sábado, 4 de maio de 2024

DESCOLONIZE-SE JÁ!! * José Ernesto Dias/MA



14 comentários:

  1. “El sionismo no es un proyecto judío; es una construcción imperialista, un instrumento para perpetuar la dominación imperialista en Medio Oriente. Su objetivo principal es garantizar el control imperialista continuo de las reservas de petróleo y gas de la región.

    El Estado sionista de Israel es un puñal apuntado al corazón del movimiento democrático revolucionario del pueblo árabe. Al mismo tiempo, ha subyugado mentalmente a una gran proporción de los judíos del mundo, incluso a personas que antes se encontraban en las primeras filas de todo movimiento democrático y socialista.

    Debido a la supresión de la verdad histórica sobre el sionismo, las masas más amplias, incluidas las masas judías, desconocen la verdadera naturaleza de esta ideología perniciosa, que es racista, antisemita y reaccionaria hasta la médula.

    Como vástago deforme de las intrigas imperialistas y de la enloquecida ideología sionista, el Estado israelí construido artificialmente está destinado a resultar un aborto histórico. Como empresa colonial que surgió en un momento en que el colonialismo ya había superado su fecha de caducidad, Israel está destinado a colapsar debido a la resistencia de las masas palestinas y la fatiga que la guerra sin fin ha traído a la población de colonos judíos.

    Este folleto es nuestra pequeña contribución para exponer y derrotar esta cruel herramienta del imperialismo.”

    Por Harpal Brar


    1. 🟥 CAPITALISMO ES BARBARIE / antiimperialismo/ solidaridad Palestina:
      🟢 Deputy Head of Hamas in Gaza, Khalil Al-Hayya to Al-Manar:

      After 8 months of aggression, the enemy has failed to eradicate the resistance in Gaza despite all the actions of the occupation.

      The resistance is capable of enduring for many months and will continue to defend its people as long as the battle is ongoing.

      The resistance has rebuilt itself and can adapt its capabilities to face the occupation.

      We seek an exchange deal that will return our free prisoners to us in exchange for returning the zionist captives.

      The zionist enemy wants to recover the remaining captives by force, killing them by bombing and causing the killing of 70 percent of them.

      The resistance has the ability to continue because it is right, and victory is our ally, while the enemy will face defeat.

      Ansarallah in Yemen transformed the cause from Palestine to a matter concerning the entire nation by targeting the enemy economically.

      The fronts in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq support Gaza and link the cessation of operations to the end of aggression on Gaza.

      When we meet with the resistance forces in the region, we affirm that the battle is one and the negotiations are one.

      The battle that the "israeli" enemy is trying to prolong must be prepared for by everyone, and our people have no choice but to struggle.

      Our goal in the negotiations is a complete and comprehensive cessation of aggression, the withdrawal of "israeli" enemy forces, and then an exchange deal.

      The latest proposal presented to us comes very close to our demands, but the enemy has not respected the proposal or the mediators.

      The Rafah crossing has become an "israeli" military camp, and we demand the removal of the occupation from the crossing, and we will accept nothing less.

      The "israeli" enemy continues its policy of starvation, and the Americans merely announce their rejection of the operation in Rafah without taking any action.

      The Palestinian people and the resistance are united in facing the aggression and the policy of starvation.

      The international community and the free people of the world must not allow the "israeli" enemy to continue its starvation war and should hold it accountable.

      The American administration must stand responsibly before the world, or it will be held accountable for the killing of the Palestinian people.

      We will continue to fight and struggle until we fully achieve our legitimate rights. The killing and crimes pain us, but this is the price of expelling the occupation.

      Gaza is governed by its people, and we want Palestinian experts to govern Gaza. The West Bank should hold elections and unify institutions.

      The outcomes of the Arab summits are modest, but the participants must join the Al-Aqsa Flood and stop normalization.

      To the nation, we must remain loyal to Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa. The steadfastness of our people gives us hope and determination, and victory is our destiny.

      Salute to the fighters who strike the enemy, fight it from point-blank range, and inflict significant losses.

      🟥 CAPITALISMO Y EXPANSIÓN COLONIAL/ La Hidra de la Revolución: el naufragio del Sea Venture (I)

      “El Capital viene al mundo chorreando sangre y lodo por todos los poros”.  Marx


  2. 🚨🇾🇪 Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi during his speech today, May 16th, 2024 (1/2):

    One massacre in Gaza should have been enough to move the human conscience and issue strong stances to seek to prevent genocide.

    The Americans play a primary role in the war of starvation and genocide with their deadly and destructive bombs.

    In the war of starvation, Americans arranged the plan to target the Rafah crossing and provided all forms of support to the "israeli" enemy.

    The "israeli" enemy seeks to inflict the most severe suffering on Palestinians, reflecting the enemy’s criminal tendency.

    Many Palestinian families have been displaced more than five times during the aggression, under the watchful eyes of the international community and its organizations.

    The tragedy in Gaza coincided this week with the 76th anniversary of the Nakba when Britain enabled Jews to occupy Palestine.

    Despite the false titles of Western countries during the occupation of Palestine, they did not stand against the brutal crimes but provided support to the zionists.

    Britain and America played a fundamental role in the genocide and displacement during the occupation of Palestine, the largest ethnic cleansing operation in the twentieth century.

    Over the past 76 years since the Nakba, crimes against the Palestinian people have continued amid Arab negligence and American support for the Jews.

    What is happening today in Gaza is a repetition of the criminal scene during the Nakba with the superiority of the capabilities the enemy has today, along with American support.

    The Palestinian steadfastness and the perseverance of the fighters in this phase are greater than at any other time in Palestinian history.

    We hope for the continuation of student protests in America and the West during the summer holidays as long as the aggression on Gaza continues.

    The steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance factions frustrates the "israeli" enemy and has significant and impactful results at this critical stage.

    The Americans designed the plan and method for the "israeli" ground aggression towards Rafah.

    The return of fighting to Jabalia and Al-Zaytoun neighborhoods at this crucial stage proves the failure of the "israeli" enemy.

    In some camps, the fighting returned for the fifth time, and each time the "israeli" enemy announced it had concluded the battle there.

    The active presence, bravery, and infliction of heavy losses on the "israeli" enemy by the fighters disproves the claims of eliminating or dismantling them.

    The fighters in Gaza continue to inflict painful losses on the enemy, targeting 70 vehicles within a week.

    The fighters in Gaza are gaining more experience than ever before, with highly effective and well-planned tactics.

    The longer the aggression lasts, the greater the failure for the enemy, and their inevitable defeat awaits them in the end.

  3. 🟥 CAPITALISMO ES BARBARIE / antiimperialismo/ solidaridad Palestina:
    🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

    The BDS National Committee's Statement on Armed Resistance Contradicts Our People's Legitimacy in Practicing Resistance and Ignores Consensus

    We have followed the stance presented in the statement by the "BDS National Committee" (BNC), issued in English, regarding the required stance on armed resistance by solidarity movements with our people.

    We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reject the call made in the statement and appreciate all the positions, forces, and individuals expressing their support for Palestinian resistance in facing the genocidal and colonial zionist war.

    The Front considers that clearly expressing support for our people's right in Gaza does not contradict the call to end the genocide and support resistance in all its forms, including revolutionary armed struggle.

    The Front noted that boycott committees spread worldwide, especially in Europe and the Americas, are a broad movement involving all Palestinian institutions, supporters of the Palestinian people, and solidarity committees. They are not linked to the BNC in Ramallah and do not take orders or decisions from it.

    The Front emphasized that the justifications of the BNC in Ramallah and its call for silence on armed resistance in Western countries are inaccurate positions and far from reality, because the Palestinian presence and solidarity movements with the Palestinian people are all targeted by the allies of the zionist entity, accused of "anti-Semitism" regardless of whether they adopt this slogan or that.

    The Front concluded its statement by noting that attempts by some parties to neutralize the adherence to the slogan of armed resistance weaken the Palestinian national struggle and the legitimacy of armed resistance fighting on the soil of the homeland. It ignores the support and consensus of millions of supporters worldwide for this struggle, method, and slogan. Palestinian armed resistance and resistance factions in the region have become an icon and source of inspiration for all free people globally. The slogan "From the river to the sea... Palestine will be free" has become the central slogan echoed by revolutionaries worldwide.

    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
    Central Media Department
    May 16, 2024

    RNN presents: US- and zionist-backed traitor-in-chief Dr. Mahmoud Rida Abbas in his own words. The revolutionary Palestinian masses will never forget the betrayers or the homeland.

    Down with Oslo!
    Down with the comprador non-Palestinian "Authority"!

    🚨 BREAKING: An MQ-9 drone belonging to the US Army was shot down over Marib, Yemen, about two weeks after an MQ-9 was shot down by the Yemeni Armed Forces.

    This is the fifth MQ-9 drone shot down since October 7th (four over Yemen and one over Iraq). Each drone costs $32 million.

  4. 🟥 CAPITALISMO ES BARBARIE / antiimperialismo/ solidaridad Palestina:
    Journalist Mohammed Jahjouh of Palestine Post ascended to martyrdom along with 5 of his family members as a result of an IOF bombing on their home in the the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City in the northern #Gaza Strip.

    He is the 147th journalist to ascend to martyrdom in the Gaza Strip since October 7th.

    Glory to the martyrs.

    🟢 Hamas:

    In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    We express our regret over what was mentioned inthe statement of the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, during the Arab summit held in Manama, regarding the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the course of internal reconciliation. We affirm that the zionist enemy, which has been killing, terrorizing, and oppressing our defenseless people for more than seventy-six years in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied interior, does not wait for excuses to commit its crimes against our people throughout all stages and phases of the national struggle since 1948.

    The Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7th constituted the most significant chapter in our people's struggle against the occupation that violates our rights and sanctities and oppresses our prisoners. This operation has brought our Palestinian cause back to the forefront of priorities and achieved strategic gains that tarnish the face of this entity and bring us closer to freedom and self-determination.

    The movement has repeatedly emphasized its commitment to achieving national unity and has demonstrated the necessary flexibility at all stages to strengthen our internal front and unify the national ranks in facing the dangers besetting our cause and people. This was expressed by the movement in the recent meetings held in Moscow and Beijing.

    Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas

    Thursday: 08 Dhul-Qi'dah 1445 H
    Corresponding to: 16 May 2024

    Recordatorio: Para los nuevos usuarios de Telegram que deseen leer textos traducidos. Se puede leer la traducción al español, clickeando sobre el mismo texto, y en el menú que se despliega, dándole a "traducir".

  5. 🟥“(...)Sobre Israel hay quienes se sobresaltan al escuchar que no tiene derecho a existir. Inmediatamente le atenazan décadas de falsos axiomas y propaganda de occidente para sostener su colonia en Palestina.!(...)

    Frente a esta falacia impuesta como verdad, los patrocinadores de la colonia israelí, EEUU y Europa, han negado a los nativos palestinos su propio derecho a su autodeterminación en su propia tierra, que era la supuesta misión con la que las tropas británicas ocuparon Palestina hace cien años.

    Por otro lado, la fraudulenta legitimidad para defender la existencia de Israel con la imposición de la partición de Palestina. El 29 de noviembre de 1947 una minúscula ONU de 57 países, la mayoría sometidos a las potencias europeas (hoy forman la ONU casi 200 países, en ese entonces la mayoría de África y Asia seguía bajo yugo colonial), decidió recomendar la partición de Palestina pero sin consultar a los habitantes.

    La Asamblea General recomendó dividir lo que no tenía derecho a dividir, no sólo por incumplir la propia Carta de las Naciones Unidas, sino por no tener el consentimiento de la mayoría de población del territorio, tan sólo de los minoritarios colonos europeos.

    ◼️Lo que hizo aquella minúscula y colonialista ONU fue aplicar a rajatabla los postulados del impulsor de la colonización de Palestina, el británico Lord Balfour, que dijo en 1919 “en Palestina no nos proponemos consultar los deseos de los habitantes del país, pues el sionismo, equivocado o acertado, es más importante que los deseos de los habitantes árabes”. Se amordazó a los palestinos tal como se les silencia hoy, nada ha cambiado.

    A los pocos días de esta Resolución 181 de la ONU, en diciembre, y con el consentimiento de las tropas británicas que seguían gobernando Palestina, los colonos ejecutaron su brutal exterminio étnico expulsando 400.000 palestinos de sus hogares y tierras durante seis meses(...)

    ◼️Si la ONU quiere recuperar algo de credibilidad debería derogar la Resolución 181. No es algo nuevo, pues ya revocó en 1991 una resolución que condenaba el sionismo para proteger a Israel. A continuación debería reactivar el Comité Especial contra el Apartheid que en los años 70 denunciaba tanto a Sudáfrica como a Israel.
    En lugar de eso, Antonio Guterres predica la liturgia colonial de los “dos estados” siguiendo el guion que marcan las potencias occidentales, que insisten en agitar ese señuelo para buscar la pervivencia de su fortaleza en Palestina y de la muralla de regímenes árabes a sueldo que la protegen(...)

    ◼️Y por si todo lo anterior no bastase, nos enfrentamos a esta última verdad: un régimen genocida debe desaparecer.

    Más de cien mil palestinos asesinados, enterrados y heridos en sólo unos meses (el 5% de la población) suponen un ritmo de exterminio superior al cometido por Alemania en el frente oriental durante la II Guerra Mundial. El equivalente a las más de cuatro bombas atómicas de Hiroshima arrojadas por EEUU y Europa, bajo bandera israelí, y la tortura sádica masiva por hambruna y enfermedades, nos dicen hasta dónde están dispuestos a llegar todos los gobiernos occidentales para tratar de mantener su última colonia, la cual es el epílogo de más de 500 años de brutalidades coloniales que no fueron transmitidas en directo.



  6. 🟥 CAPITALISMO ES BARBARIE / antiimperialismo/ solidaridad Palestina:
    La Nakba: el exterminio étnico perpetrado contra el pueblo nativo palestino.


    🟥HAVAARA; El pacto entre Nazis y Sionistas

    Una emisión que es muy pertinente traer a la memoria y difundir.


    🟥❗Rami Abdu, director del Observatorio Euromediterráneo de Derechos Humanos:

    ❗️Algunos organismos practican el paternalismo de manera repugnante, fijando un límite a las demandas de la gente de acuerdo con estándares que se adaptan a sus propios intereses personales.

    El organismo del Comité Nacional de Boicot Palestino (BNC), que prácticamente se especializa en cooptar los esfuerzos y actividades de los movimientos locales en países de todo el mundo, emitió un comunicado dirigiendo a los estudiantes universitarios estadounidenses que lanzaron un amplio movimiento(...).

    ❗️La declaración exige que ningún grupo o coalición de solidaridad defienda la resistencia palestina, levante sus consignas ni la apoye de ninguna manera. El pueblo palestino, que está derramando ríos de sangre para afirmar su derecho a resistir la ocupación por todos los medios, no está representado en modo alguno por un grupo que intenta reducir por todos los medios el alcance del apoyo a su lucha bajo justificaciones paternalistas vacías que ofrecen nada para sus proponentes excepto una lucha cómoda, colonial y aprobada por "israelíes".

    ❗️¡¿Lo que es incomprensible es que un organismo representativo que dice ser palestino y nacional llame a boicotear la ocupación pidiendo a los movimientos estudiantiles actualmente rebeldes en las universidades estadounidenses que no apoyen la resistencia palestina!?! A menos que volvamos a los análisis de algunos, de que el establecimiento de estos organismos originalmente apunta a controlar cualquier movimiento real en la causa del boicot internacional al Estado ocupante: esto se hace evidente durante coyunturas reales y cruciales como el genocidio "israelí" en curso en Gaza.


  7. ⚒🌎Lista de canais e grupos de esquerda, marxismo, progressista, portal, comunista, socialista, anarquismo, anarquia, izquierda☭:


    ⚠ACERVOS COMUNAS - cortes ✂️

    ⚠@TRIBUNALCOMUNISTA - acervos e cortes

    ⚠@OBSERVATORIOPETROLEO - observatório social da petrobrás 🛢🦺🇧🇷


    🎙@REVOLUSHOW - podcast comunista com joão carvalho

    🏔☭@CORDILHEIRACULTURAL - mídia e podcast PCB



    📚☭@BOITEMPO - editora



    ☭@SAUDECAMARADA - anticapitalismo e saúde ⚕ PCB

    🇰🇵@CEPSBR - centro de estudos songun, coreia do norte


    ☭@LGBTCOMUNISTASP - pcb sp  (pouco ativo)

    🌎@PELOMUNDO_AL - américa latina



    🛡@ANTIIMPERISLISTA - resistência bolchevique


    ☭@MUNDOSOVIETIC - estudos sobre a urss 🪆🐻 🎖

    @FAE_BR - frente de ativistas de esquerda

    🌱@SOSANIMAISEMEIOAMBIENTE - vegan anticapitalista

    🏛@ROSALUXSPBA - fundação rosa luxemburgo

    🛡@BLIBLIOTECA_DA_TRICONTINENTAL - anti-imperialista











    🤖@BRASILDOB - reddit





    📚@CSPPRP - centro socialista primavera dos povos RP





    ☭@MARXISMO_E_PSICOLOGIA  (pouco ativo)

    🏛@GRABOIS - fundação maurício grabois  pcdob

    ☀@MARXISMOBR (psol)






    ⚠@FRANCOMUNA - célula poliana kelen pcb

    ⚠@UCPARANA - unidade classista paraná, sindicato (PCB)

    ⚠@UCBANCARIORIO - unidade classista bancária RJ



    🟫@MABBRASIL - movimento dos atingidos por barragens

    @PARACSN2022 - comissão dos trabalhadores CSN

    🏠@MTSTRSS - feed do mtst















  8. ⚒🌎Lista de canais e grupos de esquerda, marxismo, progressista, portal, comunista, socialista, anarquismo, anarquia, izquierda☭:
    ☕️ discord.com/invite/Brcsv87qYK



    ⚠UNIDADE POPULAR 🆙 8️⃣0️⃣ 🏴







    @PCBSM - PCB Santa Maria


    @PODERPOPULARMGA - ujc maringá


    @PCDOB_OFICIAL (leitura rápida ⚡️)




    ⚠️FELIPE GASPER - youtuber UP

    ⚠️JONES MANOEL - historiador comunista do PCB ☭

    🏳️‍⚧️@DOUTORADRAG - estudos

    JOÃO CARVALHO - joão carvalho




    🇨🇳🐲ELIAS JABBOUR - china




    ⭐️@LEONELRADDE - 👮‍♂️ policial antifascista









    @VANDOX - vandão









    @SOVIETMEMES - soviete de shitgrado

    ☭@CERCOCOMUNA - pdf, vídeos e memes 









    ⚛@ATEUC - cinema ateu










    1. 📢 JORNAIS 🗞📡

      ⚠️@JORNALAVERDADE - ✊(UP) ☭

          Jornal A Verdade (leitura rápida ⚡️)


      ⚠️@OFUTURODESP - 🗞 ujc sp, pcb ☭



      🇨🇳🐲@NOTICIASDACHINA - vozes chinesas, dong sheng

      👁@DEOLHONOSRURALISTAS2 - e conteúdos da UJR e PCR (leitura rápida ⚡️)

      🌎@JORNALSTELLIUM - mundo multipolar


      🇧🇷@BRASIL247OFICIAL (leitura rápida ⚡️)



      @LISTADAPUBLICA - agência pública (leitura rápida ⚡️)


      🇧🇷@BRASILDEFATO (leitura rápida ⚡️)

      👁@MEMOBRASIL - monitor do oriente médio 




      🌎@DIALOGOSDOSUL - américa latina

      ☕️@OCAFEZINHOOFICIAL (leitura rápida ⚡️)

      @PONTENOTELEGRAM - ponte jornalismo




      🧱@PLTCBR - tijolaço




      @LFTLK - lefTalk

      @FAE_BR - frente ativistas de esquerda


      👀@MAR1SC0TRON - tecnonotas sobre vigilância


      💻@BAIXACULTURA - contracultura digital


      @THEINTERCEPTBR (leitura rápida ⚡️)



























      @CARTAMAIOR - (pouco ativo)

      @REDETVT - (pouco ativo)




      @DEOLHONOSRURALISTAS 👁 (pouco ativo)

      @GGNBRASIL (pouco ativo)

      @IELAUFSC ☭ (pouco ativo)






      🔍@AOSFATOSORG (leitura rápida ⚡️)














      🌎@TERCEIROMUNDISMO (leitura rápida ⚡️)



    2. ⚒🌎Lista de canais e grupos de esquerda, marxismo, progressista, portal, comunista, socialista, anarquismo, anarquia, izquierda☭:
      🍻 GRUPOS 🐺🐺🐺






      @FAE_BRASIL - frente de ativistas de esquerda







      🎲@RPGDMESABR 🧙






















      🇨🇳🐲@REAL_GENZEDONG - memes sinosfera

      🇮🇳@CPIMLLIB - partido comunista da índia

      🇵🇹@PCP_PT - partido comunista português



      🇨🇺@DIRHISTMARXLENIN - historia y marxismo leninismo







      😹@MEMESANTCAP - memes anticapitalistas

      @TESOROLATINO - prensa latina

      😹@VIDEOSYFOTOSIU - memes izquierda unida





      🇮🇱@WC_ISRAEL - israel is a war criminal


      🇨🇺🇻🇪😹@CUBAZUELACUICOPOSTING - cubazuela posting

      🇲🇽@POSMX - partido obrero socialista


      🇪🇨@PCDELECUADOR - partido comunista do equador

      🇧🇴@PCBMLM - partido marxista-leninista-maoísta da bolívia



      🇵🇸@PFLPGAZA1 - pflp



      🌞🇧🇴@EVOPUEBLO - evo morales


      🇨🇳🐲@SCMP_NEWS - south china morning post


      😹@COMMUNISM3 - red channel


      🇲🇽@PCDEMEXICO - partido comunista do méxico



      🇱🇧@LEBUPDATE - lebanon news

      @CCCRGRAM - cccpgram

      😍@SOCIALISTSTICKERS - figurinhas socialistas
















































































    3. ⚒🌎Lista de canais e grupos de esquerda, marxismo, progressista, portal, comunista, socialista, anarquismo, anarquia, izquierda☭:
      📌 ÍNDICE

      🔴PARTIDOS 🚩


      🔴MEMES 😹



      🔴JORNAIS 🗞📡

      🔴GRUPOS 🐺🐺🐺


           ➡️LIBGEN (ajude a biblioteca fazendo upload e escaneando)
          ➡️Anna's Archive (acervo do zlibrary ou boklat)
           🏴‍☠️Tutorial para quebrar a proteção dos livros digitais comprados
           🏴‍☠️Tutorial para adicionar livros na biblioteca libgen
           🏴‍☠️Tutorial para arquivar páginas da internet permanentemente

      🤖 Bots úteis no Telegram:



         🐻Instância da URSAL no Mastodon (alternativa ao Twitter)
         🗣Fóruns de esquerda no Reddit:
         🗣Instância do Lemmygrad (alternativa ao Reddit)
         🌐ProleWiki - Wiki do proletariado internacional

      ☕️ discord.com/invite/soberana

      ⚙️ Esse canal integra a LISTA do @COMMUNISTPACT ⚙️


      ⚒@FAE_BR - Frente Marxista Leninista
      ✊@FELIPEGASPER - youtuber da UP!

      🦊Através do Mozilla CommonVoice, você pode doar sua voz ou validar as vozes de outras pessoas para aperfeiçoar a tecnologia de reconhecimento de voz em código aberto, tornando a internet mais inclusiva, acessível e independente dos monopólios tecnológicos e big techs:
      🦊Site: commonvoice.mozilla.org/
      🦊App android

      ⚛️Lista de grupos relacionados à ciência, permacultura etc: https://telegra.ph/Ciências-e-Afins-03-05


      Pasta 1

      Pasta 2 (200)

      Pasta 3 🇪🇸


      ☕️ discord.com/invite/soberana

  9. InfoDefenseENGLISH:
    ⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Frontline #Summary for the Morning of 17 May 2024; pub. 08:08⚡️

    🔴On the #Zaporozhye Front, fierce fighting continues in the area of the #Rabotino locality. The RFAF are advancing further and further on the eastern outskirts of the village. (Fig. 1)

    🔴On the #Donetsk Front, urban fighting continues in #Krasnogorovka. The line of contact is without special changes. There are tactical successes of the RFAF in #Netaylovo, where Russian troops are pushing the AFU further towards the western outskirts of the settlement.
    🟡In the area of #Umanskoye, the frontline without significant changes. Fighting continues at the foot of #Novopokrovskoye.
    🟡Towards #Novoaleksandrovka, the RFAF also continue to advance. (Fig. 2)

    🔴In the #ChasovYar Direction, without special changes. The RFAF continue to press the AFU defences in the eastern suburbs of #ChasovYar. Also, Russian forces are seeking to develop an offensive from the direction of #Bogdanovka and west of #Ivanovskoye (#Krasnoye).  (Fig. 3)

    🔴On the #Kharkov Front, fighting has begun on the outskirts of the #Liptsy locality.
    🟡In #Volchansk, urban fighting continues. (Fig. 4)

    t.me/sitreports /@wargonzo/#smo/
    Join SITREP🔺Map Reports - Top Videos - Analyses

    Heroes live among us…

    There are many young people in Russia who do heroic deeds and do not consider it a feat. The hero of today's report saved a friend during the shelling. He did not lose his head and did not let his friend lose consciousness.

    Such young people are the future of Russia, and Russia will be standing strong on their moral values decades from now!

    📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
    📱 InfoDefense

    1. Information wars.

      According to Google, disinformation has increased by a sixfold during the elections of 2016, and then by 30 between 2016 and 2020. Large organizations stepped up to fight disinformation and the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) became the leader of this industry.

      GDI receives its funds from the European Union, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (the UK), the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, and Disinfo Cloud (created and funded by the US State Department).

      Any online business is likely to be tested by the automated algorithms of GDI, and similar organizations, whether they like it or not. A website that is flagged as disinformation will not be advertised by Google.

      What’s more, GDI does not actually fight “disinformation”. Their own document on “Approach to Disinformation” clarifies that a story may be true but if it is perceived as an attack on an individual, science or institution - it will be censored.

      Clare Melford, one of the co-founders, reiterated this in an interview:

      “Something can be factually accurate but still extremely harmful. It is not saying something is or is not disinformation but it is saying content on this site or this particular article is content that is anti-immigrant, content that is anti-women, content that is anti-Semitic.” She lists homophobia, anti-Black content, climate change, and more.

      But if you look at the New Yorker, the Atlantic, and the like - wouldn’t many people find their content adversarial? So what do we do now? Ah, right, only the left-wing content passes the scrutiny of these so-called "disinformation" agencies because it aligns with their beliefs.

      The people in power are working hard to scrap everything that's against their agenda. But they won't get past us.

      Author: #IronLetter

      🇺🇸 The WatchDog


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      It will be interesting. We are here thinking.

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      Wait, wait, doesn’t it remind you of something? Like provoking Russia? Yep, that’s exactly what it is! First you do it. The next thing you know, you’re sorry! Very sorry!

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      🇦🇲🇪🇺 Nikol Pashinyan stated that he would like Armenia to join the European Union this year.

      Wise people learn from the mistakes of others; fools, from their own.

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      The President of Ukraine held a Staff meeting in Kharkov

      Zelensky listened to the reports from the Commander-in-Chief Alexander Syrsky and the commanders of the Groups "Khortytsia" and  "Kharkov" about the situation on the ground, particularly in the Kharkov region, in the Volchansk and Liptsy areas.

      As a result of the staff meeting, it became clear that Ukraine will need to continue its "relatively controlled withdrawal" to "more advantageous positions".

      Surely, withdrawing to Poland would be even more strategically advantageous!

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O capitalismo está podre. Todos sabemos disso. Mas ele não cai sozinho