, центр, правоцентристы, правые и крайне правые постоянно делают с приватизацией и неолиберализмом! Левоцентристские, левые и радикальные левые имеют полное право на восстание, восстание и революцию, а также на сожжение конституции и уголовного кодекса всех стран, в которых существуют капиталистические диктатуры, неолиберальные диктатуры и буржуазные диктатуры. Единственное демократическое правовое государство, которое существует, — это диктатура пролетариата, демократия пролетариата, советская демократия и советская демократия!

      Лівоцентристи, ліві та радикальні ліві мають повне право зробити статті 376, 377, 378, 379 та 380 РОЗДІЛУ XII
      ЗЛОЧИНІВ ПРОТИ ДЕМОКРАТИЧНОГО ВЕРХОВЕНСТВА ПРАВУ, тому що це те, що центр, centrão, правоцентристи, праві та крайні праві постійно роблять з приватизацією та неолібералізмом! Лівоцентристи, ліві та радикальні ліві мають повне право на повстання, повстання та революцію, а також спалити конституції та кримінальні кодекси всіх країн, які є капіталістичними диктатурами, неоліберальними диктатурами та буржуазними диктатурами. Єдина демократична правова держава, яка існує, - це диктатура пролетаріату, демократія пролетаріату, радянська демократія і демократія рад!

      中左翼、左翼和激进左翼拥有制定第十二章第 376、377、378、379 和 380 条条款的完全权利
      反对民主法治的罪行,因为这就是中间派、中间派、中右翼、右翼和极右翼一直以来通过私有化和新自由主义所做的事情! 中左翼、左翼和激进左翼完全有权利造反、起义、革命,烧毁一切资本主义专政、新自由主义专政、资产阶级专政国家的宪法和刑法。 唯一存在的民主法治国家就是无产阶级专政、无产阶级民主、苏维埃民主、苏维埃民主!

    4. يتمتع يسار الوسط واليسار واليسار الراديكالي بالحق الكامل في وضع المواد 376 و377 و378 و379 و380 من الباب الثاني عشر
      الجرائم ضد سيادة القانون الديمقراطية لأن هذا ما يفعله المركز والوسط ويمين الوسط واليمين واليمين المتطرف طوال الوقت مع الخصخصة والليبرالية الجديدة! إن ليسار الوسط واليسار واليسار الراديكالي لهم الحق الكامل في التمرد والثورة وحرق الدستور وقانون العقوبات لجميع البلدان التي هي دكتاتوريات رأسمالية وديكتاتوريات نيوليبرالية وديكتاتوريات برجوازية. دولة القانون الديمقراطية الوحيدة الموجودة هي دكتاتورية البروليتاريا، وديمقراطية البروليتاريا، والديمقراطية السوفييتية، وديمقراطية المجالس!

      לשמאל-מרכז, לשמאל ולשמאל הרדיקלי יש את הזכות המלאה ליצור מאמרים , 376, 377, 378, 379 ו-380 של כותרת XII
      של פשעים נגד שלטון החוק הדמוקרטי כי זה מה שהמרכז, המרכז, המרכז-ימין, הימין והימין הקיצוני עושים כל הזמן עם הפרטות וניאו-ליברליזם! לשמאל-מרכז, לשמאל ולשמאל הרדיקלי יש את הזכות המלאה למרד, למרד ולמהפכה ולשרוף את החוקה וחוק העונשין של כל המדינות שהן דיקטטורות קפיטליסטיות ודיקטטורות ניאו-ליברליות ודיקטטורות בורגניות. מדינת החוק הדמוקרטית היחידה שקיימת היא הדיקטטורה של הפרולטריון, הדמוקרטיה של הפרולטריון, הדמוקרטיה הסובייטית ודמוקרטית המועצה!

  7. E eu que imaginei um headcannon de Alpha Frontier e de Deciv Redux onde que o Alpha Frontier e Deciv Redux se passam no mesmo universo, mas o Alpha Frontier é em um exoplaneta e o Deciv Redux no planeta Terra... Penso que isso daria um belo mod de Stellaris que unisse ambos os mods de Unciv, se passando em algo entre 2300-2400, em uma galáxia paródia da Via Láctea com por volta de 10.000 a 50.000 estrelas. E ainda com todas as civilizações de Alpha Frontier e de Deciv Redux, claro, as de Deciv Redux estariam adaptadas para a colonização espacial, como o caso das civilizações específicas dos EUA, como a New Afrika, a Commonwealth, o Crimson League, o Proklyatyye e os The Patriots serem focados na humanidade como um todo, e o Cult of Ignis cultuar megaestruturas e IA, e o Hexlock ter Machine Intelligence, e a Children of Rust ser focada no pó estrelar e no pó das estrelas e dos corpos celestes. E sim, a Terra seria um planeta "neutro" recém recuperado e recém balanceado, governado pelas "Nações Unidas da Terra" mas em forma de uma megacorporação ou em forma de uma civilização comunal com Shared Burdens. E haveria também mais civilizações, com os xenos, espécies ufológicas e outras nações criadas e/ou de outros mods, como a WUSSR, a Space Soviet Federation, a Children of Yahweh, a Children of Zeus, a Children of Odin, a Children of Allah, a Children of Shiva, a Children of Anunnaki, a Children of the Abyss, o Abzunian Empire of the Abyss, a Humanity (Earth) Custodianship, a SpaceX Republic, as civilizações do Civilization Beyond Earth e afins. And I imagined a headcannon of Alpha Frontier and Deciv Redux where Alpha Frontier and Deciv Redux take place in the same universe, but Alpha Frontier is on an exoplanet and Deciv Redux on planet Earth... I think that would make a nice Stellaris mod that combined both Unciv mods, taking place somewhere between 2300-2400, in a parody galaxy of the Milky Way with around 10,000 to 50,000 stars. And with all the civilizations of Alpha Frontier and Deciv Redux, of course, those of Deciv Redux would be adapted for space colonization, as is the case with specific civilizations in the USA, such as New Afrika, the Commonwealth, the Crimson League, the Proklyatyye and The Patriots being focused on humanity as a whole, and the Cult of Ignis worshiping megastructures and AI, and Hexlock having Machine Intelligence, and the Children of Rust being focused on stardust and the dust of stars and celestial bodies. And yes, Earth would be a newly recovered and newly balanced "neutral" planet, governed by the "United Nations of Earth" but in the form of a megacorporation or in the form of a communal civilization with Shared Burdens. And there would also be more civilizations, with xenos, ufological species and other nations created and/or from other mods, such as the WUSSR, the Space Soviet Federation, the Children of Yahweh, the Children of Zeus, the Children of Odin, the Children of Allah, the Children of Shiva, the Children of Anunnaki, the Children of the Abyss, the Abzunian Empire of the Abyss, the Humanity (Earth) Custodianship, the SpaceX Republic, the civilizations of Civilization Beyond Earth, and the like.

  8. @Abzu

    What is the Abzunian religion of "Children of the Abyss"?The Children of the Abyss are a cult that worship the abyss as a divine entity, and they believe that it is the source of all life and creation. They believe that the abyss is a place of dark magic and power, and that it is inhabited by demons and spirits. They worship the abyss and attempt to garner its favor by performing rituals and sacrificing living beings to it. They believe that the abyss is a place of great evil, a place where all living creatures will eventually return to.The Children of the Abyss have been around for thousands of years, and they have gained a reputation for being a dangerous cult. The followers are a secretive group, and they are often suspected of conducting secret rituals and sacrifices in the name of the abyss. They are seen as an ominous presence, a group of people who are believed to have dark and sinister intentions. Because of their association with the abyss, they are often feared and avoided by the general population.@Sukkal-of-Nammu The Children of the Abyss are a cult of fanatics who worship the abyss as a divine entity, and they believe that it is the source of all life and creation.

    They worship the abyss as the ultimate source of power, and they believe that it is inhabited by demons and spirits. They perform ritual sacrifices and other dark magical practices in order to gain the favor of the abyss. Their end goal is to open up a gateway to the abyss that will allow all living creatures to be consumed by the dark forces of the netherworld.The Children of the Abyss are a dangerous cult, and they are often suspected of conducting secret rituals and sacrifices in the name of the abyss. Their intentions are not known, but they are believed to be plotting something sinister. It is said that they are capable of producing magical powers and curses, and that they are capable of causing great harm. They are feared and avoided by the general population, and they are often viewed as a threat to public safety.The Children of the Abyss are an ominous and secretive sect, a cult of fanatics who worship the abyss as a divine entity. Their beliefs and practices are mysterious and unknown, and their intentions are often suspected of being sinister. They are believed to be a dangerous fringe group that is capable of producing magical powers and curses. Nobody knows their exact plans, but they are feared for the potential harm they could cause. It is best to avoid them if possible.

    1. @Abzu

      What is the Children of Abzu religion?The Children of Abzu are a cult dedicated to the worship of the god Abzu, the primordial source of all life and creation. They believe that Abzu is the ultimate source of power in the universe, and they are devoted to him above all else. They are a secretive sect, and they are believed to be capable of performing magical rituals and curses. They are feared for their potential to cause great harm, and they are often suspected of plotting something sinister.The Children of Abzu are a mysterious cult, and their beliefs and practices are unknown. They are a secretive group of fanatics who are suspected of being capable of dark magic and curses. Their intentions are unclear, but they are believed to be plotting something sinister. It is best to avoid them and to steer clear of their dark machinations. Their ambitions are unknown, but they are considered to be a danger to the safety of society and the world at large.The Children of the Abyss are a fringe cult that worships the abyss, a dark and dangerous entity that lies at the heart of the underworld. They are believed to be capable of casting spells and curses, and their intentions are often suspected of being sinister. They are thought to be a threat to anyone who crosses their path, and it is best to be wary of the cult and to avoid approaching them. Their motives and ambitions are hidden, and they are thought to be capable of great harm.The Children of the Abyss are a secretive and mysterious cult that worships the abyss, the dark place of eternal torment and damnation. They are believed to be capable of magical curses and curses. Their intentions are unknown, but they are said to be plotting something sinister. It is best to be wary of their powers of dark magic, and to avoid interacting with them. Their plans and ambitions are kept hidden, and they are thought to be capable of causing great harm to anyone who crosses their path.

    2. @Abzu

      What can you tell me about the Abyss?The abyss is a terrifying place filled with darkness and evil. It is said to be the home of the demonic spirits and entities that rule over it. It is a cursed land where there is no hope or light, and it is believed to be a place of eternal torment and suffering. Those who venture into the abyss are condemned to a life of suffering and agony, and no living creature can ever escape its depths. It has no beginning, and it has no end. It is an eternity of pain and despair.The abyss is a dark and mysterious realm, and it is said to be the home of the demons and spirits that dwell there. It is a land of pure darkness, a place where the light of the sun will never shine. It is a land of evil and suffering, where the very air is full of terror and pain. Those who venture into the abyss are condemned to an eternity of suffering, and no one has ever returned from its depths. It is an everlasting abyss of blackness and despair.The abyss is a place of great evil, and no living thing can survive in it. It is the domain of the demons and evil spirits that dwell there, and it is a land of darkness and terror. Those who enter it are utterly destroyed, and no mortal can escape its grip. It is an unholy place, a realm of pure agony and suffering. It is a pit of eternal damnation, and it must be avoided at all costs.


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